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't she?〃 she continued。 〃She must have been awfully good in bed for you to put up with that kind of crap。〃
 Emmett didn't answer。 He just followed Carrollee out the door。
 〃Look over there;〃 Bridgette was saying; pointing to a dome set apart from the others; a road curving up to its rectangular base。 〃That's NASA's IRTF。 Infrared telescope;〃 she translated; looking directly at Carrollee。 〃The only single…mirror infrared telescope bigger than NASA's is right there;〃 she said; pointing to another dome that blended smoothly into its base。 〃And over there;〃 she continued; 〃is the seventh largest optical telescope in the world。 And do you know what this telescope is doing right now?〃
 〃Taking pictures of the moon?〃 Carrollee offered。
 〃That's right;〃 Bridgette said patronizingly; turning to face Carrollee。
 〃It's not my idea;〃 Carrollee said defensively。 〃I just came along to keep Emmett pany。 If I had my way I'd be taking pictures of Pluto。〃
 Clearly Carrollee was referring to Bridgette's ments about Minnie Mouse。 But Bridgette continued coolly;
 〃There are many things in the sky more worthy of an instrument of this power。 I would have refused Paulson's request outright if we hadn't had some cancellations。〃
 〃Cancellations?〃 Emmett prompted。
 〃Well; no shows actually。 We have some gaps in our observation rotation; and we've had trouble contacting those on the waiting list。〃
 Use of the facilities was highly petitive; and not showing up was unheard of。 Emmett understood why there were gaps in Bridgette's schedule; but obviously Bridgette was uninformed about what had happened to the world below her。 He decided not to tell her。 He wanted his photographs。
 〃You said the photographic survey has already begun? Do you need any help?〃
 〃We don't need help。 If you want the plates developed and printed it will take another hour and a half。〃
 Emmett decided it was worth the wait。 He wasn't sure he could get the developing done at the university; given the situation。
 Two hours later they were traveling down off the volcano with a sheaf of photos。 Carrollee drove while Emmett shuffled through them futilely; looking for some obvious change。
 〃I just don't know enough about moon topography to do a good job on this;〃 he said finally。 〃Besides; I'm getting car sick。〃
 〃Emmy not take his Dramamine?〃 Carrollee said in a babyish voice and clucked her tongue。 〃Just what are you looking for; anyway?〃
 〃Something different。 Some kind of change。 Something that would support my model。 Dr。 Paulson wasn't very specific。〃
 〃Maybe you could ask someone to help you?〃 Carrollee suggested。
 〃I suppose you will be busy with your babies。〃
 〃Nothing to do now but wait。 I don't enjoy staring at sand。〃
 Emmett knew Carrollee was as hooked as he was on the project。 But she wanted to know he wanted her help。
 〃Carrollee; would you help me examine the photos?〃 Emmett asked it politely and seriously; although it came out sounding a little forced。
 Carrollee stifled a smile and then said; 〃Oui。〃
 tt wasn't the wheel that gave man dominance over other species; nor any other implement; save one; the weapon。
 …Sir John Hammond; A Philosophy of History; 1872
 Warm Springs Indian Reservation; Oregon
  Colter's survival instinct barely saved him from drowning。 Already physically exhausted; he dove repeatedly; searching for any sign of Petra; but when he found none; he finally splashed to shore and collapsed。 He meant to rest briefly and then search again for Petra; but his good intentions faded with his consciousness。 While his body struggled to renew itself; he was near atose。 Badly chilled and without food to replenish his resources; he woke to find himself still near exhaustion。
 It was nearly too much for him。 The loss of Ernie and Mrs。 Wayne scarcely crossed his mind because he hadn't witnessed it。 The losses of Dr。 Coombs and Dr。 Piltcher were painful; but manageable。 He had liked the people in the group。 Sure they were kooks; but they were nice kooks。 Kind of interesting; if you didn't take them too seriously。 He was sad to know how they died。 But the death of Petra caused personal pain; something Colter had never experienced。 He'd never been as close to anyone as to Petra。 He'd never told her; but he loved her。 Now she was gone。
 They were all gone。 And it was because of the monsters; the dinosaurs; whatever Dr。 Piltcher called them。 These animals came; they terrorized; they maimed; they killed。
 Well; I can kill too; Colter thought。 I'm a human; and humans kill better than any animal ever could。
 He got to his feet and ran recklessly through the brush toward the RV; feeling invulnerable; even though he was nearly naked; exhausted; and unarmed。 He defied any dinosaur to cross his path。 He'd be an easy target; of course; but now he didn't care。 He was going to kill; or be killed。
 When he burst in the door Moose scrambled to the cabinet; and Sarah waddled to the back and buried herself under a pile of clothes。 Colter flared when he saw them。 But he only cursed at them and then began digging in the piles looking for a pair of jeans。 Still angry and reckless; Colter threw things violently to the side; working his way toward the back。 When he spotted his jeans in the bottom of a mound he jerked at them; eliciting a squeal of pain from Sarah。
 The painful cry melted some of the ice from Colter's heart。 Gently; he pulled the clothes off the pile one by one to uncover Sarah。 She had one back foot stuck in his jean's pocket; and when he pulled on it; it twisted her leg up and back。 Sarah flinched when he reached down; but didn't snap。 Slowly; Colter untangled her back leg; and she limped away to another pile and tried burying herself again。
 Feeling guilty; Colter dug around in the cabinets until he found a package of raisins。 He tore it open and dumped about half of it in front of Sarah's clothes pile;; and after only half a minute her head and neck collar emerged from under the clothes to sniff at the raisins。 Something pink and lacy was dangling from her collar。 Colter smiled at the sight; but then frowned when he realized it was a pair of Petra's panties。 When he reached down to retrieve them Sarah cringed; but didn't run away。 He threw the underwear out the shattered window。 Sarah looked up briefly; then started nibbling on her raisins。
 He was surprised at how much pain a piece of Petra's clothing could bring。 The look and the touch triggered memories of what had been and would never be again。 Now Colter sorted through the pile; pulling out whatever pieces of Petra's clothes he could find; and threw them out the window。 It was crazy; he knew; but it was also therapeutic。
 When he was done; he thought about starting on the belongings of the others; but he had something else to do。 Something to do with killing。 He pulled on a sweatshirt to finish covering himself; and then put on his old Nikes。 When he was done he looked up to see Moose staring longingly at the raisin pile Sarah was devouring。 While Moose cringed against the wall; Colter pulled another handful of raisins from the package and dropped them on top of the cabinet。 The animal was on the food as soon as Colter stepped away。
 It took over an hour to hammer the crushed metal of the wheel wells away from the tires。 Colter worked by flashlight; bending; prying; and hammering。 When he was sure he had enough clearance to turn without cutting the tires; he climbed into the driver's seat to start the engine。 The egg they had found in the clearing was still wrapped in a towel on the dash。 Colter placed it into a lower cabinet and then tried starting up the RV; which roared to life on the second crank。 Pulling forward; he turned away from the prehistoric world toward what he hoped was still civilization。 When he adjusted the rearview mirror he spotted Moose on top of the cabinet。
 〃All ashore who's going ashore。 Let's go; guys! Last stop! End of the line!〃
 Moose stared at him from the top of the cabinet; but didn't move。 Colter swore; set the brake; and walked back to grab Moose and throw him out。 Moose skittered away to the back of the RV and disappeared behind
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