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 While Nick was talking; Elizabeth whispered in the President's ear。 This time he waved his hand at her in dismissal。
 〃Dr。 Paulson; you mentioned time displacement;〃 the President said。 〃What is it you are talking about?〃
 Nick was surprised by the question。 It was clear to him what had happened because he had a theory that allowed him to organize the bits and pieces of evidence。 But the meeting's various reports dealt with the impact; not the event。
 〃Yes; sir。 I believe that the best way to describe the situation is time displacement。 Sections of our present have been replaced by sections of the past。 Think about the reports: sections of land suddenly snow covered; deserts; lava flows; tundra; jungle…all could be from our past。〃
 〃But snow is certainly mon enough even in this age; and lava; and desert。 I see nothing that requires us to assume any kind of time disruption。 Why not topographical displacement?〃
 〃There are also reports of dinosaurs。〃
 Everyone at the table straightened up and began murmuring。 Nick looked around the table。 All the officials were talking to their aides; or one another about the dinosaurs。
 The President spoke first。 〃I've seen no reports of dinosaurs。 Where are there reports of dinosaurs; Elizabeth? Sam? What's this about dinosaurs?〃
 〃I don't know where Dr。 Paulson got that; Mr。 President;〃 Cannon said。 Then he resumed whispering with his aide。
 Everyone turned to Nick。 Nick decided not to mention the radio talk show。
 〃It is an unconfirmed report; sir; but it would be consistent with time displacement。 I would like to pursue it further。〃
 〃Dinosaurs;〃 the President mused; 〃imagine that。 Dinosaurs。〃 Elizabeth whispered in his ear again and he roused himself from his reverie。
 〃Dr。 Paulson; please pursue your theory; and somebody find out about those dinosaurs! Sam; I want to see even the unconfirmed reports。 Elizabeth will arrange the next meeting。 In the meantime I would like all of you to continue to gather as much information as possible and begin to formulate a plan to deal with what has happened。〃
 〃Deal with it; sir?〃 Nick asked in surprise。
 〃Yes。 I want a plan to reverse what has happened。〃
 The President tossed his twisted paper clip onto the table and it skittered toward Nick; who collapsed back into his seat; expelling his breath。 The President had seen too many bad science…fiction movies。 This wasn't some invasion from outer space where some generic 〃scientist〃 would create a deus ex machina to make everything right again。 This was the real world; even with time; space; and the entire universe altered。
 Nick sat at the table long after the others had left; thinking about his own theory。 If he was right; it was a new world now。 Would the old rules of civilization apply in a crazy quilt world of the ancient and the modem? The dinosaurs had ruled their world as surely as humans did theirs。 What would happen when they met? What was happening?
 I found my sister; Wilhemina; burned to death in her bed in our home in Whitley Bay。 The bedclothes were unscorched and there were no signs of fire anywhere else in the house。 The police suspect me; hut only the devil himself could burn a person to charcoal and not set the bed on fire。
 …Margaret Dewar; March 22;1908
 The Newtonian; Einsteinian; and quantum views each approached the universe in a unique way; but all agree that human needs; and wants; are not considered as the laws of physics are played out。 So it was that as the effect wrought havoc across the planet; it did so remorselessly。 Some children staying with grandparents or friends were whisked away; leaving parents with no clue where to look; and with no hope。 Fathers and mothers away on business trips never returned; or had nothing to return to。 Parents separated because of strife; could never reconcile…too much time and space between them。 People out late found no home to return to; and those at home waited in vain for loved ones to return。
 But as ruthless as the effect was with human feelings; it was almost gentle in its dealings with the physical。 No person or animal was halved or quartered by the effect; nor was a single finger or limb lost。 Time; space; and matter; three forms of the same force; interact; so that the effect wrapped around each cell of each organism。 Plants were removed in their entirety; taking even capillary roots。 People and animals were taken whole too; existing from then on only in the memories of the survivors。
 Inorganic matter was treated as gently; the effect respecting continuity and wholeness。 Cars along the effect lines were taken; but towed trailers or boats were left。 Streets ended in neat lines; as if the road had been broken off; but at the break the gravel making up the asphalt was still whole。 Brick and wooden structures fared as well; with whole bricks; and whole boards gone; but no severed boards or smashed blocks。 Most structures disappeared intact; roof to subbasements ; but in some coses huge segments were taken from walls or foundation; and the remaining building collapsed。
 As amazing as the effect was; it was not all powerful。 The effect could not penetrate deep into the earth; and vessels or structures deep under water escaped。 Instead the replacing land was stitched together with the new topography according to some unfathomable physical laws。 Grasslands layered over flat surfaces evenly; but on hilly or rocky terrain; it tore or fit loosely; like a rumpled throw rug。 Forests that appeared fared the worst; with many trees poorly rooted。 Forests deposited on steep surfaces often collapsed like dominoes; the trees bringing one another down。 Perhaps the shallw…rooted sequoias fared best; settling into their new home with dignity and majesty。
 East of Newberg; Oregon
  Cubby and John were sitting in the van waiting for Ripman to return。 John was fiddling with the radio; but he wasn't picking up anything he could make out; and he certainly wasn't picking up any of the Portland stations。 Cubby was mumbling to himself; with his eyes closed and his head bowed。 John guessed he was praying…like he'd been ever since Ripman took off down the hill toward Newberg。 John hoped Ripman would return soon。 Everything was clearer when Ripman was around。 〃Of course there hadn't been a second ing of Jesus…what's…his…narne。 This is just some kind of avalanche; or volcanic eruption;〃 he would say with such certainty that John would believe him。 John needed to believe him。
 John often found himself between Cubby; the immovable rock; and Ripman; the irresistible force; and not only on metaphysical matters。 Their confidence extended to all their decisions; whether it was picking a road to take; or classes to fill in their schedule。 John envied their sureness and resented being blown about。 Still; he forted himself knowing that somehow he was the glue that held the threesome together。 Cubby and Ripman never went anywhere without him。
 John had heard his dad talk about his patients often enough to know Cubby was experiencing an anxiety attack。 Cubby was severely depressed; and scared。 He was breathing rapidly and sweating; his only sounds were rapidly mumbled prayers for forgiveness。 He wouldn't respond to John and was losing touch with the world around him; drifting into a place no one would be able to reach him。 John was scared too; but not immobilized by it like Cubby; who had convinced himself of the worst。 John still had hope; or its cousin; doubt。
 Now he walked down the road toward town; to get away from Cubby's incessant praying…there was something particularly pitiful when a guy as big as Cubby was so terrified。
 It was nearly dawn when John spotted Ripman ing up the road; carrying a big load。 He stopped twice on his way up the hill。 John met him part way; and helped him。 Ripman had three of everything…stuffed packs; bows; quivers of arrows; and canteens。
 〃Where did you get all this; Ripman? You stole it; didn't you?〃
 〃I midnight requisitioned it from the sporting goods store。〃
 〃Jeez; guns would have been better; Ripman。〃
 〃You don't run out of ammunition with a bow。 Besides; the guns were chained up。 How's Cubby doing
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