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 〃You one of us or not; Coop?〃
 〃You know I'm with you; Carl;〃 Coop said weakly。 But it was being clear to Ellen that Coop had bought his way into this group with his knowledge of the dinosaur。
 Poor; nerdy; Coop was beginning to look like Ellen felt。 The deeper they got into the forest; and further from civilization; the less civilized the 〃guys〃 were。
 The dinosaur hunt was on。 Briefly; the creature watched the cycles ing toward it; then it bolted in the other direction。 As it ran; Ellen watched intently。 Running on two legs; it was faster than a man…about eight feet tall with long forelegs and a domed head。
 The cyclists split up; racing to each side of the running dinosaur; trying to cut it off before it reached the forest。 One cyclist; burly; balding Butler; who seldom spoke; skidded to a stop and fired his rifle。 The shot missed; but the sound made the running dinosaur bolt to the right; forcing Kishton to swerve。 As he did he clipped a clump of ferns; and the front wheel of the bike buried into the patch; launching him over the handlebars。
 Butler fired again; and this time the dinosaur dropped to its knees; skidding and then bouncing onto its long neck。 Now Butler jumped on his bike and raced after the remaining cyclists as they closed in; but before they could shoot him again the dinosaur was up and racing toward the trees。 Too far away to see the action; Coop started up his bike; Angie climbing on behind him。 But Carl made no move to follow; and Ellen had no intention of squeezing up behind him unless she absolutely had to。
 The motorcyclists cut the dinosaur off again; and it raced toward the center of the clearing。 Anguished; Ellen could see blood running down its right rear leg。 She gave up hope of saving it and wished now they would kill it and get it over with。 But the bikers were enjoying the hunt。
 The dinosaur circled back toward Carl and Ellen; ing straight for them。 Ellen had a good view now as the dinosaur closed on them; but suddenly another shot rang out; and the dinosaur went down; dropping onto its right side and struggling to get up。 Its back legs seemed to be working but the front ones could not support its weight; and they collapsed; creating a pivot; and the dinosaur went into a spin。
 The animal's blood soaked the ground as it flattened a circle of grass; going round and round。 The hunters gathered; pointing and laughing at the spectacle…until Coop joined them。
 Coop got off his bike; angrily confronting Bobby; who pushed his face within inches of Coop's and began shouting。 Angie wrapped her arms around Coop's waist and pulled him back; then Bobby said something that made the others laugh。 The hunters went back to enjoying the dinosaur's struggle。 After Angie and Coop talked for a second; Coop turned; pulled his revolver; and emptied it into the dinosaur。
 The hunters jumped back at the sound of the revolver and watched…then they turned on him。
 Even from this distance Ellen could feel their anger。 Ellen started forward; fearing for Angle's safety; but a rough grip on her arm stopped her。
 〃Let 'em party;〃 Carl smirked; pulling Ellen toward him。
 Ellen put her hands on Carl's chest and pushed。 Leering; Carl wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled。 He was strong and could have pulled her flat up against him; but the cruel look in his eyes told Ellen he was enjoying her struggle。 Then Carl began to exert more pressure; drawing Ellen toward him。 Suddenly; he dropped his hand; wrapping it around her bottom and pulling her hips tight up against his。 He held her there briefly and then began grinding his hips against hers。
 〃Stop it; Carl! Let me go。〃
 〃Where you going? They're done huntin'。 Nuthin' left to see。〃
 〃I've got to find my son。〃
 〃Lady; ain't it clear to you yet? There's nuthin' here。 It's all gone; the city; the people 。 。 。 your son。 Looks like you're gonna need another。 I'll be glad to help you make one;〃
