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 〃It's not going to make any difference; Petra。 Look at the size of that mother。〃
 As they looked out the'window; they saw it looming larger and larger; not as big as the RV; but close enough。
 〃Everyone get down!〃 Colter yelled。 〃Get down or fall down!〃
 They all sat down on the floor and against the back wall of the RV。 Watching the charging dinosaur had been terrifying; but sitting on the floor; unable to see; was worse。 Petra linked arms with Colter and Dr。 Coombs; who linked his with Dr。 Piltcher。 Colter pushed his legs straight out against the cabinet opposite him; wedging himself in as tight as he could; the rest copying him。 They were all tightly packed when the dinosaur hit。 It did little good。
 When the curved horn on the snout slammed into it; the door of the RV crumpled; ripping from its hinges in a scream of metal。 As the huge mass of the dinosaur continued forward the head forced itself through the door and into the RV。 The neck collar; too wide for the opening; crumpled the wall on both sides of the door。 Now the impact turned loose objects in the RV into shrapnel。 Pens; and paper; a flashlight; apples; and peaches ricocheted all around; drawers flew open and silverware bounced around。 Cupboards opened and dry goods poured over the four heads;
 The impact of the collision drove the RV backward across the clearing; rocking the occupants forward and then throwing them back as the RV absorbed the rest of the force and jerked to a stop。 When their heads cleared; those inside realized the vehicle was tilted at an angle。
 They held their breath waiting for it to fall over or rock back onto its wheels。 Neither happened。 Then they realized why。 The dinosaur's head was still jammed in the door; and it was looking at them with a huge angry eye。
 They were all frozen in fear except Colter; who reached down; picked up a spatula; leaned forward and slapped the dinosaur on the nose。
 〃Get the hell out of here!〃 he yelled。
 The dinosaur went crazy and began thrashing its head。 Its power was stunning。 The RV shook back and forth with the wrenching head; the thin metal of the doorway screaming with each motion。 Then; with a powerful jerk; the head withdrew from the doorway。 Suddenly the beast slammed against the side of the RV; again and again。 The powerful shocks reverberated inside; making it impossible to stand。 The dinosaur was systematically crushing the full length of the RV。 A particularly vicious slam shattered the window farthest back; showering the inside with glass。 Sarah's fearful squeal could be heard above the din。 Then the attacks stopped; and only Sarah's squeals continued; eventually dying to a whimper。
 When the group managed to get their own breath under control; they heard the dinosaur breathing outside。 They sat paralyzed with fear; afraid to move lest a sound would bring another attack。 Colter; the spatula still in his hand; started to move to the window; but Dr。 Piltcher grabbed his back pocket。
 〃Whatever you do; don't hit it with that again!〃
 Colter smiled reassurance and handed the useless weapon to Dr。 Piltcher。 Then the dinosaur screamed。 Colter dove to the floor just before another slam shattered the window。
 The dinosaur continued crushing the side of the RV; deafening the cowering occupants。 Then it stopped again。 They waited fearfully; afraid to move。 The dinosaur slammed the vehicle twice; then took up a station outside the RV; its wet; ragged breathing sounding menacing。 Soont it was clear; the animal wasn't going to leave until it had what it came for。
 I can foretell what is ing because I know what has been。
 …Zorastrus; Prophet of Babylon
 Washington; D。C。
  Frustrated; Phil stared at the piles in front of him。 Kenny's disks were divided into three categories: 〃software;〃 〃use…less;〃 and 〃what the hell is this?〃 The software category contained mercial programs for word processing; drawing; or spreadsheets。 The 〃useless〃 pile included data storage files that contained Kenny's term papers; book reviews; class outlines; and letters home。 Bill snagged the disks with the letters on them。 The 〃what the hell is this?〃 category were the programs Phil was concentrating on。
 〃Why don't you tell us what you know so far; and maybe we can help a bit;〃 Bill suggested。
 〃There's a dozen programs here but they seem to be of three types。〃 Phil pulled down menus with the mouse; then three columns filled the screen。 The first column was labeled DATE; the second was labeled PLACE; and the third EVENT。 The first entry was July 22; 1879; London; frog fall。 The second entry was August 19; 1881; Kiev; Ukraine; woman burns。 The third entry was March 2; 1882; St。 Augustine; Florida; ice fall。 Terry scanned the list。 These were the kinds of events Kenny's books and files were filled with。
 〃There's five hundred and twenty…two entries on this list。 There's three other lists too。 One of the lists isn't in any kind of order。 It's kind of a hodgepodge of things like Sasquatch and yeti sightings; UFO reports; junk like that。 Most of it's garbage except the report about a prehistoric fish caught off the coast of South America。 I saw a picture of that fish so I know it's true。〃
 Terry understood。 He'd never have believed the I…5 mountain either; if he hadn't seen it in person。
 〃Some of this stuff is pretty old。 I found a file labeled with Zorastrus's name。 It's got the really old stuff in it。〃
 Bill and Terry exchanged glances。 The name Zorastrus kept ing up。
 The screen now filled with programming mands。
 〃This is the second kind of stuff。 He's got several versions of this program。 You can see what he was trying to do。 Most of this stuff is just display instructions…mands to read his data array; plete some calculations; and display the output。 The important part is here。〃 Phil scrolled the program until his finger came to rest at a particular spot。 〃This is where his formula starts。〃
 〃Formula for what?〃 Bill asked。
 〃I ain't no mathematician;〃 Phil protested; but then he yielded。 〃It looks like he's trying to fit a curve to three sets of variable data。 Okay; it's like this。 Let's say I draw a line on a piece of paper through points A; B; and C。 Then I want to know where that line will be if I add an inch to A; an inch to B; and an inch to C。 That's what he had the puter doing。 He wasn't using inches though; and he wasn't always adding the same amount to each reference point; and sometimes he subtracts。〃
 〃If he wasn't using inches what was he using?〃 Bill asked。
 〃The only one I've figured out is this one。〃 Phil reached up and tapped the third column。 〃It looks like it varies between 1 and 200;366。 One set ranges from 1 to 366 and the other from between 1 and 200。 It works something like an odometer。 Once this column reaches either 365 of 366 it rolls over a number in the next column。〃
 〃It's counting days and years?〃
 〃Yeah; it even corrects for leap year。〃
 〃Umm。 。。〃 Bill began。 〃That makes sense。 Kenny thinks these events in the past have something to do with what's happened。 What's the third kind of stuff?〃
 〃Graphics。 Here; watch this;〃 Phil opened another file using the mouse。 〃This is still a piece of crap; but it's the best thing this bozo programmed。〃 The screen was split with a line marking off one third of the screen。 The larger portion had two small circles; one in each upper corner of the screen。 Phil punched a key and the two circles slowly expanded。 When they met the screen froze and the letter A appeared at the point of contact。 Another letter A appeared in the left…hand column with three sets of figures。 Phil punched another key and the circles expanded again。 As soon as the circles finished crossing each other the screen froze again。 This time two more letters appeared; a B and a C; marking the two new contact points between the circles。 There were now three sets of three figures in the left…hand column。 Terry noticed that the A figures had changed。 Another key punch and the circles began to expand again。 Terry watched the A; B; and C columns of figures change as the circles expanded。 When they reached the edge of the screen the program stopped。
 〃That's it?〃 Bill asked。 
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