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d to last thirty days。 Pineapple; sugar; and fish would only go so far among a million people。 Gas and oil would dwindle just as fast。 The implications of being cut off from supplies were staggering; and the consequences could be ugly。 But they weren't cut off pletely; were they? Only interisland flights were still operating because of what had happened to the three flights from the mainland; but for how long? What of shipping? Emmett realized he needed to e back to reality。
 〃You want me to help you get stocked up on food?〃
 Carrollee briefly looked hurt; and Emmett regretted his suggestion。 She was one of the most capable people he knew。
 〃Not a problem。 Richard's navy; remember? But thanks for the offer;〃 she continued。 〃No; there's another thing you might be interested in。 You know how we thought Hawaii had been untouched by what happened? I mean by all the disasters。 Well something strange has been drifting ashore。 Mostly plants and a few dead fish。 Nothing spectacular; but a friend of mine said it wasn't the usual kind of seaweed and grasses。 Thought you might like to e along。〃
 〃You need an astrophysicist?〃
 〃You don't have to e; it's just for pany。〃
 Carrollee made no attempt to leave and sat unfortably。 Maybe there wasn't chaos outside of the campus; but Emmett knew Carrollee; and he understood her request wasn't for pany; it was for safety; Emmett wasn't a big guy; actually only five seven; so he wasn't being asked to e along for muscle; only numbers。 He realized he might need to make the same request of her one day。
 〃How long will we be gone?〃
 〃A couple of hours; tops。 You'll be back to mitting crimes in a jiff。〃
 Emmett hesitated; turning toward the puter screen with the PresNet messages still displayed。 This trip with Carrollee might give him something to put on the network; if he had the nerve。
 Emmett turned back to see her looking at him quizzically。
 〃The puter will still be here when we get back。 Besides; it's not like you can use the network。 You need a code to get on it。〃
 Emmett tried to stay stone…faced; but he blushed slightly。
 〃You didn't break into the network; did you?〃
 〃Absolutely not。 I found the code。〃
 〃On the bottom of Dr。 Wang's chair。〃
 〃Her chair just happened to fall over and land upside down? Emmett; you're shameless。〃
 They took Carrollee's car to the beach。 Too busy looking for signs of looting or other potential danger; they didn't talk much on the way。 The stores they passed were untouched; however。 A convoy of military vehicles on Kalanianaole Highway they took as a bad sign; and then realized they were being paranoid…military vehicles were mon on the highway。
 Wailupe Beach turned out to look as serene and inviting as it always had to Emmett。 It took him a few seconds to realize what was wrong。 People were not on the beach but milling around in the park。 When they pulled in the parking lot they spotted two squad cars; evidence that the police were guarding the beach。
 As they approached the beach Emmett realized there was an abnormal amount of debris there。 A policewoman stopped them before they got to the shore。 She looked Carrollee's outfit over。
 〃Sorry; beach access is restricted;〃 the policewoman said。
 〃We're from the university。 We were called to e down and check things out;〃 Carrollee answered authoritatively as if the governor had called her。
 Emmett bit his tongue to keep from smiling and dug his faculty ID card out of his wallet。 It was really just a glorified library card; but his name; picture; address; and official faculty ID number undoubtably impressed the officer; who then examined Carrollee's。
 〃Thanks for ing; Dr。 Chen…Slater and Dr。 Puglisi。 I can't believe you got here so fast; but we appreciate it。 We'll be here if you need us。〃
 The officer walked off。 After she sealed the entrance to the park she came back with two shotguns and handed one to the other cop。
 〃Is there something you're not telling me; Carrollee?〃 Emmett asked。
 〃No。 I don't think so。 My friend called and said there was some unusual marine flora washing ashore。 That's all I know。〃
 Carrollee lead the way down to the beach and immediately began examining the seaweeds; grasses; and other materials。 Emmett saw only a dark green mass of smelly plants quickly dehydrating in the sun。 Carrollee's interest in the material; however; seemed intense。
 He watched in silence for a while; then announced abruptly; 〃Take a couple of samples; and let's get out of here。〃
 〃Don't rush me。 We've only been here a few minutes。 This is very strange。 Take a look at these;〃 Carrollee said; pointing to four pieces of seaweed laid out on the sand。 〃These are all varieties of Laminaria。 Laminaria is a kind of seaweed that attaches to the bottom with roots and then has one principal blade responsible for photosynthesis。〃 Carrollee pointed to the bottom of all four plants。 Emmett noticed they all had similar rootlike ends。
 The tops of the plants were distinctly different。 One looked like a fluorescent tube attached to a cord that ended in roots。 One was a large flat blade that looked like a canoe paddle。 A third had a long stem that ended in three clumps of whitish material that looked like cauliflower。 The fourth had several thin strands that looked like elongated lawn grass。
 〃I see four different plants。 What's got you so excited?〃
 〃These are all laminaria。 There's no doubt about that。 But these are four laminaria I've never seen before。 This one;〃 Carrollee said; pointing to the one shaped like a canoe paddle; 〃might be one I've seen in marine taxonomy books。 Maybe this one too;〃 she said pointing at the overgrown lawn grass。 〃Maybe。 But these two 。 。 。 I don't think they've ever been recorded。〃 Then; glowing like a kid on Christmas; she said; 〃I think I've got a new variety here。 At least two。 I'll get tenure for sure。〃
 Happily; she went back to sorting through the beached seaweed。 Emmett felt useless and saw the cops watching him with puzzlement。 Unfortable; Emmett started up the beach along the line of seawood; but soon he heard the policewoman yell。
 〃Look down by the water; that's where they saw it。 At least that's what the tourists said。〃
 The hair on Emmett's skin stood erect at the word it and he knew the police officer wasn't talking about seaweed。 Looking back; Emmett saw Carrollee still on her knees; sorting out specimens; unaware of anything else。 To buy Carrollee more time; Emmett walked slowly to the shore; watching the waves rhythmically washing the sand。 As he approached; the surf seemed to be one great green mass of seaweed。
 The police were still watching him; so he squatted as if he were examining vegetation。 Instead; he watched the waves and thought about the PresNet。 A new variety of seaweed was hardly worth the risk of illegally using the network。
 Emmett was still feeling sorry for himself when something surfaced to his left; but by the time he turned his head it was gone。 He stood; staring at the spot to see if it would surface again。
 Suddenly Carrollee was next to him; staring into the surf。 Then she unhooked her big silver buckle and unzipped the front of her black jumpsuit。 Emmett was both shocked and aroused。 She stood in a one…piece swimsuit…black with a few oversize silver sequins。 Emmett realized it matched the jumpsuit; which she handed him along with her shoes。 〃What are you doing; Carrollee?〃
 〃I'm getting samples。 These will be a lot fresher。〃 She waded knee…deep into the water while Emmett looked up and down the beach nervously; still trying to spot what he had seen in the surf。 Then he heard footsteps and turned to see the two police officers approaching with their shotguns。
 〃You think that's a good idea? Her getting in the surf like that。〃
 〃She's just getting some samples of the seaweed。 She wants fresh samples。〃
 The two police officers were looking at each other in confusion。
 〃Why is she getting seaweed?〃 the policewoman asked。 Overhearing the conversation; Carrollee turned to answer; standing in the surf in her swimsuit。 For the first time; Emmett saw her as an attractive woman。
 〃I'm selecting specimens for identification。 That's what marine botanists do。〃
 〃You're a botanist
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