 As Carl shifted his weight; bending her over backward; he tripped her。 Ellen crashed to the ground with him on top。 She could smell the liquor on his breath again。 His eyes still looked cruel and his lips still sneered。 Now Ellen began to struggle again and pounded on the sides of his head。 As he yelped and jerked back to protect his face; Ellen pounded harder。
 〃Get off me!〃 she screamed。
 Carl wasn't laughing now; he was dodging blows…then Ellen heard someone else laughing。
 〃Carl; looks like you bit off more than you can chew there。〃
 Ellen stopped pounding and Carl dropped his hands to see Kishtori watching them。 He'd fallen in the sharp…edged grass and bled from dozens of cuts。 His face; shirt; and pants were torn and blood soaked。
 〃Beat it; Kishton; I'm busy;〃 Carl snarled。
 Ellen realized Carl's ego was wounded。 After all; Kishton had seen him getting slapped around by a woman。 Now Carl would retaliate。 Before Kishton could decide whether to leave or watch; Coop came roaring up。 Angie immediately jumped off and helped Ellen off the ground。 Without a word to Carl; she just pulled Ellen off to one side; asking if she was okay。
 Coop looked angry。 〃What the hell were you doing; Carl? We're here to assist her in locating her boy; remember? You perpetrate something like that again and I'll。 。 。 I'll。 。 。〃
 〃You'll what? Arrest me? You see any fuckin1 jails around here? Shee…it; you're not even a real deputy。〃
 〃Am so。 I'm a reserve officer…〃
 〃Coop; you ain't nuthin' but a pain in Sheriff Peter's ass。 The only reason he keeps you around is cause me and the boys won't work for the slave wages he pays you。 Are you that stupid; Coop? He's offered me; Kishton here; and nearly every one of the others your job at one time or another。 Ain't that right; Kishton? I'll tell you something else; Coop; I'm thinkin' we don't need you anymore。 We got the dinosaur。 Just what else are you good for?〃
 His tone sounded final; and Angie and Ellen pulled each other closer。 Coop had never had much authority; and even that was eroding fast。 If they sent Coop back; or worse; nothing would keep Carl from Ellen。 Coop was watching nervously to see if Kishton would intervene。 They were interrupted by the grisly sight of Butler roaring up with the head of the dinosaur strapped to the back of his motorcycle。 The others followed; each with a dinosaur leg strapped to the back of his bike。
 〃You call that baby a dinosaur?〃 Ellen asked。 All heads turned toward her。
 〃Baby?〃 Butler said; jerking his head toward the head on the back of his bike。 〃You call this mother a baby?〃
 〃That's right;〃 Ellen continued; 〃they grow much bigger than this。 Some of them are as big as a three…story building。 They e so big; that I doubt you're man enough to bring one down。 Isn't that right; Coop? I bet you could find us a bigger one; couldn't you; Coop?〃
 Angie chimed in。 〃I've seen these things in movies and I know they e bigger than this。 Did you ever see that King Kong movie? Think they get that big; Coop?〃
 No one was listening to Coop's answer。 The men were talking among themselves。 Someone dug a bottle of Old Crow out of a saddlebag and they started passing it around; reliving the hunt and planning the next one。 As they talked Carl gave Ellen a look that said there was unfinished business between them。
 After the men fortified themselves they were back on the cycles。 Ellen had only two choices; and she swallowed back her fear and climbed up behind Carl。 Angie gave her a look that said she would trade places; but Ellen couldn't do it to her。 Besides; Ellen thought; Angie seemed to be handling Coop quite well; and they needed whatever control over the guys he had left。
 John felt as if they had been walking for hours when Cubby finally stopped again。
 〃Something's not right; John。 We should be to Portland by now。 This is where we saw it。〃
 John looked around but recognized nothing。 He could tell they were down in a valley; since hills were visible to the right and left; covered with tumbled…down trees。 The forest was thick; but it looked level。 Was it the Willamette valley? Cubby was sure of it; and John; as usual; trusted Cubby's instincts better than his own。
 〃Maybe it's just a little farther ahead;〃 John suggested。 Cubby pursed his lips co
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