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 〃Get away from me; Kenny。〃
 〃I've got proof; let me show you;〃 Kenny began。
 〃I don't want to hear it。〃
 〃There was this prophet Zorastrus; and everyone thought he was crazy but it turns out he was right…〃
 〃I've got a tour to lead; Kenny。 Go tell it to a priest。〃
 〃Please; Jill…〃
 〃No; Kenny;〃 she said; and then turned to go。
 〃I've got a ticket; Jill。〃
 〃You don't want a tour; you just want to harass me。〃
 〃I won't say a word。 I just want to be with you。〃
  〃I can't stop you; but if you start preaching that end…of…the…world nonsense; I'll have you arrested。〃
 Kenny nodded agreement and then joined the tourists。
 Terry stood behind Ellen with his hands on her shoulders。 Their group was mostly couples。 One couple had to be newlyweds; young; and pretty; they never let go of each other's hands。 Another young couple had two boys; about eight and ten; who whispered and giggled to each other。 There was a prosperous…looking older couple that seemed to be retired and enjoying it。 Terry suspected that a Silver Stream trailer was waiting for them in the parking lot。
 Another man came through the cave opening carrying in a backpack a baby wearing a hat with Mickey and Minnie Mouse designs。 Her mother followed; trying to wipe the baby's face while the baby kept turning her head; gurgling。 The wife was wearing a Mickey Mouse T…shirt and the husband's shirt advertised KNOTT's BERRY FARM。 Terry imagined their car's bumper stickers said TREES OF MYSTERY and VISIT DRIVE THRU TREE。
 Finally a middle…aged interracial couple entered。 The woman was white and carefully groomed and coordinated from the scarf that tied up her blond hair to her color…matched L。A。 Gear shoes。 In ten years she would be 〃fat;〃 but today she still qualified for 〃voluptuous。〃 The man…the only black man in the group…was also the tallest; at least six feet tall。 He would be doing some ducking on this tour。 While Terry hated stereotypes the man's short; neatly trimmed hair and good posture made Terry suspect the man was in the military。
 The last member of the group; a college…age kid with a yellow backpack; stood out because only he was unacpanied。 Terry wondered vaguely about the bulging pack; deciding he had taken the DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR signs seriously。
 〃My name is Jill and I will be your guide for a sixty…minute tour of the Oregon Caves。 The temperature inside the caves is a constant fifty…six degrees; and although that sounds cool; the high humidity will keep you quite fortable。 Electric lights were installed in the cave in 1956; in order to protect both visitors to the caves and the caves themselves; so flashlights and lanterns are not necessary。〃
 Terry noticed that nearly everyone carried a portable light。
 〃Smoking is not allowed in the caves; and we ask that you do not leave litter or gum in the caves。〃
 Ellen dutifully pulled a piece of tissue out of her pocket; wrapped up the piece of gum she had been chewing; and dropped the wad back in her pocket。
 After some instructions to 〃not straggle〃 and 〃stay on the trails〃 she led them into the caves。 The air was cool but fortable; and as they hiked along; those with jackets took them off and tied them around their waists。 The electric lights along the trail made flashlights unnecessary; and they slowly disappeared into pockets。 Periodically; when the group stopped; the guide explained some feature of the cave。
 〃If you look through this opening; which was made in 1967; you can see the natural color of the cave walls。 The original explorers of these caves used torches to light their way; and; as you can see; the soot from the torches discolored the walls and ceiling。 Originally the caves were snowy white as you can see through this opening 。 。 。〃
 It had been Ellen's idea to stop at the caves on the way back from a convention…really a vacation…in Los Angeles where Terry had presented a paper on dysfunctional families but skipped most of the other sessions。 Cruising up I…5; Ellen had studied the literature she picked up at a visitors' information rack at a rest stop。 Ellen was in a tourist mood; and it had been years since they'd visited the Oregon Caves; so they cut off the interstate at Medford and headed west to the caves。 After a morning tour they'd still make it back to Portland that night。 Vaguely remembering his last tour through the caves; Terry was anticipating one particular part: When the guide turns out the lights; it's the first and only time most people experience total darkness。 Terry recalled feeling the darkness around his face as his eyes vainly struggled to detect something。 In retrospect; it seemed unpleasant; but; strangely; Terry was looking forward to it again。
 As the tour progressed members developed an informal understanding。 The couple with the baby hung back; since the baby's noises distracted the guide。 Front positions were reserved for the older couple since they listened more attentively than the rest。 The little boys went wherever they wanted; and the parents didn't care。 The young man with the yellow backpack was always in the rear; staring at their guide; a sad determined look on his face。
 The group came to a large cave with several branching passages; its well…packed trail testimony to the previous thousands of tourists。 The guide; directing them into a side passage that dead…ended into a small cave; stood by the entrance and let the group pass。
 〃You will now experience something that few of you have had the chance to experience。 Total darkness。〃
 Immediately the lights went out。 Several people gasped as their eyes became useless。 Then the lights were back。 There were murmurs of relief and cheerful kidding among the members of the group; until a masculine voice ordered: 〃Stay where you are and don't move。〃
 〃Kenny; what are you doing? Are you crazy?〃
 Terry turned with the group toward the voices。 The kid with the backpack was standing by the entrance with a gun in his hand; the guide at his side; her mouth and eyes open in disbelief。 More murmurs from the group but no longer cheerful。 The little boy whispered he was scared。 The baby gurgled cheerfully while she yanked on her dad's hair。 Terry noticed the black man start to move from the back of the group toward the kid。
 〃I said don't move。〃 As he spoke the kid turned the gun toward the man; who froze in midstep; his face determined… while Terry felt near panic。
 〃I want everyone to sit down right where they are。 Sit down。 You too; Jill。 Now!〃
 Everyone but the guide sat down。 Terry noticed the military man sat down last; his eyes never leaving the gun in the kid's hand。
 〃Kenny;〃 the guide pleaded softly。 〃Please put the gun down。 You're scaring everyone。 There are kids here。 You're scaring the kids。〃
 〃It's your fault; Jill。 I tried to get you to listen。 It's going to happen 。 。 。 happen soon。 I want my family with me when it does。 At least you; Jill。 Now; sit down!〃
 At the last words; the kid shoved the gun in the guide's face; and the shock sent her stumbling back a few steps until she melted into the group; which sat in stunned silence。
 Terry thought about the guide's reaction。 The kid called her family; yet the guide seemed genuinely frightened; and that was a red flag。 The kid had strong feelings for the guide; and yet she was afraid he would use the gun on her。 Terry didn't need his professional training to diagnose Kenny as unstable and potentially dangerous。
 The group sat in silence; the only sound the collective deep breathing。 Finally; the old lady spoke。
 〃Son;〃 she said; attracting his attention。 〃I've never heard of anyone hijacking a cave tour before。 What is it that you want?〃
 〃You won't believe me! No one will believe me! My own sister won't believe me。〃 
 〃I promise to listen to you and keep my mind open。 Ask Hank; here;〃 the old woman said; indicating her husband。 〃He'll tell you I'm a good listener。 Have to be when you live with Hank for forty years。〃
 Hank smiled at his wife; but the kid with the gun didn't。
 〃You won't believe me; but if you want to know 。 。 。 I'm going to save you。 At least I think I am。〃
 Nervous conversation spread through the crowd。 The old woman ignored it and asked; 〃What is it that y
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