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om the basement bar Hudson had shown him; about right for closing time; just in twos and threes; nobody leaving alone。 Must be a saloon for the local singles crowd; Jack thought; setting up one…night stands for the terminally lonely。 So; they had them in munist countries too; eh?
   As they approached; Hudson flicked a finger across his nose。 That was the sign for Trent to go inside and distract the desk clerk。 How he did that; Ryan would never know; but minutes later when they walked in the door; the lobby was totally empty。
   〃e on。〃 Hudson hurried over to the stairs; which wrapped around the elevator shaft。 Getting to the third floor took less than a minute。 And there was Room 307。 Hudson turned the knob。 The Rabbit had not locked it。 Hudson opened it slowly。
   Zaitzev saw the door open。 Irina was mostly asleep now。 He looked at her to be sure; then stood。
   〃Hello;〃 Hudson said in quiet greeting。 He extended his hand。
   〃Hello;〃 Zaitzev said; in English。 〃You are travel agent?〃
   〃Yes; we both are。 This is Mr。 Ryan。〃
   〃Ryan?〃 Zaitzev asked。 〃There is KGB operation by that name。〃
   〃Really?〃 Jack asked; surprised。 He hadn't heard about that one yet。
   〃We can discuss that later; rade Zaitzev。 We must leave now。〃
   〃Da。〃 He turned to shake his wife awake。 She started violently when she saw the two unexpected men in her room。
   〃Irina Bogdanova;〃 Oleg said with a touch of sternness in his voice。 〃We are taking an unexpected trip。 We are leaving right now。 Get Svetlana ready。〃
   Her eyes came fully open in surprise。 〃Oleg; what is this? What are we doing?〃
   〃We are leaving right now for a new destination。 You must get moving now。〃
   Ryan didn't understand the words; but the content was pretty clear。 Then the woman surprised him by ing to her feet and moving like an automaton。 The daughter was on a small children's bed。 Mother Rabbit lifted the sleeping child to semi…wakefulness and got her clothes organized。
   〃What are we doing exactly?〃 the Rabbit asked。
   〃We are taking you to England…tonight;〃 Hudson emphasized。
   〃Not America?〃
   〃England first;〃 Ryan told him。 〃Then I will take you to America。〃
   〃Ah。〃 He was in a very tense state; Ryan saw; but that was to be expected。 This guy had laid his life on the craps table; and the dice were still in the air。 It was Ryan's job to make sure they didn't e up snake eyes。 〃What do I bring?〃
   〃Nothing;〃 Hudson said。 〃Not a bloody thing。 Leave all your papers here。 We have new ones for you。〃 He held up three passports with a lot of faked stamps on the inside pages。 〃For now I will hold these for you。〃
   〃You are CIA?〃
   〃No; I am British。 Ryan here is CIA。〃
   〃It's a long story; Mr。 Zaitzev;〃 Ryan said。 〃But right now we must leave。〃
   The little girl was dressed now; but still sleepy; as Sally had been on that horrible night at Peregrine Cliff; Jack saw。
   Hudson looked around; suddenly delighted to see the empty vodka bottle on the night table。 Bloody good luck that was。 Mother Rabbit was still confused; by the bination of three or four drinks and the post…midnight earthquake that had exploded around her。 It had taken less than five minutes and everyone looked ready to leave。 Then she saw her pantyhose bag; and moved toward it。
   〃Nyet;〃 Hudson said in Russian。 〃Leave them。 There are many of those where we are taking you。〃
   〃Do what he says; Irina!〃 Oleg snarled; his equilibrium upset by the drink and the tension of the moment。
   〃Everyone ready?〃 Hudson asked。 Next; Irina scooped her daughter up; her face a mass of utter confusion; and they all went to the door。 Hudson looked out into the corridor; then waved for the others to follow。 Ryan took the rear; closing the door; after making sure it was unlocked。
   The lobby was still vacant。 They didn't know what Tom Trent had done; but whatever it was; it had worked。 Hudson led the others out the side door and onto the street。 There was the embassy car Trent had brought over; and Hudson had the spare set of keys。 On the way; he waved at the truck for Small and Truelove。 The car was a Jaguar; painted a dark blue; with left…hand drive。 Ryan loaded them into the backseat; closed the door; and hopped in the front。 The big V…8 started instantly…the Jag was lovingly maintained for purposes like this one…and Hudson started driving。
   Their taillights were still visible as Small and Truelove stepped out of their truck; hustling to the back。 Each took one of the adult bags and headed in the side door。 The lobby was still empty; and they raced up the stairs; each with a heavy and limp burden。 The upstairs corridor was also empty。 The two retired soldiers moved as stealthily as possible into the room。 There they unzipped the bags; and with gloved hands removed the bodies。 That was a hard moment on each of them。 Professional soldiers that they were; both with bat experience; the immediate sight of a burned human body was hard to take without a deep breath and an inner mand to take charge of their feelings。 They laid the man's and the woman's bodies from different countries and continents side by side on the double bed。 Then they left the room to return to the truck; taking the empty body bags with them。 Small got the smallest of the bags out of the truck; while Truelove got the rest of the necessary gear; and back in they went。
   Small's job proved the hardest; removing the little girl's body from the plastic bag was something he'd work hard to erase from his memory。 She went on the cot; as he thought of it; in her nearly incinerated nightgown。 He might have patted her little head had her hair not been entirely burned off with a blowtorch; and all he could do was whisper a prayer for her innocent little soul before his stomach nearly lost control; and to prevent that he turned abruptly away。
   The former Royal Engineer was already into his own task。 He made sure they'd left nothing。 The last of the plastic bags was folded and tucked into his belt。 They both still had their work gloves; and so there was nothing they'd brought to be left in the room。 He took his time looking around; and then waved Small out into the corridor。
   Then he tore the top off the milk carton…it had been washed clean and dried beforehand。 He lit the candle with his butane lighter and dripped a dollop of hot wax into the bottom of the carton; to make sure it would have a good place to stand。 Then he blew out the candle and made sure it was secure in its place。
   Then came the dangerous part Truelove opened the top of me alcohol container; first pouring nearly a quart into the carton; to within just less than an inch of the top of the candle。 Next he poured the alcohol on the adult bed; and more onto the child's cot。 The remainder went on the floor; much of it around the milk carton。 Finished; he tossed the empty alcohol container to Bob Small。
   Okay; Truelove thought; fully a gallon of pure grain alcohol soaked into the bedclothes and another on the cheap rug on the floor。 A demolitions expert…in fact; he had many fields of technical expertise; like most military engineers…he knew to be careful for the next part。 Bending down; he flicked his lighter again and lit the candle wick with the same care a heart surgeon might have exercised in a valve replacement。 He didn't waste a second leaving the room; except to make sure the door was properly locked and the do…not…disturb card hung on the knob。
   〃Time to leave; Robert;〃 Rodney said to his colleague; and in thirty seconds they were out the side door and off to the street。 〃How long on the candle?〃 Small asked by the truck。
   〃Thirty minutes at most;〃 the Royal Engineer sergeant answered。
   〃That poor little girl…you suppose?〃 he almost asked。
   〃People die in house fires every day; mate。 They didn't do it special for this lot。〃
   Small nodded to himself。 〃I reckon。〃
   Just then Tom Trent appeared in the lobby。 They'd never found the camera he lost in an upstairs room; but he tipped the desk clerk for his effort。 It turned out that he was the only employee on duty until five in the morning。
   Or so the chap thinks; Trent told himself; getting into the truck。
   〃Back to the embassy; lads;〃 the spook told the secur
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