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 Still; Rosa had shown feint glimmerings of interest in the sailboat; and that tiny spark was more than Ron had seen in eighteen months。 Now he was hoping that the time at sea; away from the distractions of school; television; and boys; would help him form a bond with Rosa。 If not; at least he'd have the pleasures of sailing。
 Ron shouted down the dock at Chris; who was leaning over the bow swishing a piece of line in the water。
 〃Hey; Chris! Permission to e aboard?〃
 Chris looked confused for a minute and then stood erect; brought his hand to his forehead in a salute; and said; 〃Permission granted。〃 Ron returned his salute and then climbed over the double railing。 For perhaps the hundredth time; Ron saw that Chris was a miniature version of himself; with sandy blond hair; blue eyes; and fair…now sunburned…skin。 It looked like Chris would someday reach at least his father's five foot ten inches。 Both were dressed in nautical white T…shirts; shorts; and deck shoes; and Ron admitted to himself that father…and son outfits made him feel a little silly。
 〃Ready to sail; First Mate?〃
 〃I've been ready for an hour。 。。。I mean; everything's shipshape; sir。〃
 〃I'm going to check on the stores。〃
 Chris ran back to whatever he was doing on the bow while Ron stepped down into the cabin。 With only eighty…five square feet of living space; it was tightly packed with necessities and forts。 A propane stove; a refrigerator; and a sink with foot…pump faucets; one for freshwater; and one for saltwater; made up the Entrepreneur's galley。 The table in the center of the cabin was actually the cover for the two…cylinder diesel engine。 The berths doubled as storage space; and the head was forward in the bow。 A small chart table folded down from the wall; and the Entrepreneur's speedometer; chronometer; dinometer; and pass were mounted on the wall above the folding chart table。 The radio direction finder; depth finder; and the short' wave radio were mounted below it。
 Carmen and Rosa were sitting on the opposing bunks talking when Ron stepped down into the cabin; but stopped as soon as he came in。 Rosa and Carmen were nearly as similar as Ron and Chris; sharing short brown hair; brown eyes; and thin arms and legs。 But while Carmen was filled out; teenage Rosa still looked gangly。
 〃Are you ladies ready to go?〃
 Rosa looked down; folding her hands into her lap; and Carmen gave Ron a 〃don't make a big deal out of this〃 look。
 〃Rosa doesn't want to go。〃
 〃But it's all set; and it's only overnight。〃
 〃No; I mean she doesn't want to make the sail to Bermuda。 A month on the ocean is a long time to be away from your friends。〃
 〃It's not just my friends;〃 Rosa said。 She raised her head and stared defiantly at Ron。 〃It's my dad; my real dad。 I don't want to be away from him that long。 I mean; Mom; you have Ron; and even Chris; but Dad's got no one but me。 If I'm gone he'll have no one。〃
 Out of the er of his eye; Ron saw Carmen bite her lip。 Given the history of Rosa's father; Ron doubted the man would be lonely。 Ron knew Carmen's marriage had broken up because of her husband's repeated affairs。 He also knew Carmen had hidden that from Rosa。
 〃You'll be together;〃 Rosa continued; 〃but he'll be alone for a month。 I just can't do that to him。〃
 Ron wanted to protest that it wasn't a month at sea; only a week。 Well; he reflected; a week each way; with a two…week layover…but he heeded Carmen's warning look。
 This trip was meant to be a trial run for the Bermuda voyage。 They were to sail out from Naples; Florida; spend the night; and then sail back。 The kids could get their sea legs; and Ron could prove to the kids; and Carmen; that he could navigate。 He even planned to do it without the RDF system。 This was supposed to be a warm…up for the big event; and he wasn't ready to give up the voyage to Bermuda yet。
 〃Well; I think we can talk about this;〃 Carmen said。 〃Can't we; Ron?〃
 Ron nodded; but hoped that after a couple of days at sea Rosa would fall in love with deep…water sailing; just as he had;
 〃Let's talk about it at sea;〃 he suggested。 〃I think so much more clearly when there is nothing to see but blue sky above and blue sea below。 Rosa; loose the stern lines。 Carmen; help Chris with the bow lines。 We sail!〃
 〃Don't you give me orders; Captain Bligh;〃 Carmen warned playfully。
 Carmen smiled; wrapped her arms around Ron in a brief hug; and then climbed up on deck。 His good feelings restored; Ron thought of gliding across the sea using the stars to guide his way in the calming emptiness of the ocean。 Then he thought of Rosa。 〃Please love sailing; Rosa;〃 Ron whispered to himself; 〃please。〃 Then he climbed to the deck and started the engine。
 At that time a great wonder occurred。 The forests were ignited and o multitude of abominable vermin appeared。
 …The Shu King; the Canon of Yao
 Oregon Caves
  Dr。 Terry Roberts was watching his wife feed Wheat Thins to the chipmunks。 Ellen was making a trail using little pieces of the crackers; trying to entice the chipmunks closer and closer。 The chipmunks were resisting; though; as if they thought she might lead them to their doom。 Terry stifled a laugh at the absurdity of the idea。 Ellen was the last person who would harm chipmunks。 Terry had even seen her digging carefully in the garden to avoid hurting worms。
 Her head down; Ellen was laying a trail for another chipmunk。 Her curly brown hair was just long enough to hide her profile as she bent over。 In her oval face; the brown eyes; nose; and mouth were distributed and proportioned nicely。 The chin was narrow; even pointy。 Still; most everyone who met her would call her pretty; although no one but Terry would call her beautiful。 At five feet ten she was nearly the same height as her husband。 After walking together for twenty…five years they had developed the same gait; and from a distance it was hard to distinguish one from the other。
 Though Terry's brown hair wasn't as curly as Ellen's it was almost her shade。 Otherwise he was about as average physically as a person can get in height; weight; speed; and strength。 Only Terry's intellect was exceptional; but even there he didn't quite qualify as truly brilliant。 A guidance counselor had once referred to him as 〃marginally gifted。〃
 A short; stocky young woman dressed in a park ranger's uniform walked through the people milling around the entrance to the caves。 With a serious look on her face she announced in a businesslike manner that all those holding tickets for the ten…thirty tour should gather together。 As Terry and Ellen joined the group; the guide gave directions。
 〃Please enter the caves single file and wait for me inside the entrance。 Have your tickets ready。〃
 Ellen went first and Terry handed theirs to the guide。 She tore it neatly in half and then handed it back。 Terry and Ellen joined the group inside the mouth of the cave and waited for the guide to start her spiel。 Terry was surprised to find himself excited about the tour; and whispered in Ellen's ear; 〃Ready for an adventure?〃 Ellen didn't answer; she just shrugged her shoulders。
 Kenny hung back from the group gathering for the tour。 He didn't want his sister to see him or she might call security。 With his ticket in hand he went over what he would say to her。 He had tried to convince her before; but he had been clumsy and unsure of himself。 Now he had proof。 He had Dr。 Piltcher's pages from the Apocrypha of Zorastrus; and Kenny could tell her about the puter simulation; and how it was all leading to something big; and something soon。 That should convince her; he assured himself; he didn't want to use his other plan。
 Kenny unzipped the top of his pack and pushed the towel aside; exposing the gun。 He fingered the weapon and wondered if he could actually use it。 He decided he could。 He couldn't save himself and leave his sister to go through it alone。 She might hate him now; but soon she would understand。
 Kenny put on his pack and joined the group。 His sister didn't notice him until she took his ticket。
 〃Get away from me; Kenny。〃
 〃I've got proof; let me show you;〃 Kenny began。
 〃I don't want 
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