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 than his own。
 〃Maybe it's just a little farther ahead;〃 John suggested。 Cubby pursed his lips considering。
 〃I don't know; John; we should at least be able to see those skyscrapers。〃 Cubby looked around intently。 Then he pointed up at the hill to the south。 〃Let's climb up to those fallen trees。 Maybe we can get a look around from up there。〃
 John hesitated; then followed Cubby; though his stomach was rumbling; and his muscles plaining。 After another crested hill; he was just about to quit when they came to a clearing amidst fallen timber。 Trees lay every which way; and their roots and crowns towered into the air; blocking the view。 They worked their way to where the hill dropped off sharply; then climbed the jagged roots of a big tree and stood on the top of the trunk。 They had an unobstructed view of the valley; its floor a forest with clearings sprinkled here and there。 In the middle of the valley was Portland; wispy and still shimmering; but undeniably there。 Cubby and John shouted and whooped and jumped up and down。 Then Cubby gave another shout and whoop and pointed to the south of the city。 John looked; at first seeing nothing but buildings and trees。 But then he spotted it。 Separated from the city by a stretch of suburbs was a。 hill; and shimmering and flickering on its crest was Cubby's church。 John stared; then looked for his house。 He knew there was no way he could see it from here but he looked anyway。
 〃Thank you Lord Jesus for delivering us;〃 Cubby prayed aloud。 John whispered an amen silently to himself。 Enthralled with the feeling that something good was about to happen; they stood there staring at the church。 Soon; John's thoughts were interrupted by a roar…not the roar of a dinosaur; but the distant roar of a jet。
 Spotting it; he watched it arc across the sky above Portland; then it was gone。 John tried to estimate the distance to the church and then looked at his watch。 It was nearly eleven o'clock。 He was sure they wouldn't make the church by nightfall; but like Cubby; he was willing to give it a try。
 They rushed into the forest; recklessly hiking toward their destination。 Still tired and hungry; but like racers nearing a finish line; they found reservoirs of strength。 The forest on the valley floor was thin; with little underbrush。 They still had to dodge razor grass and walk around giant clumps of ferns; but they made good time。 At one point when they heard something big moving through the trees; they hid in the undergrowth; lying flat and praying that dinosaurs have a poor sense of smell。 Soon the sound moved off in another direction; and the boys quickly got back on track。
 John watched the sun sinking lower and lower as they walked and began to get nervous。 Here the vegetation was sparse。 They'd have difficulty finding a place to hide for the night。 John heard the distant roar of another jet and looked at the sky; but couldn't spot the plane。 As the roar of the jet engines faded he heard the familiar sound of motors。 Someone was driving through the forest。
 〃People; Cubby。 Listen; I can hear people。〃
 〃You're right。 Maybe we're near the edge of the city。〃 They listened; trying to locate the sounds; which suddenly died。 Cubby pointed in their direction and led off through the trees at a quick pace。
 They stopped in the creek bed while Bobby climbed the bank again。 The rough terrain had made Ellen's sore bottom burn with pain; and she was glad Carl finally stopped。 Bobby had just disappeared when they heard a shout。
 〃I'll be damned。 You've got to see this。 e on up here。〃 Following Bobby's track up the bank; they found themselves in a large clearing。 There; shimmering faintly in the background; was the Portland skyline。 Ellen felt hope flood her body。 She had been slowly reconciling herself to the loss of her son…but maybe; just maybe; there was hope。
 Now John felt better。 If they were near the edge of the city he could catch a ride to his house and spend the night there。 John and Cubby found themselves climbing yet another hill; a gradual one so the climbing was easy。 On the other side; the trees thinned; and they found themselves staring into a large clearing。
 Near the far edge were parked several motorcycles。 Eight people stood near the bikes; and even from this distance; John could tell two were women; and one seemed familiar。 When she moved he knew it was his mother。
 〃It's my mom;〃 he said; starting past Cubby into the clearing。 Cubby's hand on his arm stopped him。
 〃Wait; John; something's not right。〃
 Maybe it was the motorcycles…John and Cubby had seen many biker movies…or maybe they'd developed natural caution in the forest。 But John and Cubby just stood and watched。
 *      *      *
 Ellen and Angie were excited by the presence of the city; but the guys seems disappointed; and even angry。
 〃Thought you were going to find us a mama dinosaur; Coop;〃 Carl said in a threatening tone。
 〃Yeah;〃 Kishton added menacingly。 Ellen could see that some of the razor grass cuts were still bleeding。 〃I missed out on the first hunt; and I came out here looking for some excitement。〃
 He was off his bike and approaching Coop; who urged Angie off; then confronted Kishton。
 〃I found you one dinosaur; I didn't say I could find you two。〃
 〃Well that's not good enough; Coop。 If you can't find dinosaurs for us; just what the hell are you good for?〃
 〃Coop didn't let us down; Kishton;〃 Carl said; walking up in front of Coop。 〃He found us a dinosaur。 And not only that but he brought us some more fun。〃 Then he chuckled。
 Coop's face was drawn; his lips tight; his eyes fearful。
 〃Good buddy Deputy Dawg brought us Ellen and Angie。 Two of the hottest babes in the county。〃
 〃At least Angie is;〃 Kishton said; walking up behind her。
 〃Hey; Kishton; you and the others can have her。 Ellen straightens out my pecker。〃
 〃Knock off that kind of talk; Carl;〃 Coop said; his voice trembling。 〃They might think you're serious。〃
 Carl grabbed his crotch and gave it a shake。 〃Don't I look serious; Coop?〃 The others laughed。
 〃Don't touch them; Carl。〃 Coop dropped his hand to the butt of his gun。
 〃You gonna stop me; Deputy Dawg?〃
 〃I'm the law…〃
 〃Coop; you weren't much law back in Carlton and you sure ain't the law out here。 I'm the law here。〃
 Then; without any warning; Carl dropped his hand to his gun; pulled it and fired it into Coop's chest。 Coop dropped to the ground; twisting left and falling into the deep grass。 Ellen knew he would never move again。
 The other guys stood still; shocked; Ellen imagined they would have willingly beat up Coop; de…pantsed him; tarred and feathered him; or even tied him to a tree naked and left him。 But she believed only Carl would have killed Coop in cold blood。 Carl's ruthlessness was probably what made him their leader。 But now that he'd murdered Coop; how much further were they willing to go? Kishton answered the question by grabbing Angle's arms; and pulling them behind her back。
 〃Give me a hand here; will you; Butler?〃
 Butler hesitated。 Then a big smile crossed his face; and he stepped forward and grabbed Angie's breasts。
 〃Oh mama;〃 he said; 〃we're going to have some fun。〃
 With that Butler tore Angie's blouse open。 She didn't scream or cry out; but she began to struggle and kick。 Butler jammed himself up close to Angie; so she couldn't kick him between the legs; and tore her blouse down to her waist。
 Ellen; frozen in disbelief; now saw Carl's face turn toward her and took off running。 Heavy footsteps behind her urged her to run faster。 She headed for the treeline; hoping to lose herself in the underbrush。 In the twilight she might be able to hide herself。
 Halfway to the trees Carl tackled her。 She went down hard on her stomach; her chin striking the ground; her teeth aching from the impact。 Still; she kicked and pushed to keep Carl from getting a solid grip on her。 He laughed; enjoying her struggle。 When Bobby arrived; the two men flipped her onto her back。 Carl sat on her; pinning her solidly to the ground; and then timed his grabs to seize her flailing arms。 Then Bobby pulled them above her head。 Carl leaned back; putting more weight on her stomach; staring at her breasts; smiling in antic
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