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   〃Parade sword; just for ceremonial occasions。 You probably couldn't cut cold butter with it;〃 Sparrow said。 〃Nearly trampled the bastard with his horse; though。〃
   〃The Secret Service would have dropped him on the spot。 Sure; the gun was loaded with blanks;〃 Ryan said; 〃but it damned sure looked and sounded like the real thing。 Her Majesty kept her head screwed on pretty tight。 I would have shit myself。〃
   〃I'm sure Her Majesty availed herself of the proper facilities at Westminster Palace。 She has her own loo there; you know;〃 King told the American。
   〃In the event; he was some disturbed fellow; doubtless cutting out paper dolls in a mental hospital now;〃 Sharp said; but; like every other British subject; his heart had stopped cold watching the incident on TV; and he; too; had been surprised that the lunatic had survived the event。 Had one of the Yeomen of the Tower been there with his ceremonial fighting spear…called a partisan…he surely would have been pinned to the pavement like a butterfly in a collection box。 Perhaps God did look after fools; drunks; and little children after all。 〃So; if Strokov does show up; and does take his shot; you suppose the local Italians will do for him?〃
   〃One can hope;〃 King said。
   Wouldn't that be just great? Jack thought。 The professionals can't protect the Pope; but local waiters and clothing salesmen beat the fucker to death。 That'll look great on NBC Nightly News。
   Back in Manchester; the Rabbit and his family finished yet another superb dinner from Mrs。 Thompson。
   〃What does an ordinary English worker eat?〃 Zaitzev asked。
   〃Not quite this well;〃 Kingshot admitted。 He sure as hell didn't。 〃But we try to take decent care of our guests; Oleg。〃
   〃Have I told you enough about MINISTER?〃 he asked next。 〃Is all I know。〃 The Security Service had picked his brain pretty thoroughly on the subject that afternoon; going over every single fact at least five times。
   〃You've been most helpful; Oleg Ivan'ch。 Thank you。〃 In fact; he'd given the Security Service quite a lot。 Most often; the way you caught such penetration agents was by identifying the information he'd transferred。 Only a limited number of people would have access to all of it; and the 〃Five〃 people would observe all of them until one did something difficult to explain。 Then they would see who arrived at the dead…drop site to retrieve the package; and from that they'd get the bonus of identifying his KGB control officer; and get two breaks for the price of one…or perhaps even more; because the case officer would be working more than one agent; and the discoveries could branch out like the limbs of a tree。 Then you tried to arrest a peripheral agent before going after the main target; because then the KGB could not know how their main penetration agent had been exposed; and that would protect the primary source; Oleg Zaitzev; from discovery。 The counterintelligence business was as baroque as medieval…court intrigue and was both loved and hated by the players for its intricacy; but that just made the apprehension of a real Bad Guy that much more rewarding。
   〃And what of the Pope?〃
   〃As I said the other day; we have a team in Rome right now to look into the matter;〃 Kingshot answered。 〃Not much we can say…in fact; not much we can really do; but we are taking action based on your information; Oleg。〃
   〃That is good;〃 the defector thought out loud; hoping it hadn't all been for nothing。 He'd not really looked forward to exposing Soviet agents throughout the West。 He'd do that; to safeguard his own position in his new home; of course; and for the money he'd get for turning traitor to his Motherland; but his highest concern was in saving that one life。
   Tuesday morning; Ryan slept later than usual; arising just after eight; figuring he'd need to bankroll his rest for the following day。 He'd sure as hell need it then。
   Sharp and the rest of the team were already up。
   〃Anything new?〃 Jack asked; ing into the dining room。
   〃We have the radios;〃 Sharp reported。 There was; indeed; one at every place at the table。 〃They're excellent…the very same sort your Secret Service use…same manufacturer; Motorola。 Brand new; and they are encrypted。 Lapel microphones and earpieces。〃
   Ryan looked at his。 The earpiece was clear plastic; curled up like a phone cord; and nearly invisible。 That was good news。 〃Batteries?〃
   〃Brand new; and two sets of replacements for each。 Good to know that Her Majesty is well looked after。〃
   〃Okay; so nobody can listen in; and we can swap information;〃 Ryan said。 It was one more piece of good news set against a big black pile of the bad sort。 〃What's the plan for the day?〃
   〃Back to the piazza; do some more looking; and hope we see our friend Strokov。〃
   〃And if we do?〃 Ryan asked。
   〃We follow him back to his acmodations and try to see if there's a way to speak with the chap this evening。〃
   〃If we get that far; just talk to him?〃
   〃What do you suppose; Sir John?〃 Sharp replied with a cold look。
   You really willing to go that far; Mr。 Sharp? Jack didn't ask。 Well; the bastard was a multiple murderer; and as civilized as the Brits were; under all the good manners and world…class hospitality; they knew how to do business; and while Jack wasn't entirely sure that he'd be able to go all the way; these guys probably didn't have his inhibitions。 Ryan figured he could live with that; as long as he wasn't the trigger man himself。 Besides; they'd probably give him a chance to change countries first。 Better a talking defector than a silent corpse。
   〃Would that give anything away?〃
   Sharp shook his head。 〃No。 He's the chappie who killed Georgiy Markov; remember? We can always say it is a case of visiting Her Majesty's justice on someone who needed to learn about it。〃
   〃We don't approve of murder at home; Jack;〃 John Sparrow advised。 〃It would indeed be a pleasure to have him answer for that。〃
   〃Okay。〃 Ryan could live with that; too。 He was certain his dad would approve。
   Oh; yeah。
   The rest of the day; they all played tourist and tested their radios。 It turned out that the radios worked both inside and outside the basilica; and; better yet; inside to outside the immense stone structure。 Each man would use his own name as an identifier。 It made more sense than setting up numbers or code names that they'd all have to remember…one more confusing factor that they wouldn't need if the shit hit the fan。 All the while; they looked around for the face of Boris Strokov; hoping for a miracle; and reminding themselves that miracles did occasionally happen。 People really did hit the lottery…they had one in Italy; too…and the football pools every week; and so it was possible; just damned unlikely; and this day; it did not happen。
   Nor did they find a better or more likely place from which to take a shot at a man in a slow…moving vehicle。 It seemed to them all that Ryan's first impression of the tactical realities of the place was correct。 That felt good to Jack until he realized that if he'd blown it; then it was his fault; not theirs。
   〃You know;〃 Ryan said to Mick King…Sharp was back doing Deputy…Chief…of…Mission business for the British ambassador…〃more than half the crowd is going to be in the middle there。〃
   〃Works for us; Jack。 Only a fool would take the shot from in there; unless he plans to have Scotty beam him up to the starship Enterprise。 No escape possible from that place。〃
   〃True;〃 Jack agreed。 〃What about inside somewhere; get the Pope on the way to the car?〃
   〃Possible;〃 Mick agreed。 〃But that would mean that somehow Strokov or someone under his control is already inside the Papal administration…household; whatever one calls it…and is thus free to make his killing whenever he wishes。 Somehow I think that infiltrating that organization would be difficult。 It would mean maintaining a difficult psychological disguise for an extended period of time。 No。〃 He shook his head。 〃I would discount that possibility。〃
   〃Hope you're right; man。〃
   〃So do I; Jack。〃
   They all left at about four; each catching a separate cab to within a few blocks of the Brit Embassy and walking the rest of the way。
   Dinner was quiet that night。 Each of them had his
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