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 〃You mean sex。〃
 〃Relationships。 It creates plications…〃
 Emmett never got to finish the conversation with Carrollee because at that moment a loud boom pealed through the terminal。 People in the concourse gasped and babies cried。
 〃A sonic boom?〃 Carrollee asked。
 〃Maybe; but it sounded more like thunder to me。〃
 Carrollee walked to a window。 Mindlessly; Emmett followed。
 〃It's a clear sky;〃 she said; puzzled。
 No clouds or aircraft were in sight; and Emmett soon gave up and managed to slip away to find Dr。 Wang's gate。
 Twenty minutes past arrival time a motion broke out by the arrival monitor。 Emmett joined the crowd to find the arrival times gone; replaced by DELAYED。 A half hour later the enormity of the disaster was clear。
 The ocean will bee desert and the fish will die in the sea。
 Off Naples; Florida
  An ear…splitting sound blasted Carmen and Ron awake and to their feet。
 〃Look over there!〃 Carmen yelled and pointed。 Ron followed her gesture starboard to an island。 In confusion; Ron mentally reviewed his charts。 There was no island within hundreds of miles of their position。 Even if he had made a navigational error; they hadn't been sailing long enough to reach one of the charted islands。 As his mind continued to race he realized that there was something wrong with the island they were Looking at。 It was getting smaller 。 。 。 no; it was sinking; and sinking rapidly。 His mind hadn't quite grasped the importance of that fact when the kids came out of the cabin; distracting him。
 〃What was that?〃 Rosa asked。 〃I nearly peed my pants。 Hey; an island; neat。 Can we go there?〃
 〃Can we go there?〃 Chris echoed。 〃Hey; where's it going?〃
 The island was clearly sinking。 Just half its original mass was visible。
 〃Look at the sky;〃 Carmen said。
 Ron saw a boiling angry cloud bank above the island。 Otherwise it was a clear night in all directions。 Lightning suddenly lit the sky; quickly followed by peals of thunder; and Ron realized the clouds were racing away from the island in their direction。 More lightning traced constant jagged patterns and lit up the clouds while overlapping peals of thunder sounded nearly deafening。
 〃Mant almost as good as a laser show!〃 Chris yejled above the thunder。
 〃It's too close;〃 Carmen shouted into Ron's ear。 〃Can we move away…〃
 A stiff breeze suddenly hit them; interrupting Carmen。 It was then Ron realized the danger。
 〃Carmen! Get life jackets on Rosa and Chris and one on yourself; and get below! Secure everything。 Quickly!〃
 〃What's wrong?〃
 Ron hesitated。 Rosa and Chris were staring at him with frightened eyes; but there was no hiding what was ing;
 〃I think we're going to be hit by a tidal wave。〃
 Rosa and Chris looked stunned; but Carmen immediately took action; herding the kids into the cabin。 The breeze was getting stronger and waves were rolling the Entrepreneur to starboard。 Ron hit the Start button and listened to it crank; his eyes never leaving the sinking island。 After a few seconds of eternity the little engine chugged to life; but it wasn't designed for outrunning a tidal wave and could manage only a few knots。 Ron hesitated;anguished。 Rationally he knew his best chance was to head into the wave; but every cell in his body was programmed to run from danger; not toward it。 But the lives of his son and his new family depended on his decision。 Finally; he put the Entrepreneur in gear and spun the wheel to starboard; and toward the island。
 Carmen reappeared on deck with two life jackets。 Chris and Rosa were peeking out of the cabin behind her; worried…but Ron was reassured that they didn't reflect his own mortal terror。 Carmen looked around briefly and then turned to Ron。
 〃Aren't you going the wrong way?〃
 〃If there is a tidal wave; we need to head into it。 If we run; it will catch us and swamp us。 If it hits us broadside we'll be capsized。〃
 〃Won't it swamp us if we run into it?〃
 〃There's a better chance this way。〃
 Ron wanted to say more; but there was no conviction in his words。 If he tried to explain more his voice would quiver。
 〃Really; this is the best chance。〃
 Carmen took the helm while Ron put on his life jacket; cinching it tight。 He stepped below to double…check the kids' jackets and weakly attempted reassurance。
 When Ron took the helm again Carmen gripped the railing; her knuckles white; as if she expected the wave at any second。 The wind was picking up and the clouds from the island were beginning to block out the stars。 The lightning was only intermittent now。 Ron found the occasional peals of thunder more disturbing than the constant booming; as he reflexively used the pauses to prepare for the next boom。 The starry calm night of a few minutes ago was now a stormy nightmare。
 Ron looked for the island just as a wave broke over the bow; showering Carmen and Ron with spray。 As the Entrepreneur crested still another wave; Ron searched ahead。
 〃Carmen; do you see the island?〃
 〃There; I think there。〃       '  。
 Ron looked but saw nothing but waves and spray。 At least Carmen confirmed that they were probably heading in the right direction。 More waves broke over the bow and Ron began to think they might drown even before the tidal wave sank the Entrepreneur。 Then Carmen shouted again。 〃Oh my god! Ron; look at that!〃
 Ron could see nothing but gray。 Then he realized he was looking too low。 He tilted his head to see an edge。 The tidal wave was nearly on them。
 〃This is it; everyone。 Hang on to something。〃 The Entrepreneur started dow〃 into the trough; sliding into the smoother waters before the wave。 The dip made their stomachs lurch; and Ron and Carmen gasped as the towering wave rose even higher with each foot of drop into the trough。 Then their craft started up the wave。 Once more their stomachs churned as they were carried up by bination of wave and engine。 The Entrepreneur's bow tilted higher and higher; until Ron feared they would flip over backward。 He fought to keep them headed directly into the wave; but the Entrepreneur; buffeted by wave and wind; wouldn't stay nose on。 For a minute he thought they might make it to the top but then he saw the curl。 It wouldn't even…be close。
 The curl broke over them; twisting the Entrepreneur to port and pushing her under the wave。 Ron was torn from his place at the helm and thrust deep into the sea; pitched and tossed; and then he heard the screaming。 In his panic it took him seconds to realize it was the scream of metal。 Entrepreneur was losing her mast。
 Ron let the currents buffet him beneath the waves。 He knew if he started swimming while still disoriented he could swim himself deeper; so instead he let the buoyancy of his life jacket carry him to the surface。 As the buffeting died down; he regained a clear sense of up and down。 He kicked his legs and pulled upward。 His lungs soon screamed and he blew bubbles trying to fight off the urge to open his mouth and suck in the sea。 He kicked harder and harder as lights flashed before his eyes。 He had only seconds of consciousness left now; and he dreaded the moment when his breathing reflexes would take over; filling his lungs with water。 Suddenly he broke through the surface; shooting out of the sea and breaching like a whale。 He gasped for air; breathing in sea spray and oxygen all at the same time; when a wave hit him in the face and he inhaled a mouthful of saltwater。 He kicked higher out of the water; coughing and sputtering up the brine; his lungs and nose burn…ing。
 Searching for the others; he bobbed in the waves which towered over him; but nothing like the tidal wave。 He rode up one side and down the other。 He knew his family could he only a short distance away and yet not be seen; but he still felt desperate。 To his left he spotted something white in the water。 He kicked up the next wave and popped up again for another look。 The hull of the Entrepreneur was bobbing a few waves away。 He stroked toward the hull; kicking up at the top of each wave to make sure of his heading; but he saw only the hull: no Chris; no Carmen; and no Rosa。
 Ron finally swam down the last wave; riding it right to the hull…invert
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