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expanded。 When they reached the edge of the screen the program stopped。
 〃That's it?〃 Bill asked。 〃That's all it does?〃
 〃I told you it was a piece of crap。 Part of this stuff is dates again。〃 Phil pointed to the columns of figures on the left side of the screen; 〃Hard to tell though because he ran all the numbers together; course I could fix it in a jiff。〃
 〃No; Phil。 What about the rest of the numbers? Counting the dates; it's really four sets of numbers。 I haven't figured out the other three yet。 Here; look at this one。〃 More work with the mouse and another set of mands filled the screen。 〃This one's a little different。〃
 Punching more keys; Phil called up another program。 It was like the other program but instead of two expanding circles; these began to pulse; repeatedly sending out expanding waves。 As one circle expanded; another circle formed within it; chasing the first circle to the edge of the screen。 When the expanding circles nearly reached each other; the image switched to show smaller multiple circles expanding within each other。
 〃He adjusted for scale; it's the same circles;〃 Phil added。
 The circles continued to expand; but one by one the inner circles overtook the outer circles and merged until only two circles remained。 Then the image froze。 Terry looked over at the numbers on the left。 
 〃Phil; what's the date count?〃
 〃You have an idea; Terry?〃 Bill asked。
 〃Remember our idea about Hiroshima and the bomb? Maybe these circles start with the bomb?〃
 Terry and Bill looked at Phil expectantly; but he just shook his head。
 〃Counts wrong。 If we subtract the count from yesterday then we miss Hiroshima by seventeen years 。 。 。 still。 。 。 that's an interesting idea。〃
 Phil drifted inward; reminding Terry of Kenny's drift into a catatonic state。 But Bill urged Phil on。 〃These other numbers; do they have something to do with the frog falls; avalanches; and other events on Kenny's list?〃
 Phil seemed reluctant to e back from wherever he was。
 〃You're thinking latitude and longitude; aren't you? That's what I was working on when you got here。 There's too many numbers; though。〃 Phil looked lost in thought again。 〃All right; maybe you guys can help me…I think I'm getting it。 Colonel; I need some more data。〃
 Bill agreed to get him whatever he needed。
 〃Hot damn;〃 Phil laughed; 〃some of it's classified。〃
 Modern munication systems are made up of radio; television; phone; and puter networks。 To keep this system functioning; there must be transmission and reception facilities; copper cables; fiber optic lines; broadcast towers; dish antennae; translators; boosters; switching stations; and satellites。 Lose a part of this system; and backup systems automatically e on…line。 Lose the backup systems and puters will automatically reroute signals。 Lose those routes and the system fails。
 Like everything else about the effect; the losses were uneven。 Some satellites were lost; and others lost their ground munication facilities。 Other ground stations reestablished contact where possible。 Underground transmission lines were left intact; as were transatlantic and transpacific cables。 Cities untouched by the effect kept local phone; TV; and radio; and some long…distance; while those in or near cities sliced by the effect were hardest hit。 Some lost everything; others kept some local radio or TV。 Military bases were similar but reestablished satellite munication sooner; then mandeered civilian lines; further snarling civilian munication。
 As a resuit some sat riveted to TVs witnessing the bizarre unfold before them; while others only heard rumors and half truths。 Still others in rural pockets continued their lives pletely unaware of the drama unfolding across the face of the planet。
 Nick Paulson's encounter with the masturbator left him wary of any more of Elizabeth's prognosticators。 Additional psychics; religious fanatics; and nuts were still being rounded up; but Nick delegated the interviewing to the CIA。 Instead; Nick bed the PresNet。
 Nick used the directory to get a rough map of which parts of the network were lost。 The northeastern part of the country was mostly off…line; although a terminal at the University of Delaware and one in New Hampshire were listed。 The Chicago area was well represented as were the states surrounding Illinois。 The southeast was another near…total loss。 There was nothing from Georgia; Mississippi; and Louisiana; and precious little from the rest of the South。 There were three terminals listed from Florida State University but none from the University of Miami。 There were few advisors in the far West except for California; but functioning terminals were listed in Houston; Galveston; Reno; Cheyenne; and several in the Southern California basin。 Only Seattle was represented in the northwest; with terminals at the University of Washington and Boeing。 Nothing was showing for Alaska; Puerto Rico; or Guam。 Three stations were listed as on…line in Hawaii。 After his survey Nick estimated only a third of the network was still functioning。
 The reports on PresNet described the kinds of impossible topographical changes Nick heard described on the radio。 One posted message was from a scientist named Robert Cory in Houston; who was bounced off the highway when his car was hit by a pressure wave。 Back on the road; he rounded a curve to find a red hot lava field。 Fires were spreading along the highway。 Another report came from a Mavis Famsworth in Minneapolis; who described a loud whooshing sound in the middle of the night; and opened her drapes to find herself staring at a jungle。 The network was filled with these kinds of reports; but Nick was frustrated with them。 They were too descriptive and not analytical。 The PresNet advisors were acting like tourists; not scientists。
 Nick sent an all…points message requesting direct analysis of any topographical changes the associates had access to。 He also asked for continued reports on 〃unusual events;〃 but to look for mon denominators。 Nick hoped this would begin to focus the work of the network scientists。 At first he had been tempted to ask for reports on dinosaurs or other prehistoric life…forms; but he knew if he suggested what to look for; that would limit the observations。
 The phone beeped several times before Nick picked it up。 A guard announced an insistent air force colonel named Conrad was at the gate with a psychologist; and a sergeant; claiming they had vital information。 Nick remembered that the college kid from Elizabeth's list was to be acpanied by a psychologist and a colonel。 Frustrated by the lack of information on the PresNet; he agreed to see them but swore he'd personally castrate any of them that started masturbating。
 That wasn't necessary。 The men were all…business。 None of them was wearing a uniform; but the colonel's military bearing and demeanor set him apart instantly。 The other two seemed to wear rumpled casual clothes; although on closer inspection it appeared the taller man wore rumpled clothes; and the shorter Asian was a rumpled man in well…pressed clothes。
 The colonel took charge and ordered Sergeant Yamamoto to set up their puter equipment。 The sergeant; protesting; looked lustfully at Nick's console; so Nick invited the sergeant to help himself。 After brief introductions; the colonel said abruptlyt 〃I think we know what's happened。〃
 Nick's hopes sank。 The colonel was as confident as the psychics; and experience told Nick that no one that confident was ever right。 His explanation made a good story though。 A psychotic college student; hostages in a cave; the mountain in the middle of the freeway; and then the search of Kenny's room。
 As Bill described what they had collected; Terry handed examples of articles and showed sections of books to Nick。 Dr。 Paulson showed none of the skepticism Terry had expected。
 〃You think these events have something to do with what happened?〃 Nick asked。
 〃Kenny Randall certainly did and he worked out a model。。。 Phil; you ready?〃 Colonel Conrad asked。
 〃Yeah; here we go。 Remember though; this thing's a piece of crap and I had nothing to do with the programming。 The colonel here won't even let me clean it up。〃 Phil shook his head and punched a 
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