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   〃What's this about Ryan?〃 Ritter asked; storming into Judge Moore's office。
   〃Basil thought that since BEATRIX was a CIA operation from the get…go; why not send one of our officers down there to take a look at things? I don't see that it can hurt anything;〃 Moore told his DDO。
   〃Who the hell does Ryan think he's working for?〃
   〃Bob; why don't you just settle down? What the hell can he do to hurt things?〃
   〃Damn it; Arthur…〃
   〃Settle down; Robert;〃 Moore shot back in the voice of a judge used to having his own way on everything from the weather on down。
   〃Arthur;〃 Ritter said; calming down a whisker; 〃it's not a place for him。〃
   〃I see no reason to object; Bob。 None of us think anything's going to happen anyway; do we?〃
   〃Well。。。 no; I suppose not;〃 the DDO admitted。
   〃So he's just broadening his horizons; and from what he learns; he'll be a better analyst; won't he?〃
   〃Maybe so; but I don't like having some desk…sitter playing field spook。 He isn't trained for this。〃
   〃Bob; he used to be a Marine;〃 Moore reminded him。 And the U。S。 Marine Corps had its own cachet; independent of the CIA。 〃He's not going to wet his pants on us; is he?〃
   〃I suppose not。〃
   〃And all he's going to do is look around at nothing happening; and the exposure to some field officers will not do his education any harm; will it?〃
   〃They're Brits; not our guys;〃 Ritter objected weakly。
   〃The same guys who brought the Rabbit out for us。〃
   〃Okay; Arthur; I'll give you this one。〃
   〃Bob; you throw a hell of a conniption fit; but why not use them for something important?〃
   〃Yes; Judge; but the DO is my shop to run。 You want me to get Rick Nolfi into this?〃
   〃You think it's necessary?〃
   Ritter shook his head。 〃No; I expect not。〃
   〃Then we let the Brits run this mini…op and keep it cool here at Langley until we can interview the Rabbit and quantify the threat to the Pope; all right?〃
   〃Yes; Arthur。〃 And the Deputy Director (Operations) of the Central Intelligence Agency headed back to his office。
   Dinner went well。 The Brits made good pany; especially when the talk turned to non…mission…related things。 All were married。 Three had kids; with one expecting his first shortly。
   〃You have two; as I recall?〃 Mick King asked Jack。
   〃Yeah; and number two arrived on a busy night。〃
   〃Too bloody right!〃 Ray Stones; one of the new arrivals; agreed with a laugh。 〃How did the missus take it?〃
   〃Not too bad after Little Jack arrived; but the rest of the evening was subpar。〃
   〃I believe it;〃 King observed。
   〃So; who told us that the Bulgarians want to kill the Pope?〃 Sparrow asked。
   〃It's KGB that wants his ass;〃 Jack replied。 〃We just got a defector out。 He's in a safe house; and he's singing like the girl in Aida。 This is the most important thing so far。 〃
   〃Reliable information?〃 King inquired。
   〃We think it's gold…plated and copper…bottomed; yeah。 Sir Basil has bought into it。 That's why he flew you guys down;〃 Jack let them know; in case they hadn't already figured that one out。 〃I've met the Rabbit myself; and I think he's the real deal。〃
   〃CIA operation?〃 This was Sharp。
   Jack nodded。 〃Correct。 We had an operational problem; and you guys were kind enough to help us out。 I'm not cleared to say much more; sorry。〃
   They all understood。 They didn't want their asses exposed by loose talk about a black operation。
   〃This must go to Andropov himself…the Pope's giving them trouble in Poland; is it?〃
   〃It would seem so。 Maybe he has mand of more divisions than they appreciate。〃
   〃Even so; this seems a little extreme…how will the world see the assassination of His Holiness?〃 King wondered aloud。
   〃Evidently; they fear that less than a total political collapse in Poland; Mick;〃 Stones thought out loud。 〃And they're afraid that he might be able to bring that about。 The sword and the spirit; as Napoleon said; Mick。 The spirit always wins in the end。〃
   〃Yes; I reckon so; and here we are at the epicenter of the world of the spirit。〃
   〃My first time here;〃 Stones said。 〃It is bloody impressive。 I must bring the family down here sometime。〃
