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and to a creek bed with pools in it。 From the look of the banks; the creek was once a foot or two deep。
 〃Wonder what happened to the water?〃 John asked。
 〃Maybe some dino got thirsty and slurped it up。〃 Cubby meant it as a joke; but that started both of them looking around cautiously。
 They found a clear pool and dipped their canteens in; watching the bubbles break on the surface。 Cubby ran his fingers around the edge of the pool a couple of times; then his eyebrows went up and he jerked his canteen out of the water and fumbled the cap back on。
 〃What's up; Cubby?〃
 〃Take a look at these pools。 Notice anything?〃
 To John; they seemed just ordinary water。 Then it hit him。 The pools were in pairs; two straight lines; one on each side of the creek bed。 He saw Cubby disappearing into the trees and followed; nearly running into him。 John looked down and saw Cubby's footprints…two impressions in the grass side by side… and remembered those in the creek bed。 The boys kept running。
 Ellen and Angie met Coop's 〃off…road recreational enthusiasts〃 early the next morning。 The group turned out to look like a backwoods motorcycle gang…the five men besides Coop all looked as if they made their living with their hands。 Only Coop had bothered to shave; and their clothes looked as if they had never been washed。 All of them were wearing leather work boots; jeans; and flannel shirts topped with sweatshirts or down vests。 When the women approached some of the men started clapping and howling at Angie。 Even in a coat and jeans Angie had an aura of sensuality。 Coop stepped forward as they approached and introduced them。
 〃These are the ladies I was telling you about。 This is Angie。〃 Two of the men whistled in appreciation; 〃And this here's Ellen。 Ellen has a young progeny somewhere in the Portland vicinity; and she needs assistance in reconnoitering the area。 I said we would facilitate。〃 Ellen didn't mention that her little boy was seventeen years old。
 As Coop spoke Ellen noticed two things that bothered her。 First; the group was heavily armed。 The motorcycles were fitted with rifle sheaths; and every sheath had a gun sticking out of it。 Two of them were also wearing holsters。 Why would crosscountry motorcyclists need weapons?
 Second; one of the men wasn't staring at Angie; he was staring at Ellen with the kind of look the other men were giving Angie。 Angie may be used to that kind of look; Ellen thought; but I don't like it。 Coop had introduced the man as Carl。 He was as tall as Coop but muscular; with dark hair slicked back on both sides of his head and curls hanging down covering his forehead。 His face was covered with a dark stubble and his eyes were staring at Ellen。
 Looking straight back at Carl she asked; 〃What do you need all those guns for? Expecting to run into a gun show?〃
 Carl smiled。 〃The big city's a real dangerous place; right guys? Country boys like us can't go into town unprotected。 Besides; we've got you women folk to look out for。 Right guys?〃
 The others snickered。
 〃The guns are for hunting;〃 Coop said。 Then he paused; as if he were thinking about telling them more; but he merely shrugged and muttered; 〃You never know what you might run into。〃
 There was something going on here that the 〃guys〃 weren't telling the girls; making Ellen unfortable。 But the only remaining option was walking into Portland; which could take days; and she was concerned about her son。
 Angie and Ellen followed the motorcycles in their Jeep; winding through the small residential section of the town。 Officer Peters had been right。 Cars packed the streets; parked in every nook and cranny。 They came to what looked like a dead end but instead of stopping they drove down a long driveway around a house and to a dirt road。 That road led up over a hill and down into another patch of forest。 At the bottom of the hill they came to a small one…lane bridge that crossed a creek。 Before crossing; Carl and the guys stopped and gathered to…gether talking。 Finally; Carl and Coop returned to the Jeep。 Ellen noticed that Coop came to Angie's window and Carl to hers。
 Coop said; 〃You'll have to abandon your vehicle here。 We're going to follow the creek bed。 You can go double with Carl and me。〃
 The thought or riding with Carl made Ellen shudder。 〃What about the road? Why don't we just stay on the road and follow it?〃
 Carl leaned in Ellen's window to speak。 When he did; she smelled stale beer on his breath and flinched back in revulsion。 Her reaction made Carl smile。 Carl was missing an eye tooth; and from the brown crust between his other teeth; she judged he'd be missing more soon。
 〃Hey; what's a matter? Don't you trust us? We're gonna get you to your boy。 There just ain't more road to use。 Coop and I been down there;〃 he said nodding over the bridge。 〃You can get another half mile and then nuthin' but forest。 You'd never get this mother through those trees;〃 he said as he banged the door of the Jeep with his knee。 Carl smiled sweetly and then turned serious。 〃Better to e with us。 We'll follow the creek bed and use it like a road。 It'll get us closer to where we'll jump off and head through the forest。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Angie said; 〃we'll get our stuff together。〃
 Carl and Coop drifted back up with the guys and started talking with them。 The guys kept looking back at the Jeep and laughing as Carl gestured obscenely。 Angie then turned to Ellen。
 〃Honey; I'm getting a bad feeling about this。 I trust that Coop; I can handle him; but Carl and the guys are a different story。 And what are they doing with all those guns? Did you notice two of them are carrying assault rifles? I'm not saying I won't go with you; don't think that for a minute;〃 Angie was saying。 〃I just want you to know what we're getting into。 Carl and his buddies are just having a good time now; a chance to get away from some mill or factory job; and cat around。 Maybe Coop can keep them in line…probably he can。〃
 〃Angie; you've done enough。 You've brought me all the way across the state on back roads; spent your time and money when you could have been lounging around a motel pool waiting for Bill。 Go on back; I can handle it from here。 I don't trust themeither; but I'd make a deal with the devil to get to my son。 I've got to know if he's there; if he's somewhere。〃
 〃You want me to ride with Carl。〃
 〃Angie; I said you didn't have to go。〃
 〃I heard you honey; now who do you want to ride with?〃
 Ellen smiled at Angie and then leaned over and hugged her。
 〃I'll ride with Carl。 You work your magic on Coop。〃
 〃He'll be homy enough to hump a tree by the time this motorcycle ride's over。〃
 Ellen was sure about that。 She only hoped Carl wouldn't feel the same way。
 When she and Angie climbed on the bikes the other guys grunted their approval with 〃all rights〃 and 〃way to go〃s。 All of them were looking at Angie and Coop except Carl; who made a disgusting 〃smacking〃 sound and then winked at her。 Ellen hated riding behind Carl。 When she spread her legs wide to squeeze in beside him; Carl pressed between her legs and made another disgusting sound。
 The other bikers led off across the bridge and then turned and dropped down the sharp bank to the rocky creek bed。 Ellen tried hanging on to the seat; but the terrain was rough and bouncy。 She hated putting her arms around him; so she grabbed his coat; only leaning against him occasionally to keep her balance。 Ellen noticed that Angie wasn't as picky…she had her arms around Coop and her chest pressed up against his back。
 After a while Ellen relaxed a little。 She began to trust Carl… at least his riding skills。
 After what seemed like hours the lead rider; a big man called Bobby; stopped and rode back to talk with Coop。 Bobby had powerful…looking suntanned arms; and scraggly blond hair; with a half…grown beard on his boyish face。 Bobby asked about something being 〃around here somewhere?〃 and Coop pointed up over the bank。 Bobby rode out into the creek a little way; then the motorcycle jumped forward and roared up the bank; actually being airborne as he cleared the rim and he disappeared over the top。 After a while he reappeared and signaled the others to follow。 One by one the bikers launched themselves over the edge。
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