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day; five thousand miles of air travel; and a little too much booze; he didn't add。 There were a lot of smart people at CIA; but they thought too much like government workers; and not enough like Americans。 〃Don't we have anybody who thinks outside the box?〃
   〃Bob?〃 Moore asked。
   Ritter was warming to the young analyst by the minute。 〃Ryan; you ever read Edgar Allan Poe?〃
   〃In high school;〃 Ryan replied in some small confusion。
   〃How about a story called 'The Masque of the Red Death?〃
   〃Something about a plague ing in to ruin the party; wasn't it?〃
   〃Get some rest。 Before you fly back to London tomorrow; you're going to get briefed in on something。〃
   〃Sleep sounds like a plan; gentlemen。 Where do I crash for the night?〃 he asked; letting them know; if they hadn't already guessed; that he was ready to collapse。
   〃We have a place for you at the Marriott up the road。 You're all checked in。 There's a car waiting at the entrance for you。 Go on; now;〃 Moore told him。
   〃Maybe he's not so dumb after all;〃 Ritter speculated。
   〃Robert; it's nice to see that you're strong enough to change;〃 Greer smilingly observed as he reached for Moore's own office bottle of expensive bourbon whiskey。 It was time to celebrate。
   The following day in Il Tempo; a morning newspaper in Rome; was a story about a man found dead in a car of an apparent heart attack。 It would be a little time before the body was identified and it was finally determined that he was a Bulgarian tourist who'd evidently e to the end of his life quite unexpectedly。 How clear his conscience had been was not apparent from physical examination。
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