   〃They do know their food and wine;〃 Sparrow observed; going through his veal。 〃What about the local police?〃
   〃Rather good; actually;〃 Sharp told him。 〃Pity we can't enlist their assistance。 They know the territory…it is their patch; after all。〃
   But these guys are the pros from Dover; Ryan thought; with some degree of hope。 Just that there weren't enough of them。 〃Tom; you talk to London about the radios?〃
   〃Ah; yes; Jack。 They're sending us ten。 Earpieces and lapel microphones to speak into。 Sideband; rather like what the army use。 I don't know if they're encrypted; but fairly secure in any case; and we'll use proper radio discipline。 So at least we'll be able to municate clearly。 We'll practice with them tomorrow afternoon。〃
   〃And Wednesday?〃
   〃We'll arrive about nine in the morning; pick our individual surveillance areas; and mill about while the crowd arrives。〃
   〃This isn't what they trained me for in the Corps;〃 Ryan thought aloud。
   〃Sir John;〃 Mick King responded; 〃this isn't what they trained any of us for。 Yes; we are all experienced intelligence officers; but this really is a job for someone in the protective services; like the police constables who guard Her Majesty and the PM or your Secret Service chaps。 Hell of a way to earn a living; this is。〃
   〃Yes; Mick; I expect we'll all appreciate them a little more after this lot;〃 Ray Stones observed; to general agreement around the table。
   〃John。〃 Ryan turned to Sparrow。 〃You've got the most important job; spotting this motherfucker for the rest of us。〃
   〃Lovely;〃 Sparrow replied。 〃All I have to do is examine five…thousand…plus faces for the one that might or might not be there。 Lovely;〃 the spook repeated。
   〃What will you be using?〃
   〃I have three Nikon cameras and a good assortment of lenses。 I think tomorrow I might buy some seven…by…fifty binoculars also。 I just hope I can find a good perch to scan from。 The height of the parapet worries me。 There's a dead space extending out from the base of the columns about thirty yards or so that I can't see at all。 That limits what I can do; lads。〃
   〃Not much choice;〃 Jack thought out loud。 〃You can't see shit from ground level。〃
   〃That is the problem we have;〃 Sparrow agreed。 〃Our best choice would be two men; one…actually; more than one…on each side with good spotting glasses。 But we lack the manpower; and we'd have to get permission from the Pope's own security people; which is; I gather; quite out of the question。〃
   〃Getting them involved would be useful; but…〃
   〃But we can't let the whole world know about the Rabbit。 Yeah; I know。 The Pope's life is secondary to that consideration。 Isn't that just great?〃 Ryan growled。
   〃What is the security of your country worth; Sir John; and ours also?〃 King asked rhetorically。
   〃More than his life;〃 Ryan answered。 〃Yeah; I know; but that doesn't mean I have to like it。〃
   〃Has any Pope ever been murdered?〃 Sharp asked。 Nobody knew the answer。
   〃Somebody tried once。 The Swiss Guards fought a stonewall action to protect his retreat。 Most of them went down hard; but the Pope escaped alive;〃 Ryan said; remembering something from a ic book he'd read at St。 Matthew's in the…what was it? Fourth grade or so?
   〃I wonder how good they are; those Swiss chaps?〃 Stones asked。
   〃They're pretty enough in the striped uniforms。 Probably well motivated。 Question of training; really;〃 Sharp observed。 〃That's the difference between a civilian and a soldier…training。 The chaps in plainclothes are probably well briefed; but if they carry pistols; are they allowed to use them? They work for a church; after all。 Probably not trained to shoot people outright。〃
   〃You had that guy jump out from a crowd and fire off a starter pistol at the Queen…on the way to Parliament; wasn't it?〃 Ryan remembered。 〃There was a cavalry officer on a horse right there。 I was surprised he didn't cut the asshole in half with his sabre…that would have been my instinct…but he didn't。〃
   〃Parade sword; just for ceremonial occasions。 You probably couldn't cut cold butter with it;
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