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 He saw such wars arise; time and again; without warning and almost without reason。 An irrational growth of racial prejudice between two planets that had once been wholly friendly … an eruption of a new religious cult that led its followers into holy war … an unexplained political assassination … an outburst of space piracy … a senseless breakdown of simple trade negotiations 。。。
 And much more。 As the hours passed and the facts accumulated; the tapes made the crucial points clear。 In each case there had been no likelihood or prospect of war … until something had begun stirring up the worst elements of the human character。 Greed and self…interest; the urge to power; suspicion; prejudice and fear。 And these stirrings were fed by unexpected events … and by deception; lying propaganda; treachery and murder。
 Further; Keill saw; on every one of the planets there were one or two people who had seemed to e out of nowhere; but who rose swiftly to positions of power and influence。 These individuals were always at the heart of the events that led to the catastrophe of war。
 Finally; his mind swimming with the terrible images that had been revealed to him; Keill returned to the relaxation room in search of Talis。 The old man had preceded him; and was waiting; still shadowed within his cowl。
 'Now you have seen the summaries of our findings;' the old voice said; 'do you believe what I have told you ?'
 Keill looked at him impassively for a long moment。 'I have seen the stories of a great many wars;' he said at last。 'None of them pleasant … but wars never are。'
 'Did you not perceive the pattern ?' Talis insisted。
 Keill shrugged。 'I saw resemblances。 But the essence of war is usually much the same; wherever it happens。 I saw no final proof of connections。 And I still find it hard to believe that all those wars were caused by one 。 。 。 Warlord。 Surely others would have guessed at the existence of such a being。'
 'The galaxy is large;' Talis said; 'and there is not enough information…sharing among planets。 Aside from trade and short…range travelling; there are hardly any galaxy…wide links。
 So no one would assemble all the data; to see what is happening on the overall; galactic scale。'
 'Except yourselves。'
 'Just so。'
 'Yet for all your overview' Keill said bluntly; 'you seem to know very little。 What of these individuals that the tapes singled out … the ones who rose so quickly to positions of power?'
 'They are of course servants of the Warlord;' Talis replied; 'sent as emissaries to worm their way into positions where they can spread the infection that leads to war。'
 'Could you not have these people investigated;' Keill asked; 'to see if there are connections among them that might lead back to your Warlord ?'
 'It has been tried;' said Talis glumly。 'But on most worlds where they have appeared; they have quickly bee too powerful to be investigated。 In the few cases; though; where a planet has resisted the infection; and has stopped the Warlord's servants before they gained power; we have learned some things。 We have learned that the Warlord is hidden even to his emissaries; who receive their orders indirectly。 And we have learned that a failed emissary; like those of whom I speak; does not remain alive for long。'
 'It is not much;' Keill said。
 'True … but we dare not press too hard。 As far as we know the Warlord has not guessed our existence。 And he must not; as yet; for we know too little to oppose him properly。 That is why we; too; are so secretive … even with you; Keill Randor。 If you were ever to fall into the hands of the Warlord or his servants; they would not be able to wrest knowledge from you that you do not have … of who we are; where we are。'
 Keill smiled dryly。 'You must hide; so he won't know of you … yet while you're hiding; you can't learn more of him。 This is foolishness!'
 'No;' said Talis quietly; 'it is the reason why we; too; need an emissary。'
 'By which;' Keill said; 'you mean me。'
 'Just so。 We cannot go out among the Worlds ourselves。 We have devices that can monitor events on nearly any planet of our choosing … but we need someone to be our eyes and ears at close range。 Someone who can go on to worlds threatened by the Warlord … and survive。'
 'One man against this 。。。 emperor of wars ?'
 'Not just a man。 A legionary。 No one in the galaxy would have a higher potential for survival。'
 But as Talis spoke; another voice was also speaking … in Keill's mind。
 In the midst of all your doubts; Randor; you would do well to remember that you survive now only because of the Overseers' skills; which they gave to you at considerable risk。
 Keill turned swiftly。 The alien; Glr; was floating across the room on her translucent wings; to settle on a perch near the door; her great eyes fixed as before on Keill。 '
 'I haven't forgotten;' he said slowly; 'the unpayable debt I owe; for my healing。 If I am healed。'
 Glr fluttered her wings as if echoing the exasperation in Talis's voice。 'Do you doubt even that ?'
 'The medic told me;' Keill said stubbornly; 'that the effects of the radiation couldn't be reversed。'
 'True;' Talis replied。 'It had settled in your bones; irreversibly。 So … we replaced them。'
 'Replaced。。。 ?'
 'A process of my own invention; if I may say so;' Talis went on。 'Your skeletal structure is now posed of an organic alloy。'
 Keill stared at him speechlessly。
 It was an interesting operation。 The replacement had to be done molecule by molecule; taking care to match your original skeleton exactly in shape and weight; and to ensure that your bone marrow adapted。 But…' he gestured expansively at Keill …'it all seems entirely successful。'
 Keill did not see the gesture。 He was looking down at himself; at his arms and legs; his ribs; his knuckles 。。。
 'There is an interesting side effect;' Talis continued chattily。 'The alloy has quite surprising resilience and strength。 Our tests have shown that it is almost pletely infrangible。'
 'Infrangible? What。。。'
 It means; mudhead; laughed Glr in his mind; that your bones cannot be broken;
 Keill's head jerked up; eyes wide with disbelief。 Then a smile began to form on his lips … a smile of scornful irony; but tinged with disappointment。
 'Now you have gone too far;' he said。 'If you thought you could ease my doubts with a wild tale like that。。。'
 I would gladly arrange a test for you; Glr put in; but your flesh would suffer painful bruising in the process。
 Keill stood up abruptly。 'Talis; if that is your name; I can swallow no more absurdity。 You may cling to your fantasies of Warlords and galactic empires … and bone replacements … and tell them to the next fool who es along。 But I have something else to do … a task put on me by a dear friend who tried to save me while she herself was dying。 I'm going to look for the one who destroyed Moros; whoever it may be; if it takes the rest of my life; long or short。 And I'm going to start looking on that moon of Saltrenius … with no more delay。'
 He turned and moved to the door。 But the alien was there before him … wings spread; sturdy fingers revealing small; sharp talons; equally sharp little teeth gleaming in the narrow mouth。
 Keill halted。 'Old man; I wish no harm to you or to this creature。 But I'm leaving; one way or another。'
 Talis raised a hand; and some mental message must have passed between him and Glr; for the alien swirled away from the door and settled。
 'I would not stop you leaving; Keill Randor;' said the old man。 'I have told you all I can tell you … I cannot force you to believe me。 But certainly; the moon called Creffa is exactly where we wish you to go。'
 Keill turned back; surprised。 'But before; on Saltrenius 。。。 You went to some lengths to stop me。'
 'Of course。 You were dying then … and you were going into danger unprepared。' The old hand moved as before; to the side of the chair。 'Bear with me a moment longer; and observe。'
 Again the surface of the nearby wall shivered。 But this time it was not the silent group of hooded figures that Keill saw。
 Instead the screen revealed an eerie alien landscape; stark; rock…strewn; the shadows deep black and sharply defined。 In the background rose the high; curved surfa
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