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   The man who came into view might have been Hudson's twin; except for the hair; which was black。 He was also two or three inches taller; Jack decided on second inspection。 He went forward to get the Rabbits out of the boxes。 That happened in a hurry; and Ryan helped them down; hand ing the little girl…remarkably; still asleep…to her mother; who looked more confused than ever。
   Hudson walked them to a car; a station wagon…〃estate wagon〃 to the Brits…which would at least have ample room for everyone。
   〃Sir John…Jack; that is…well done; and thanks for all your help。〃
   〃I didn't do shit; Andy; but you handled this pretty damned well;〃 Ryan said; taking his hand。 〃e see me in London for a pint sometime。〃
   〃That I shall do;〃 Hudson promised。
   The estate wagon was a British Ford。 Ryan helped the Rabbits into their seats and then took the right…front again。
   〃Mr。 Lucas; where do we go now?〃
   〃To the airport。 Our flight is waiting;〃 the Belgrade COS replied。
   〃Oh? Special flight?〃
   〃No; the mercial aircraft is experiencing 'technical difficulties' at the moment。 I rather expect they will be cleared up about the time we get aboard。〃
   〃Good to know;〃 Ryan observed。 Better this than a real broken airplane; then he realized that one more harrowing adventure lay ahead。 His hatred of flying was suddenly back; now that they were in semi…free country。
   〃Right; let's be off;〃 Lucas said; starting his engine and pulling off。
   Whatever sort of spook Vic Lucas was; he must have thought himself Stirling Moss's smarter brother。 The car rocketed down the road into the Yugoslavian darkness。
   〃So; how has your night been; Jack?〃
   〃Eventful;〃 Ryan answered; making sure his seat belt was properly fastened。
   The countryside here was better lit and the road better engineered and maintained; or so it seemed; flashing by at what felt like seventy…five miles per hour; rather fast for a strange road in the dark。 Robby Jackson drove like this; but Robby was a fighter pilot; and therefore invincible while at the controls of any transportation platform。 This Vic Lucas must have felt the same way; calmly looking forward and turning the wheel in short; sharp increments。 In the back; Oleg was still tense; and Irina still trying to e to terms with some new and inprehensible reality; while their little daughter continued to sleep like a diminutive angel。 Ryan was chain…smoking。 It seemed to help somewhat; though if Cathy smelled it on his breath there would be hell to pay。 Well; she'd just have to understand; Jack thought; watching telephone poles flash by the car like fence pickets。 He was doing Uncle Sam's business。
   Then Ryan saw a police car sitting by the side of the road; its officers sipping coffee or sleeping through their watch。
   〃Not to worry;〃 Lucas said。 〃Diplomatic tags。 I am the senior political counselor at Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy。 And you good people are my guests。〃
   〃You say so; man。 How much longer?〃
   〃Half an hour; roughly。 Traffic's been very kind to us so far。 Not much truck traffic。 This road can be crowded; even late at night with cross…border trade。 That Kovacs chap's been working with us for years。 I could make quite a good living in partnership with him。 He often brings those Hungarian tape machines this way。 They're decent machines; and they're giving the bloody things away; what with the labor costs in Hungary。 Surprising they don't try to sell them in the West; though I expect they'd have to pay the Japanese for the patent infringements。 Not too scrupulous about such things on the other side of the line; you see。〃 Lucas took another high…speed turn。
   〃Jesus; guy; how fast do you go in daylight?〃
   〃Not much faster than this。 Good night vision; you see; but the suspension on this car slows me down。 American design; you see。 Too soft for proper handling。〃
   〃So buy a Corvette。 Friend of mine has one。〃
   〃Lovely things; but made out of plastic。〃 Lucas shook his head and reached for a cigar。 Probably a Cuban one; Ryan was sure。 They loved the things in England。
   Half an hour later; Lucas congratulated himself。 〃There it is。 Just on time。〃
   Airports are airports all over the world。 The same architect probably designed them all; Ryan thought。 The only differences were the signs for the rest rooms。 In England they called them toilets; which had always struck him as a little crude in an otherwise gentle country。 Then he got a surprise。 Instead of driving to the terminal; Lucas took the path through the open gate right onto the flight line。
   〃I have an arrangement with the airport manager;〃 he explained。 〃He likes single malts。〃 Still and all; Lucas stayed on the yellow…lined car path; right to a lonely aircraft jetway with an airliner parked next to it。 〃Here we are;〃 the Brit spook announced。
   They all stepped out of the car; this time with Mrs。 Rabbit holding the Bunny。 Lucas led them up the exterior stairs into the jetway's control booth; and from there right into the aircraft's open door。
   The captain; hatless but wearing four stripes on his shoulders; was standing right there。 〃You're Mr。 Lucas?〃
   〃That is correct; Captain Rogers。 And here are your extra passengers。〃 He pointed to Ryan and the Rabbit family。
   〃Excellent。〃 Captain Rogers turned to his lead stew。 〃We can board the aircraft now。〃
   The second…ranking flight attendant took them to the four front…row first…class seats; where Ryan was singularly surprised to be happy belting himself in to 1…B; the aisle seat just behind the front bulkhead。 He watched thirty or so working…class passengers e aboard after sunning themselves on the Dalmatian Coast…a favorite for Brits of late…none of them looking very happy for the three…hour delay on what was already supposed to be the day's last flight to Manchester。 Things happened quickly after that。 He heard both engines start up; and then the BAC…111…the British counterpart to the Douglas DC…9…backed away from the jetway and taxied out on the ramp。
   〃What now?〃 Oleg asked; in what was almost a normal voice。
   〃We fly to England;〃 Ryan replied。 〃Two hours or so; I guess; and we'll be there。〃
   〃So easy?〃
   〃You think this was easy?〃 Ryan asked; with no small amount of incredulity in his voice。 Then the inter turned on。
   〃Ladies and gentlemen; this is Captain Rogers speaking。 I am glad to say that we finally got the electronic problem repaired。 Thank you ever so much for your patience; and after we lift off; the drinks will be free to all passengers。〃 That evoked a cheer from the back of the aircraft。 〃For the moment; please pay attention to the flight attendants for your safety message。〃
   Put your seat belts on; dummies; and they work like this; for those of you stupid enough not to notice that you have the fucking things in your personal automobiles; too。 And then in three more minutes the British Midlands airliner clawed its way into the sky。
   As promised; before they'd gotten to ten thousand feet; the no…smoking light dinged off and the drink cart arrived。 The Russian asked for vodka and got three miniatures of Finlandia。 Ryan got himself a glass of wine and the promise of more。 He wouldn't sleep on this flight; but he wouldn't worry as much as usual; either。 He was leaving the munist world behind at five hundred miles per hour; and that was probably the best way to do it。
   Oleg Ivan'ch; he saw; drank vodka as though it were water after a hot day of cutting the grass。 His wife; over in 1…C; was doing the same。 Ryan felt positively virtuous sipping gently at his French wine。
   〃Signal in from Basil;〃 Bostock reported over the phone。 〃The Rabbit is in the air。 ETA Manchester in ninety minutes。〃
   〃Great;〃 Judge Moore breathed; relieved as always when a black operation worked out as planned。 Better still; they'd run it without Bob Ritter; who; though a good man; was not entirely indispensable。
   〃Three more days and we can debrief him;〃 Bostock said next。 〃The nice house out by Winchester?〃
   〃Yeah; we'll see if he likes horse country。〃 The house even had a Steinway piano for Mrs。 Rabbit to play and lots of green for the kid to run around on。
   Alan Kingshot was just pulling into the parking area at the Manchester airport; alon
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