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is blaster and fire off a bolt at the charging Jedi。 With amazing reflexes; Obi…Wan snapped his lightsaber about; deflecting the bolt harmlessly wide。
 〃Boba!〃 Jango yelled; and the boy came out of his trance and scrambled up the ramp and into Slave I。
  Obi…Wan launched himself through the air at the bounty hunter。 Another blaster shot followed; then another; and the Jedi easily picked them both off; deflecting one and turning the other back at Jango。 But as the bolt ricocheted toward him; the bounty hunter leapt away; his rocket pack flaring to life; sending him up to the top of the nearby tower。
 Obi…Wan tumbled headlong; turning while he rolled to e around as Jango fired again。 Without even thinking of the movement; letting the Force guide his hand; the Jedi brought his lightsaber to the left and down; knocking the energy bolt aside。
 〃You're ing with me; Jango;〃 he called。
 The man answered with a series of shots; a line of bolts ing at the Jedi。 The lightsaber went alternately left then right; picking off each one; and when Jango altered the pattern; left; right; left; right; then right again; the Force guided Obi…Wan's hand true。
 〃Jango!〃 he started to call out。 But then he realized that the bounty hunter's latest shot was not a bolt but an explosive pack; and the next moment he was diving; enhancing his leap with the Force。
  All of Slave I recoiled from the explosion outside; and the jolt sent Boba tumbling to the side。 〃Dad!〃 he cried。 He scrambled to the viewscreen; flicking it on and orienting the cam on the scene below。
 He saw his father immediately; and burst out in tears of relief。 He calmed himself quickly; though; scanning the area for the enemy Jedi; and saw Obi… Wan ing over from a roll; back to his feet…and blocking another series of bolts with seeming ease。
 Boba scanned the panel; trying to remember all his lessons about Slave /; glad that he had been so diligent in his studies。 With a wicked grin that would have made his father proud; Boba fired up the energy packs and clicked off the locking mechanism of the main laser。 〃Block this; Jedi;〃 he whispered。 He took a bead on Obi…Wan and pulled the trigger。
  〃You have a lot to answer!〃 Obi…Wan called to Jango; his voice sounding thin in the thunderous downpour and lashing wind。 〃It'll go easier on you; and on your son; if…〃
 He stopped suddenly; registering the report of a heavy laser somewhere in his subconscious。 The Force had him moving instinctively before he even understood what was happening; leaping and flying across the air in a double somersault。
 He landed to find the ground shaking violently under his feet; quaking from the thunder of Slave 7's heavy laser cannon; which swung around to follow him。
 Obi…Wan had to dive again; but this time the bouncing report sent him sprawling to the ground; his lightsaber skidding from his grasp across the rain…slickened surface。
 Fortunately; Slave 7's cannon went quiet; the energy pack depleted for the moment; and Obi…Wan wasted no time leaping to his feet and charging at Jango Fett; who was ing hard his way。
 A blaster bolt led the bounty hunter in; but Obi…Wan leapt above the streaking line of energy; flying forward and spinning around to snap…kick the weapon from Jango's hand。
 The bounty hunter didn't flinch。 He charged right into the Jedi as Obi…Wan landed; looping his arms over Obi…Wan's and bearing him backward。 He tried to wrestle Obi…Wan to the ground; but the Jedi's feet were too quick for that; setting him in perfect balance almost immediately。 He slid one leg between the bounty hunter's feet and started to twist to the side; weakening Jango's hold on his arms。
 Jango smiled wickedly and snapped his forehead into Obi…Wan's face; dazing him for a moment。 The bounty hunter pulled a hand free and launched a heavy punch; but realized his mistake immediately as the Jedi ducked the blow and did a tight; stationary somersault right under the swinging arm; double… kicking out as he came over; his feet slamming Jango in the chest and throwing him backward。
 Now Obi…Wan had gained the initiative and he used it with a fierce charge; slamming into the stumbling bounty hunter; thinking to bring him down to the ground beneath him; where the encumbering armor the man wore would work against him。
 But Jango showed the Jedi why he had been chosen as the basis for the clones。 He went with the flow of the tackle for a moment; then suddenly reversed his footing and his momentum; stopping Obi…Wan's progress cold。 Jango launched a left hook。 Obi…Wan ducked and snapped out a straight right in response。 Jango slipped his head to the side so that the blow barely grazed him。 A short rocket burst had him in the air and spinning a circle kick out at Obi…Wan; who dropped to his knees and ducked it; then came up high in a leap; over the second kick as Jango came around again。 Now Obi…Wan snapped off a kick of his own; but Jango accepted the blow against his lowered hip and snapped his left arm down across the Jedi's shin; locking the leg long enough for him to drive a right cross into Obi… Wan's inner thigh。
 The Jedi threw his head and torso back; lying flat out and lifting his left leg as he did; kicking Jango under the side of his ribs。 A sudden scissor… twist; right leg going down and across; left leg shooting across the other way above it; had Jango and Obi…Wan spinning sidelong。 Obi…Wan caught himself with extended arms as he turned facedown; broke his feet from their hold on Jango; and mule…kicked the falling man backward。 Then; going down to the platform to launch himself right back up to his feet; he turned about and rushed forward; gaining an advantage on the off…balance and struggling Jango。
 A right cross smashed the bounty hunter across the face; followed by a looping left hook that should have laid the man low。 But again; with brilliant reflexes; Jango ducked the brunt of that blow and caught the surprised Obi…Wan with a sudden and short; but heavy; left and right in the gut。
 The Jedi's right hand waved across between his face and Jango's; and he used a quick Force shove to throw the man back a step until he could straighten and find a defensive posture once more。
 Jango came right back in; fiercely; wildly; kicking and punching with abandon。
 Obi…Wan's hands worked vertically before him; hardly moving; amazingly precise; turning blow after blow harmlessly aside。 He turned one hand in and down suddenly; taking the momentum from a heavy kick; then came right back up to lift Jango's jabbing fist up high。 Then he snapped his hand straight out; his stiffened fingers smashing against a seam in the bounty hunter's armor。 Jango winced and fell back。 Obi…Wan launched himself forward; diving onto the man; going for the victory。
 But Jango had an answer; firing his rockets and lifting both himself and the grappling Jedi up into the air。 A burst of a side…thruster sent the pair out past the landing pad proper to the sloping skirt of the structure。 Jango's hands worked almost imperceptibly; twisting in and about the Jedi's arms and hands; expertly loosening Obi…Wan's grip。 Then he fired his thrusters; left and right; causing a sudden and repeated jerk that broke him free of Obi…Wan's grasp。
 Obi…Wan hit the deck hard and slid perilously close to the edge…close enough to hear the great waves breaking against the platform's stilts below him。 He caught a hold and reached into the Force; using it to grab his lightsaber; recognizing that he was suddenly vulnerable。 He heard a shot from the side; not the screech of a blaster bolt; but a pfizzt sound; and rolled as far as he could。
 But not far enough。 He lost his concentration; along with his grasp on his lightsaber; as a thin wire slid under his wrists; then wrapped about them; securing him tightly。
 And then he was sliding; back up the sloping skirt and across the platform; towed by the rocket…man。 With reflexes honed by years of intensive training; and with the Force…strength of a Jedi Master; Obi…Wan snap…rolled his body forward; back up over his outstretched arms; tumbling to his feet; then leaping out to the side as the towline 
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