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 I need to know names。 I could spend days searching the cairns with my mind; but I won't know who I am rousing。 I know many of the names of the Kings of the Three Portions; but I don't know the lesser dead。〃
       〃I don't either;〃 Duac said。
       〃Well; I know where you can find out;〃 Raederle sighed。 〃The place I almost lived in when I was a child。 Our father's library。〃
       She and Morgon spent the rest of the day and the evening there; among ancient books and dusty parchments; while Duac sent to the docks for Bri Corbett。 By midnight; Morgon had tamped down in the deep of his mind endless names of warrior…lords; their sons and far…flung families; and legends of love; blood feuds and land wars that spanned the history of An。 He left the house then; walked alone through the still summer night into the fields behind the king's house; which were the charnel house for the many who had died battling over Anuin。 There he began his calling。
       He spoke name after name; with the fragments of legend or poetry that he could remember; with his voice and his mind。 The dead roused to their names; came out of the orchards and woods; out of the earth itself。 Some rode at him with wild; eerie cries; their armor aflame with moonlight over bare bones。 Others came silently: dark; grim figures revealing terrible death wounds。 They sought to frighten him; but he only watched them out of eyes that had already seen all he needed to fear。 They tried to fight him; but he opened his own mind to them; showed them glimpses of his power。 He held them through all then: challenging; until they stood ranged before him across an entire field; then awe and curiosity forcing them out of their memories to glimpse something of the world they had been loosed into。
       Then he explained what he wanted。 He did not expect them to understand Hed; but they understood him; his anger and despair and his land…love。 They gave him fealty in a ritual as old as An; their moldering blades flashing greyly in the moonlight。 Then they seeped slowly back into the night; into the earth; until he summoned them again。
       He stood once again in a quiet field; his eyes on one still; dark figure who did not leave。 He watched it curiously; then; when it did not move; he touched its mind。 His thoughts were filled instantly with the living land…law of An。
       His heart pounded sharply against his ribs。 The King of An walked slowly toward him; a tall man robed and cowled like a master or a wraith。 As he neared; Morgon could see him dimly in the moonlight; his dark brows slashing a tired; bitter face over eyes that were like Rood's hauntingly familiar。 The king stopped in front of him; stood silently surveying him。
       He smiled unexpectedly; the bitterness in his eyes yielding to a strange wonder。 〃I've seen you;〃 he said; 〃in my dreams。 Star…Bearer。〃
       〃Mathom。〃 His throat was very dry。 He bent his head to the king he had summoned out of the night of An。 〃You must。。。 you must be wondering what I'm doing。〃
       〃No。 You made that very clear; as you explained it to the army you raised。 You do astounding things so quietly in my land。〃
       〃I asked Duac's permission。〃
       〃I'm sure Duac was grateful for the suggestion。 You're going to sail with them to Hed? Is that what I heard?〃
       〃I don't。。。 I was thinking of riding with Raederle to Caithnard and meeting the ships there; but I think perhaps I should sail with the dead。 It would make the living men on the ships feel easier; if I am with them。〃
       〃You're taking Raederle to Hed?〃
       〃She won't。。。 she won't listen to reason。〃
       The king grunted。 〃Strange woman。〃 His eyes were as sharp and curious as birds' eyes; searching beneath Morgon's words。
       Morgon asked him suddenly; 〃What have you seen of me; in your dreams?〃
       〃Pieces。 Fragments。 Little that will help you; and much more than is good for me。 Long ago; I dreamed that you came out of a tower with a crown in your hand and three stars on your face。。。 but no name。 I saw you with a beautiful young woman; whom I knew was my daughter; but still; I never knew who you were。 I saw。。。〃 He shook his head a little; drawing his gaze back out of some perplexing; dangerous vision。
       〃I am not sure。〃
       〃Mathom。〃 He felt cold suddenly in the warm summer night。 〃Be careful。 There are things in your mind that could cost you your life。〃
       〃Or my land…law?〃 His lean hand closed on Morgon's shoulder。 〃Perhaps。 That is why I rarely explain my thoughts。 e to the house。 There will be a minor tempest when I reappear; but if you can sit patiently through that; we will have time to talk afterward。〃 He took a step; but Morgon did not move。 〃What is it?〃
       He swallowed。 〃There is something I have to tell you。 Before I walk into your hall with you。 Seven days ago; I walked into it to kill a harpist。〃
       He heard the king draw a swift breath there。
       〃I didn't kill him。〃
       〃Somehow I am not surprised。〃 His voice sounded husky; like a voice out of a barrow。 He drew Morgon forward toward the great moonlit house。 〃Tell me。〃
       Morgon told him much more than that before they reached the hall。 He found himself talking a little about even the past seven days; which were so precious to him he wondered if they had even existed。 Mathom said little; only making a faint noise deep in his throat now and then; like a blackbird's mutter。 As they entered the inner courtyard; they saw horses; trembling and sweating; being led to the stables。 Their saddlecloths were purple and blue; the colors of the kings household guard。 Mathom cursed mildly。
       〃Rood must be back。 Empty…handed; furious; wraithridden; and unwashed。〃 They entered the hall; which was a blaze of torchlight; and Rood; slumped over a cup of wine; stared at his father。 Duac and Raederle were beside him; their heads turning; but he got to his feet first; drowning their voices。
       〃Where in Hel's name have you been?〃
       〃Don't shout at me;〃 the king said testily。 〃If you had no more sense than to roam through this chaos searching for that harpist; I have no pity for you。〃 He switched his gaze to Duac; as Rood; his mouth still open; dropped back into his chair。 Duac eyed the king coldly; but his voice was controlled。
       〃Well。 What brought you home? Dropping out of the sky like a bad spell。 Surely not distress over the shambles you have made of your land…rule。〃
       〃No;〃 Mathom said imperturbably; pouring wine。 〃You and Rood have done very well without me。〃
       〃We have done what very well without you?〃 Rood asked between his teeth。 〃Do you realize we are on the verge of war?〃
       〃Yes。 And An has armed itself for it in a remarkably short time。 Even you have turned; in less than three months; from a scholar into a warrior。〃
       Rood drew an audible breath to answer。 Duac's hand clamped suddenly down on his wrist; silencing him。 〃War。〃 His face had lost color。 〃With whom?〃
       〃Who else is armed?〃
       〃Ymris?〃 He repeated it incredulously; 〃Ymris?〃
       Mathom swallowed wine。 His face looked older than it had under the moonlight; grim and worn with travel。 He sat down beside Raederle。 〃I have seen the war in Ymris;〃 he said softly。 〃The rebels hold half the coastal lands。 It's a strange; bloody; merciless war; and it is going to exhaust Heureu Ymris' forces。 He can never hope to contain it within his own borders once the people he is fighting decide to take it beyond the borders of Ymris。 I suspected that before; but even I could not ask the Three Portions to arm themselves without reason。 And to give reason might have precipitated attack。〃
       〃You did that deliberately?〃 Duac breathed。 〃You left us so that we would arm ourselves?〃
       〃It was extreme;〃 Mathom admitted; 〃but it was effective。〃 He cast an eye at Rood again; as he opened his mouth and spoke in a subdued voice。
       〃Where have you been? And are you planning to stay home awhile?〃
       〃Here and there; satisfying my curiosity。 And yes; I think I will stay home now。 If you can refrain from shouting at me。〃
       〃If you weren't so pig…headed; I wouldn't shout。〃
       Mathom looked skeptical。 〃You even have
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