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 Dexter placed the dart down before Obi…Wan。 〃This baby belongs to them cloners。 What you got here is a Kamino saberdart。〃
 〃Kamino saberdart?〃 Obi…Wan echoed。 〃I wonder why it didn't show up in our analysis archive。〃
 Dex poked down at the dart with a stubby finger。 〃It's these funny little cuts on the side that give it away;〃 he explained。 〃Those analysis droids you've got over there only focus on symbols; you know。 I should think you Jedi have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom。〃
 〃Well; Dex; if droids could think; there'd be none of us here; would there?〃 Obi…Wan answered with a laugh。
 The Jedi Knight sobered quickly; though; remembering the gravity of his mission。 〃Kamino 。 。 。 doesn't sound familiar。 Is it part of the Republic?〃
 〃No; it's beyond the Outer Rim。 I'd say about twelve parsecs outside the Rishi Maze; toward the south。 It should be easy to find; even for those droids in your archive。 These Kaminoans keep to themselves; mostly。 They're cloners。 Good ones; too。〃
 Obi…Wan picked up the dart again; holding it between them; his elbow resting on the table。 〃Cloners?〃 he asked。 〃Are they friendly?〃
 〃It depends。〃
 〃On what?〃 The Jedi looked past the dart as he asked; and the grin on Dexter's face gave him his answer before it was spoken aloud。
 〃On how good your manners are and how big your pocketbook is。〃
 Obi…Wan looked back at the saberdart; hardly surprised。
 Chapter Twelve
 〃Senator Padme Amidala; formerly Queen Amidala of Naboo; certainly wasn't used to traveling in this manner。 The freighter held one class; steerage; and in truth; it was nothing more than a cargo ship; with several great open holds more suitable to inanimate cargo than to living beings。 The lighting was terrible and the smell was worse; though whether the odor came from the ship itself or the hordes of emigrants; beings of many; many species; Padme did not know。 Nor did she care。 In some ways; Padme was truly enjoying this voyage。 She knew that she should be back on Coruscant; fighting the efforts to create a Republic army; but somehow; she felt relaxed here; felt free。
 Free of responsibility。 Free to just be Padme for a while; instead of Senator Amidala。 Moments such as these were rare for her; and had been since she was a child。 All of her life; it seemed; had been spent in public service; all of her focus had always been for the greater; the public; good; with hardly any time ever being given just to Padme; to her needs and her desires。
 The Senator didn't regret that reality of her life。 She was proud of her acplishments; but more than that; even; she felt a profound sense of warmth; of munity; of belonging to something greater than herself。 Still; these moments when the responsibility was lifted were undeniably enjoyable。
 She looked over at Anakin; who was sleeping somewhat restlessly。 She could see him now; not as a Jedi Padawan and her protector; but just as a young man。 A handsome young man; and one whose actions repeatedly professed his love for her。 A dangerous young man; to be sure; a Jedi who was thinking about things he should not。 A man who was inevitably following the call of his heart above that of pragmatism and propriety。 And all for her。 Padm couldn't deny the attractiveness of that。 She and Anakin were on similar roads of public service; she as a Senator; he as a Jedi Padawan; but he was showing rebellion against the present course; or at least; against the Master who was leading him along the present course; as Padme never had。 But hadn't she wanted to? Hadn't Padme Amidala wanted to be just Padme?
 Once in a while; at least?
 She smiled widely and pointedly turned away from Anakin; scanning the gloomy room for signs of her other panion。 She finally spotted R2…D2 in a food line; where he stuck out among the throng of living creatures。 Just before the droid; servers ladled out bowls of bland…looking mush; and each being who took one inevitably gave out a low groan of disapproval。 Padme watched with amusement as one of the servers began yelling and waving his hand at R2…D2; motioning for the droid to move along。 〃No droids in the food line!〃 the server yelled。 〃Get out of here!〃
 R2…D2 started past the counter; but stopped suddenly; and a hollow tube came forth from his utilitarian body; hovering over the buffet and sucking up some of the mush and placing it in a storage container for transport to his panions。
 〃Hey; no droids!〃 the server yelled again。
 R2…D2 took another fast gulp of the mush; reached out with a claw arm to grab a piece of bread; then turned and tootled and rushed away; the server shaking his fist and shouting behind him。
 The droid came fast across the wide floor; veering to avoid the many sleeping emigrants; making as straight a line as possible toward the beaming Padme。
 〃No; no;〃 came a call beside her。 It was Anakin。 〃Mom; no!〃 Padme turned about quickly; to see that her panion was still asleep; but sweating and thrashing; obviously in the throes of some nightmare。
 〃Anakin?〃 She gave him a little shake。
 〃No; Mom!〃 he cried; pulling away from her; and she looked down to see his feet kicking; as if he was running away from something。
 〃Anakin;〃 Padme said again; more forcefully。 She shook him again; harder。 His blue eyes blinked open and he looked about curiously before focusing on Padme。 〃What?〃
 〃You seemed to be having a nightmare。〃
 Anakin continued to stare at her; his expression ranging from curiosity to concern。
 Padme took a bowl of mush and a piece of bread from R2…D2。 〃Are you hungry?〃
 Anakin took the food as he sat up; rubbing a hand through his hair and shaking his head。
 〃We went to hyperspace a while ago;〃 she explained。
 〃How long was I asleep?〃
 Padme smiled at him; trying to fort him。 〃You had a good nap;〃 she answered。
 Anakin smoothed the front of his tunic and straightened himself; looking all around; trying to get his bearings。 〃I look forward to seeing Naboo again;〃 he remarked and he shifted; trying to orient himself。 His expression soured as he looked down at the off…white mush; and he crinkled his nose; bending low to sniff it。 〃Naboo;〃 he said again; looking back to Padme。 〃I've thought about it every day since I left。 It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen。〃
 As he spoke; his eyes bored into her; taking her in deeply; and she blinked and averted her own gaze; unnerved。 〃It may not be as you remember it。 Time changes perception。〃
 〃Sometimes it does;〃 Anakin agreed; and when Padme looked up to see that he was continuing to scrutinize her; she knew what he was talking about。
 〃Sometimes for the better。〃
 〃It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi;〃 she said; taking a different tack to pull his gaze off her。 〃Not being able to visit the places you like。 Or do the things you like。〃
 〃Or be with the people I love?〃 Anakin could easily see where she was leading him。
 〃Are you allowed to love?〃 Padme asked bluntly。 〃I thought it was forbidden for a Jedi。〃
 〃Attachment is forbidden;〃 Anakin began; his voice dispassionate; as if he was reciting。 〃Possession is forbidden。 passion; which I would define as unconditional love; is central to a Jedi's life; so you might say we're encouraged to love。〃 〃You have changed so much;〃 Padme heard herself saying; and in a tone that seemed inappropriate to her; seemed to invite。。。
 She blinked as Anakin turned her words back on her。 〃You haven't changed a bit。 You're exactly the way I remember you in my dreams。 I doubt if Naboo has changed much either。〃
 〃It hasn't。 。 。〃 Padme's voice was breathless。 They were too close together。 She knew that。 She knew that she was in dangerous territory here; both for herself and for Anakin。 He was a Padawan learner; a Jedi; and Jedi were not allowed 。 。 。
 And what about her? What about all that she had worked so hard for all her adult life? What about the Senate; and the all…important vote against the creation of an army? If Padme got involved with a Jedi; the implications concerning her vote would bee huge! The army; if one was created; would be made to stand beside the Jedi and their 
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