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       Lyra was silent。 Their faces in the soft light were almost indistinguishable in their fine; clean…lined beauty。 But the Morgol's gold eyes hid her thoughts; while Lyra's were open to every flare of fire and pain。
       〃The harpist is dead;〃 she whispered。 〃If that is what you are trying to answer。〃
       The Morgol's eyes fell。 She stirred after a moment; reached out swiftly to touch Lyra's cheek。 〃There are more unsolved questions than that in the realm;〃 she said; 〃and nearly all; I think; more important。〃 But her brows were constricted; as at a sudden; inexplicable pain。 〃Riddles without answers can be terrible;〃 she added after a moment。 〃But some are possible to live with。 Others。。。 What the Star…Bearer does at Wind Plain will be vital; Yrth thinks。〃
       〃Does he think you need to be there also? And if Wind Plain is so vital; where is the High One? Why is he ignoring the Star…Bearer and the entire realm?〃
       〃I don't know。 Perhaps Morgon can answer some of。。。〃 She lifted her head abruptly and saw him standing quietly in the shadows; his own thoughts waking again in his mind。
       She smiled; holding out her hand in wele。 Yrth shifted a little; seeing; perhaps from her eyes; as Morgon came slowly to the table。 Morgon saw him strangely for an instant; as something akin to the mists and monoliths of Herun that his mind could explore and prehend。 Then; as he sat down; the wizard's face seemed to avert itself from his eyes。 He bent his head to the Morgol wordlessly。 She said; 〃Did you find what you came for?〃
       〃Yes。 All I could bear。 How long have I been gone?〃
       〃Nearly two weeks。〃
       〃Two。。。〃 He shaped the word without sound。 〃So long? Has there been news?〃
       〃Very little。 Traders came from Hlurle for all the arms we could spare; to take them to Caerweddin。 I have been watching a mist moving south from Osterland; and finally; today; I realized what it is。〃
       〃A mist?〃 He remembered Har's scarred palm; opening to the red wash of firelight。 〃Vesta? Is Har bringing the vesta to Ymris?〃
       〃There are hundreds of them; moving across the forests。〃
       〃They are great fighters;〃 Yrth said。 He sounded weary; disinclined to face an argument; but his voice was patient。 〃And they will not fear the Ymris winter。〃
       〃You knew。〃 His thoughts were jarred out of their calm。 〃You could have stopped him。 The miners; the vesta; the Morgol's guard: why are you drawing such a vulnerable; unskilled army across the realm? You may be blind; but the rest of us will have to watch the slaughter of men and animals on that battlefield!〃
       〃Morgon;〃 the Morgol interrupted gently; 〃Yrth does not make my decisions for me。〃
       〃Yrth。。。〃 He stopped; sliding his hands over his face; trying to check a futile argument。 Yrth rose; drawing Morgon's eyes again。 The wizard moved a little awkwardly through the cushions to the fire。 He stood in front of it; his head bowed。 Morgon saw his scarred hands close suddenly; knotted with words he could not speak; and he thought of Deth's hands; twisted with pain in the firelight。 He heard an echo; then; out of the still Herun night; of the strange brief peace he had found beside the harpist's fire; within his silence。 All that bound him to the harpist; to the falcon; his longing and his inprehensible love; overwhelmed him suddenly。 As he watched light and shadow search the hard; blind face into shape; he realized he would yield anything: the vesta; the Morgol's guard; the land…rulers; the entire realm; into the scarred; tormented hands in return for a place in the falcon's shadow。
       The knowledge brought him to a strange; uneasy calm。 His head bowed; he stared down at his dark reflection in the polished stone until Lyra; looking at him; said suddenly; 〃You must be hungry。〃 She poured him wine。 〃I'll bring you some hot food。〃 The Morgol watched her cross the room with her lithe; graceful step。 She looked tired; more tired than Morgon had ever seen her。
       She said to Morgon; 〃Miners and vesta and my guard may seem useless in Ymris; but Morgon; the land…rulers are giving of all the strength they possess。 There is nothing else we can do。〃
       〃I know。〃 His eyes moved to her; he knew her own confused love for a memory。 He said abruptly; wanting to give her something of peace in return for all she had given him; 〃Ghisteslwchlohm said that you had been waiting for Deth near Lungold。 Is that true?〃
       She looked a little startled at his brusqueness; but she nodded。 〃I thought he might e to Lungold。 It was the only place left for him to go; and I could ask him。。。 Morgon; you and I are both tired; and the harpist is dead。 Perhaps we should。。。〃
       〃He died。。。 he died lor you。〃
       She stared at him across the table。 〃Morgon;〃 she whispered; warning him; but he shook his head。
       〃It is true。 Raederle could have told you。 Or Yrth。。。 he was there。〃 The wizard turned light; burned eyes toward him; then; and his voice shook。 But he went on; returning the riddle of the harpist's life to him unanswered; in exchange for nothing。 〃Ghisteslwchlohm gave Deth a choice between holding either Raederle or you as hostage while he forced me to Erlenstar Mountain。 He chose to die instead。 He forced Ghisteslwchlohm to kill him。 He had no passion for me。。。 maybe because I could endure without it。 But you and Raederle; he simply loved。〃 He stopped; breathing a little painfully as she dropped her face into her hands。 〃Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to。〃
       〃No。〃 But she was crying; he could tell; and he cursed himself。 Yrth was still watching him; he wondered how the wizard was seeing; since Raederle's face had disappeared behind her hair。 The wizard made a strange gesture; throwing up one open hand to the light; as if he were yielding something to Morgon。 He reached out; touched the air at Morgon's back; and the starred harp leaped out of nothingness into his hands。
       The Morgol's eyes went to Morgon as the first; sweet notes sounded; but his hands were empty。 He was gazing at Yrth; words lumped like ice in his throat。 The wizard's big hands moved with a flawless precision over the strings he had tuned; tones of wind and water answered him。 It was the harping out of a long; black night in Erlenstar Mountain; with all its deadly beauty; the harping kings across the realm had heard for centuries。 It was the harping of a great wizard who had once been called the Harpist of Lungold; and the Morgol; listening silently; seemed only awed and a little surprised。 Then the harpist's song changed; and the blood ran pletely out of her face。
       It was a deep; lovely; wordless song that pulled out of the back of Morgon's memories a dark; misty evening above the Herun marshes; a fire ringed with faces of the Morgol's guard; Lyra appearing soundlessly out of the night; saying something。。。 He strained to hear her words。 Then; looking at the Morgol's white; numb face as she stared at Yrth; he remembered the song Deth had posed only for her。
       A shudder ran through Morgon。 He wondered; as the beautiful harping drew to a close; how the harpist could possibly justify himself to her。 His hands slowed; picked a final; gentle chord from the harp; then flattened on the strings to still them。 He sat with his head bowed slightly over the harp; his hands resting above the stars。 Firelight shivered over him; weaving patterns of light and shadow in the air。 Morgon waited for him to speak。 He said nothing; he did not move。 Moments wore away; still he sat with the silence of trees or earth or the hard; battered face of granite; and Morgon; listening to it; realized that his silence was not the evasion of an answer; but the answer itself。
       He closed his eyes。 His heart beat suddenly; painfully; in his throat。 He wanted to speak; but he could not。 The harpist's silence circled him with the peace he had found deep in living things all over the realm。 It eased through his thoughts; into his heart; so that he could not even think。 He only knew that something he had searched for so long and so hopelessly had never; even in his most desperate moments; been far from his side。
       The harpist rose then; his weary; ancient face the wind…swept face of a mountai
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