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 cautioned her not to get faked into grabbing one too soon but in the first round feigned a grab and tricked her。 Laughing as they played; they shared a good feeling。 Finally; Carmen announced it was time for swimming。
 They spent the next hour jumping off the stern into the warm blue waters。 Finally; exhausted; the kids stretched out on the bow to warm themselves while Ron and Carmen settled in the stern。
 〃You're being too obvious; you know?〃 Carmen said。 〃About Rosa; I mean。 You can't force her to want to go to Bermuda。〃
 〃I know。 I gave up after the navigation debacle。〃
 〃That was pretty funny。 Trying to get a teenager to like sailing by teaching her geometry。 Did you notice things went better after you stopped trying?〃
 〃Well; we did have a good time after lunch。 But we can play cards at home。 That has nothing to do with sailing;〃
 〃But we don't play cards at home。 The kids have their friends and TV。 You and I have our jobs; and we tend to bring them home with us。 When was the last time we played cards? I mean all of us; as a family?〃
 Carmen was right; Ron admitted。 The isolation of offshore sailing had brought them together。 Perhaps Rosa would never love sailing; but the experience might help meld the family。 That was more important than a sail to Bermuda; Ron told himself。 He tried telling himself that again; but still a part of him wanted Bermuda; and it wasn't looking good。 Ron leaned back; looking up into the clear blue sky; and silently hoped nothing else would go wrong。
 I was awakened this morning by the sound of pounding on my roof。 I went to the window to see a most surprising sight。 Dried fish were pouring from the sky onto the houses ond into the street。 When the shower ended the natives collected the fish into baskets。 My aide estimated that 3000 to 4000 fish had fallen。
 …Colonel Witherspoon; India ;1836
 Ashland; Oregon
  Deputy Sheriff Robin Kyle was parked with his feet stretched out on the front seat of his patrol car。 He wasn't asleep but was only about one level of consciousness away; his eyes partially open; semialert for criminal activity。 Of course much criminal activity…or even traffic…would be rare on this particular dirt road。 That was why Kyle had picked this patrol。 He had no intention of ruining a beautiful fall day by actually catching a criminal。 He wasn't lazy; exactly; it was just that relaxation came naturally to him; and since there was very little real crime in Jackson county; he believed he was making best use of his time。
 Occasional calls and assignments could be heard over his radio speaker; but he had turned the radio down low enough so it didn't distract him。 A horse clip…clopped past his cruiser; ridden by a teenage girl。 Kyle alternated between watching the rider's and horse's rears wiggle rhythmically。 He picked up his radar gun and aimed it at the retreating behinds。 Too bad; he thought; they're within the legal limit。 He was still watching the behinds when he heard his unit number。 He ignored it the first time but reluctantly answered it after the second call。
 〃Sorry to bother you while you're so busy; Kyle;〃 Karon; the dispatcher said; as if she knew what he was doing。 〃But we got a call that only you can answer。 Seems they've got a hostage situation in the Oregon Caves。〃
 Kyle pounded the side of his head like something was stuck in his ear。
 〃You said in the Oregon Caves? What kind of hostage situation; Karon?〃
 〃The usual kind; Kyle! Someone with a gun is holding a dozen people hostage down in the caves。 Says he won't kill them as long as no one interferes。〃
 Kyle was trying to understand why someone had selected a cave to take hostages in。 Certainly it would be a difficult place to assault; and guns would be almost useless。 Any wayward shot would ricochet wildly; killing indiscriminately。 Still it wasn't like hijacking a jet。 A jet could take you somewhere。 Even a bus could do that; but not a cave。 And this particular cave was in the middle of nowhere。
 〃That's mighty peculiar; Karon;〃 Kyle cut in。 〃Someone selecting a cave to hold hostages in! I got a dollar says he wants free transportation to a worker's paradise somewhere。 Have there been any demands?〃
 〃Negative; Kyle。 You ready for the strange part? The guy with the gun says he's saving the people in the cave。 Says he doesn't want to be alone after it happens。〃
 〃After what happens?〃
 〃After the world ends。〃
 〃What do they want me for?〃
 〃They're looking for officers with cave experience。 They heard about your rescue training。〃
 Kyle winced at the mention of that。 He had taken the special training as an excuse to take two weeks off; drink beer with some friends of his; and get a little extra in the paycheck each month。 In the two years since the training he had helped recover one dead body from a plane wreck; and helped pull a hiker with a broken leg up a twenty…five…foot slope。 Kyle wanted to tell Karon that his training was for rescuing people who want to be rescued; not for going in after some self…destructive nut。 Kyle didn't seem to have a choice; however。
 〃Okay; Karon; tell them I'll pick up some gear and head on over; but it'll take a couple of hours。〃 Kyle was hoping the situation would be resolved long before he could get involved。
 〃They know that; Kyle; they said there was no hurry。 The guy in the cave isn't going anywhere。〃
 Not one will get away; none will escape。 Though they dig down to the depths of the grave from there my hand will take them。
 …Amos; 9:12
 Oregon Caves
  Ellen and Terry were sitting down; using each other as backrests。 Most of the others in the cave were either lying down or leaning against the cave walls。 The initial panic the group experienced had died down。 Nothing had happened since the kid had scared off the next tour group; pointing his gun at the members entering the cave as he told them to 〃get out and stay out。〃 The kid made no demands or political statements; but it was clear he wasn't going to let anyone go either。 Occasionally his sister would plead or try to reason with him; but each time she was rebuffed。 Finally she gave up and sat in silence with the rest of the hostages。
 Terry was mentally reviewing what he knew about hostage situations。 If they remained captive long enough; and if the conditions were harsh; some would e to sympathize with the hostage…takers。 Persistent anxiety; with no control over the situation; causes one to identify with the source of the anxiety; in this case the kid with the gun。 Terry remembered one case where hostages were held in a bank vault for three days。 The police turned off the air…conditioning; poisoned the food; and provided minimal water while the gang holding the hostages sexually abused the women。 Yet; when finally released; many of the hostages expressed concern about what would happen to their captors。
 The two boys were throwing rocks in the back of the cave。 Terry turned to look at them and noticed something peculiar。 The military man was no longer toward the back of the group; but in the middle。 The kid was sitting with his knees up to his chest; and staring straight ahead。 The gun was still in his hand; although it was pointed toward the ground。 Terry pulled his own head to his knees; put his arms on top; and then lay his head down sideways so he could watch the military man。
 It took a long time; but Terry could see what was happening。 Every once in a while the military man would stretch a leg; or an arm; or arch his back and yawn。 And every time his leg came back down; or he finished stretching; he would be an inch or two closer to the front。 Terry watched him move an arm and rock sideways。 A few minutes later he stretched the other arm and rocked back the other way。 He was now two inches closer。 It was like watching a clock。 It took patience; but if you stared long enough you could see the minute hand move。
 The military man's moves rekindled Terry's sharp fears; waves of panic swept htm。 What if the kid noticed? What if the military man did something? What if he did something that made the kid punish the group? On 
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