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 he stopped to eat he reared up on his hind legs and surveyed the surroundings; watchful for danger。 Mariel hoped the deinonychus were well gone。
 Soon the iguanodon forgot all about the grass and fixated his eyes on the window where Mariel stood。 The dinosaur swung his head looking left and right。 When he was sure there were no lurking predators; he lifted his head and opened his mouth wide making a low 〃aaaaah〃 sound。 When the sound died; Mariel dropped a paper bag of sugar into his mouth; which immediately snapped shut。
 Now the beast made loud smacking sounds and licked his lips。 Opening his mouth he started 〃aaaahing〃 again。 Once more she dropped a bag of sugar into his mouth。 When the explosion of sweet faded; the dinosaur raised his head and opened his mouth a third time; Mariel scolded him。
 〃Two is all you get。 Now you get back out there and eat some more of that grass。 You'll get sick if you eat nothing but sugar。〃 She had raised three children and knew better than to give in。 This dinosaur had to learn that two treats was all and that was final。
 The dinosaur stood outside her window 〃aaaahing〃 over and over again。 But Mariel held firm; and finally the dinosaur dropped his head and walked back into the meadow toward the distant treeline。 Smiling; Mariel prepared two more bags of sugar and put them by the window; then picked up her crocheting and waited。
 Toward dusk; her iguanodon came back。
 This time he wasn't wasting any time eating grass。 He walked through the meadow on his two rear legs; headed straight for Mrs。 Weatherby's window; lifting his head and 〃aaahing。〃 Mariel waited again for quiet and then dropped the sugar bomb into the dinosaur's gaping mouth。 After a second helping the dinosaur put his head down; turned away; and walked out into the meadow。
 〃I knew you were smart; Mr。 Iguanodon。〃
 Mariel beamed。 Back in the kitchen she filled two more paper bags with sugar。 She was running low; but it wouldn't be safe to go to a store for more。 If her neighbors were home she could borrow some sugar。 Then Mariel remembered the splintering wood。 〃Well; I guess it wouldn't exactly be stealing;〃 she said to herself; and then started down the hall to do her shopping。
 Near Yorkshire; England; eighty feet above the valley floor; we found a cave。 If the remains in that cave were to be believed; then reindeer; hippopotamus; lions; and grizzly bear all lived together once in England。 What a strange England that would have been。
 North of Bend; Oregon
  Petra and Colter met the rest of the group in Bend and they traveled north in Dr。 Coombs's RV; toward Warm Springs。 Petra tried to contact Mrs。 Wayne and Ernie; but the airwaves were filled with the curious and the panicky。 In the back; Colter drifted in and out of sleep; still hung over from the night before。
 The road to Warm Springs was clogged with confused travelers; so Dr。 Coombs backtracked and found a dirt road angling across the Indian reservation。 They drove through arid lands; treeless and covered with sagebrush。 Small houses in poor repair sprinkled the low hills。 Barbed wire lined the road; the fence held up by a variety of wooden posts。 Most posts were well…weathered split rails; but a bewildering variety of replacement posts mingled with the originals。 Metal posts were most mon; but also axe handles; an oar; a two…by…four; some four…by…fours; and what looked to be the legs of chairs could be seen。 Horses gazed near some fences; but there were no cows or sheep。
 The dirt road ended in a branch。 Dr。 Piltcher pointed left and they followed the ruts that led north。 Shortly; the road declined sharply; leading to a valley。 Dr。 Coombs braked to a jolting stop as their mouths fell open in surprise。
 They had expected something to happen。 They had predicted it…Zorastrus had predicted it; but even he wasn't specific about what would happen。 The road zigzagged down the hill and then straight into the valley below; which was bisected by a green line。 On one side was the arid land they had been driving through。 On the other side was a lush green landscape; thick with bushes and undergrowth。 In the distance they could see a lake; and behind that a forest。 They sat in silence; trying to understand what they were seeing。 Only Colter seemed unimpressed。
