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alin; but that was gone now; and not replaced。 The outside air was acquiring the early autumn chill; just enough to feel good after the stuffiness of the metro。 Around him; ten or more men lit up their foul…smelling cigarettes and walked their separate ways。 It was only half a block to the walled pound of apartment blocks; with its guard shack and the uniformed attendant; who looked Foley over and decided he was an American by the quality of his overcoat; without acknowledging his passage by even a nod; and certainly not a smile。 The Russians didn't smile much。 It was something that struck all American visitors to the country; the outwardly dour nature of the Russian people seemed almost inexplicable to foreigners。
   Two stops farther down; Oleg Zaitzev wondered if he should write up a contact report。 KGB officers were encouraged to do so; partly as a sign of loyalty; partly to show their eternal vigilance against citizens of the Main Enemy; as America was known within his professional munity。 It was mostly to show their institutional paranoia; a characteristic openly fostered by KGB。 But by profession Zaitzev was a paper…pusher and he didn't feel the need to generate more meaningless paper。 It would just be looked at; read in a cursory way at most; and tossed into some file box by some other bureaucrat from his upstairs office; never to be read again。 His time was too precious for that sort of nonsense。 Besides; he hadn't even talked to the foreigner; had he? He left the train at the proper stop; rode up the moving stairs into the crisp evening air; lighting his Trud cigarette as he got outside。 It was a vile thing。 He had access to the 〃closed〃 stores and could have bought French; British; or even American smokes; but they were too costly; and his funds were not as unlimited as his choices。 So; he smoked the well…known 〃Labor〃 brand; like untold millions of his countrymen。 The quality of his clothing was a tiny bit better than that worn by most of his rades; but not overly so。 Not so much that he stood out from the others。 It was two blocks to his apartment building。 His flat was #3 on the first…the Americans would have called it the second…floor instead of higher up; and that was fine with him; because it meant that he didn't risk a heart attack if the elevator didn't work; which happened about once a month。 Today it worked。 The elderly woman who occupied the janitor/superintendent's flat on the ground floor had her door closed today; instead of open to denote some mechanical problem she'd have to warn him about。 So nothing in the building was broken today。 Not quite cause for celebration; just one of the small things in life for which to be grateful to God or whoever determined the vagaries of fate。 The cigarette died as he walked through the main door。 Zaitzev flicked the butt into the ashtray and walked to the elevator; which; remarkably; was waiting for him with the door open。
   〃Good evening; rade Zaitzev;〃 the operator said in greeting。
   〃Good evening; rade Glenko。〃 The man was a disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War; with the medals to prove it。 Artilleryman; so he said。 Probably the building informer; the man who reported unusual occurrences to some other KGB stringer; in return for which he got a niggardly stipend to supplement whatever pension the Red Army paid him。 That was the extent of their exchange。 Glenko turned the handle and brought the elevator car smoothly to his floor and opened the door。 From there; it was a mere five meters to his home。
   Opening his apartment door; he was greeted by the smell of boiling cabbage…so cabbage soup for dinner。 Not unusual。 It was a staple of the Russian diet; along with rich black bread。
   〃Papa!〃 Oleg Ivanovich bent down to scoop up his little Svetlana。 She was the light of Zaitzev's life; with her cherubic face and weling smile。
   〃How is my little zaichik today?〃 He scooped her up in his arms and accepted her darling little kiss。
   Svetlana attended a day…care center crowded with other children her age…not quite a preschool; not quite a nursery。 Her clothing prised about the only colorful things to be had in his country; in this case a green pullover shirt and gray pants over little red leather shoes。 If his access to the 〃closed〃 shops had one advantage; it was in what he could get his little girl。 The Soviet Union didn't even have cloth diapers for its infants…mothers usually made them out of old bedsheets…much less the disposable kind favored in the West。 As a result; there was a premium on getting the little ones toilet…trained; which little Svetlana had managed some time ago; much to her mother's relief。 Oleg followed the smell of cabbage to his wife in the kitchen。
   〃Hello; darling;〃 Irina Bogdanova said from the stove。 Cabbage; potatoes; and what he hoped was some ham cooking。 Tea and bread。 No vodka yet。 The Zaitzevs drank; but not to excess。 They usually waited until Svetlana went down to bed。 Irina worked as an accountant at the GUM department store。 The possessor of a degree from Moscow State University; she was liberated in the Western sense; but not emancipated。 Hanging by the kitchen table was the string bag she carried in her purse everywhere she went; eyes always on the lookout for something she might buy to eat or brighten their drab flat。 It meant standing in line; which was the task of women in the Soviet Union; along with cooking dinner for her man; regardless of his professional status in life or hers。 She knew that he worked for State Security; but did not know his job there; just that it paid a fairly fortable salary; and came with a uniform that he rarely wore; and a rank soon to take a jump upward。 So; whatever he did; he did it well enough; she judged; and that was sufficient。 The daughter of an infantryman in the great Patriotic War; she'd gone to state schools and gotten above…average marks; but never quite achieved what she'd wished。 She'd shown some talent at the piano; but not enough to go onward to a state conservatory。 She'd also tried her hand at writing; but there; too; she'd fallen short of the necessary talent to get published。 Not an unattractive woman; she was thin by Russian standards。 Her mouse…brown hair fell to her shoulders and was usually well brushed…out。 She read a good deal; whichever books she could get that were worth her time; and enjoyed listening to classical music。 She and her husband occasionally attended concerts at the Tchaikovsky。 Oleg preferred the ballet; and so they went there as well; helped; Irina assumed; by his job at #2 Dzerzhinskiy Square。 He was not yet so senior as to allow them to hobnob with senior State Security officials at radely parties。 Perhaps when he got his colonelcy; she hoped。 For the moment they lived the middle…class life of state…employed bureaucrats; scratching by on their bined salaries。 The good news was that they had occasional access to the 〃closed〃 KGB stores where at least they could buy nice things for her and Svetlana。 And; who knew; maybe they could afford to have another child in due course。 They were both young enough; and a little boy would brighten their home。
   〃Anything interesting today?〃 she asked。 It was almost their daily joke。
   〃There is never anything interesting at the office;〃 he joked in reply。 No; just the usual messages to and from field officers; which he forwarded to the appropriate pigeonholes for in…house couriers to hand…carry upstairs to the offices of the control officers who really ran things at KGB。 A very senior colonel had e down to see the operation the previous week; which he'd done without a smile; a friendly word; or a question for twenty minutes; before disappearing off to the elevator banks。 Oleg knew the man's seniority only from the identity of his escort: the colonel who ran his own operation。 Whatever words had been exchanged had been too distant for him to overhear…people tended to talk in whispers; if at all; in his department…and he was trained not to show much interest。
   But training could only go so far。 Captain Oleg Ivanovich Zaitzev was too bright to turn his mind all the way off。 Indeed; his job required something approaching judgment for its proper execution; but that was something to be exercised as ginger
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