 〃Let's get going; it looks cool down there;〃 Colter said impatiently。
 Dr。 Piltcher; sitting in the front passenger seat; turned to look at Colter; irritation in his voice。
 〃Colter; doesn't it strike you as strange that this。 。 。 this tropical forest is sitting here in the middle of this desert?〃
 〃I dunno。 Maybe they irrigate。〃
 Dr。 Piltcher rolled his eyes and then turned back to face the front; speaking over his shoulder as he did。 〃They irrigate crops; not jungle。 Let's get closer; George。〃
 Dr。 Coombs drove down the zigzag road toward the scene below; Petra and Colter bouncing from side to side in the back of the RV。 Suddenly Petra cried out。
 〃Look! There by the lake。 Something's moving out there。 Something big。〃    〃I don't see it; Petra。 Do you; George?〃
 〃No; I'm watching the road。〃
 〃I saw it; Dr。 Piltcher;〃 Colter cut in。            
 Dr。 Piltcher was exasperated。 〃And what did you see; Colter?〃
 〃It was big; like Petra said。 I think it was a tractor。 Maybe this is an irrigated farm。〃
 Dr。 Piltcher's only answer was a disgusted snort。 At the end of the ruts; they found themselves facing a small meadow against a wall of lush greenery seven to nine feet in height; concealing the lake and forest。 Dr。 Coombs slowly drove up onto the grass to park the RV。
 〃Petra; try the radio again;〃 Dr。 Piltcher ordered。
 As she began calling Mrs。 Wayne and Ernie; her voice was flat; devoid of hope。 She wasn't surprised that no one answered。
 Now the others climbed out and walked into the meadow。 Dr。 Coombs and Dr。 Piltcher began examining the grasses and ferns。
 〃Extraordinary;〃 Dr。 Piltcher muttered over and over。
 〃Exactly so;〃 concurred Dr。 Coombs。
 The noise of a stream distracted them and they turned to see Colter urinating into the grass。 Dr。 Piltcher began to stomp toward him; but Dr。 Coombs grabbed his arm and began pointing out more of his observations of the flora; temporarily subduing his friend。 Petra came out of the RV and shook her head before anyone could ask about contact。 Suddenly Colter yelled; 〃Hey you; e here!〃
 The others turned to see Colter running in circles through the tall grass; yelling and chasing something through the meadow。 Occasionally he stopped abruptly and leaned down with his arms outstretched。 Petra began running toward him; though Dr。 Piltcher called after her to wait。 Dr。 Coombs trailed after her; his well…conditioned body carrying him like a younger man as Dr。 Piltcher stumbled along behind。 Colter bent down again; jerked up and sprinted ahead; and then he dove; disappearing in the grass as a pigtike squeal erupted。 Then Colter came up on one knee; and then stood holding a squirming animal none of them had ever seen before。
 It was eighteen inches in length; its skin a bright green。 Colter held it by its thick tail…which was a third of its length…and its thick neck。 Its head was a little larger than the neck; and the face resembled a parrot; with a beak that curved over the lower jaw。 The eyes on either side of the head were covered with thick lids。 Its two oversized back legs contrasted with two thin front ones。 The animal was using its clawed front feet on Colter's hand; and from Colter's reaction the claws were sharp。
 The others jogged up to Colter; staring openmouthed。
 〃What is that?〃 Petra asked。
 〃It's an omithopod;〃 said Dr。 Coombs; his voice bubbling with excitement。
 〃Psittacosaurus; I believe;〃 Dr。 Pilteher added; just as excited。 〃But the color seems wrong。 I wouldn't have expected it to be this bright green。〃
 〃Too bright by far; Chester;〃 Dr。 Coombs agreed。 〃But notice; the color is fading。 Like a chameleon perhaps?〃
 〃I do believe you're right; George。 It seems to be adapting to the blue of Colter's shirt。〃
 〃e on; you guys!〃 Colter hollered。 〃I can't hold this thing forever。 Do you want it or not?〃
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