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ll his life in Oregon。 In that time he had never heard of a tornado in the state。
 The funnel was stirring up so much debris and dust that the road and fields were obscured。 If it continued on a straight line; John estimated; it would cut across the highway and then continue into the vineyards on the east side。 A farmhouse on that side was a little north of the tornado's path。 When John looked back he realized the tornado was curving back into Newberg。 John sat there helpless; watching in horrified fascination。
 The tornado ripped through the nursery at the edge of town; shredding three greenhouses; then lifted into the sky and seemed to dissipate。 Seconds later it was back; dropping to earth again; this time into the Ford dealership; first floating and then lifting Aerpstars and Mustangs。 Then the funnel ascended again; widened into a swirling; angry cloud; and disappeared。
 The three of them sat in silence for a minute and then; all at once; clambered out for a better look as the wind died down to a soft; restful whishing sound。
 〃Elemental;〃 Ripman said; surveying the damage in the valley below。 〃Let's go take a look at that Ford dealer。〃
 〃Forget it; Ripman;〃 Cubby gut in。 〃Take a look at the road。〃
 John looked back along the highway to Newberg。 It was littered with fallen trees and debris from the greenhouses。 They would need a chain saw and a bucket loader to clear a path to the Ford dealer。 The road ahead was also covered with debris; but no;large trees blocked it。 With one last look; and another 〃elemental〃 from Ripman; they climbed back into the van and headed home。 They were all still on adrenalin highs and peppered their talk with 〃Did ya see that?〃
 They finished climbing the hill; went down the grade; and hit the stretch where the road split into two one…way sections divided by dense trees。 It felt like driving down a dark green tunnel。 Suddenly; Cubby hit the brakes; sliding to a tire…squealing stop。 Ripman very nearly hit the windshield; and John and his Big Gulp rolled off the bench seat。 He came up cussing; but stopped when he looked out。 Cubby was ten feet from where the road ended abruptly。 The asphalt was neatly cut from one edge of the road to the other; and where the road should have continued was a forest; but unlike the one that had lined the road to Newberg。 The spindly second…growth Douglas firs were gone; and in their place were giants; with girths three to four times larger。 John stood; his head protruding from the sunroof; and traced one of the giants from its massive base to its crown; towering above him。 Had the road been shifted by the tornado? Had these trees always been there; hidden from the road by the firs?
 Cubby and Ripman climbed out of the van; and Ripman walked to the nearest giant and kicked it with his foot。
 〃It's real enough;〃 he snorted; 〃but I still don't believe it。 Where 。 。 。 how did it…?〃
 Cubby's sudden loud sobbing cut Ripman off。 John turned to see Cubby drop to his knees; his hands spread wide and his face turned to heaven。 He buried his face in his hands and begged for Jesus to take him。 Angrily stomping over; Ripman pulled Cubby's hands from his race。 Cubby jerked his hands back and shoved Ripman away; the other boy; overpowered; staggered back a few steps; his face red with anger。
 〃Get away from me!〃 Cubby shouted; his voice ragged with tears。 〃Don't you know what's happened? Can't you see it? It's the second ing。 It's the rapture。 The righteous have been taken from the world and I have been found wanting。〃
 〃Don't give me that; Cubby。 This is just some kind of landslide; or maybe that tornado did something weird; but don't give me that supernatural crapola。〃
  As Cubby kept on sobbing; Ripman stepped forward; stopped and kicked dirt at the weeping boy; and then stalked to the edge of the forest; peering into the blackness。 John approached Cubby but hesitated; embarrassed and afraid。 Ripman was an atheist; but John was an agnostic who could be convinced of God's existence by a miraculous event。 What force short of a miracle could have delivered the changes? After a few minutes; Ripman stomped back to yell disgustedly; 〃Stop blubbering; you big baby。 I'll prove to you this isn't the second ing。 John; watch him till I get back。〃
 John opened his mouth to protest; but Ripman walked off down the road toward Newberg。 John watched him until the dark enveloped him; then he turned back to the forest; a forest that hadn't been there a few hours ago。
 〃I hope you're right about this; Ripman;〃 John whispered; 〃I hope to God you're right。〃
 The flight leader radioed they were off course and his pass was haywire。 The pilots of the other four torpedo bombers confirmed their instruments were going crazy; and then lost contact。 After the planes vanished a twin engine Martin Mariner; with a crew of 13; was dispatched to search the area。 The search plane was never heard from again。
 …Roger Cochran; Vanished: Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle
 Honolulu; Hawaii
  Assistant Professor Emmett Puglisi hurried through the airport looking for the arrival monitor。 There were few people; but because he feared being late; everyone was in his way。 Spotting a monitor; he quickly scanned for Dr。 Wang's flight。 Emmett was relieved; he still had a few minutes before her flight arrived。
 Emmett noted the gate number but only took three steps before he was stopped by a touch on the arm。 Emmett turned to see Professor Carrollee Chen…Slater's beaming face。 There was nothing subdued about Carrollee; not her smile; not her personality; and not the way she dressed。 Today she was dressed in a brightly colored flowered sundress; which on most people would be gaudy; but Carollee added large flowers to her sandals and one in her hair。 Carrollee's taste in clothes ran well past loud; and stopped just a little short of being circus garb。
 〃Hello; Dr。 Puglisi;〃 she said with mock formality。
 〃Hello; Carrollee;〃 Emmett replied warily。 He and Carrollee worked at the university but in different departments; and he knew her well enough to be careful of what he said。
 〃Dropping off; picking up; or going somewhere?〃
 Emmett considered lying but wasn't good enough at it to fool Carrollee。
 〃I'm picking up Professor Wang。 She's been at a conference on the mainland。〃
 Carrollee immediately cupped her hand; put her nose inside and twisted it; making the universal sign for brownnosing。
 〃It's not like that;〃 Emmett said defensively。 〃She didn't want to leave her car in long…term parking; and she doesn't have any family…〃
 〃Or friends。〃
 〃I'm a friend。〃
 〃You're an obsequious kiss…up who wants tenure。〃   Carrollee said it with a smile; but it stung anyway。 Emmett changed the subject。 〃What are you doing here?〃
 〃I dropped my brother off。 He's going to the mainland for a couple of weeks。 That's him over there;〃 she said。
 Emmett followed the point to see a uniformed man a few years older than Carrollee standing in a ticket line。
 〃I'm only doing it so he'll keep buying me stuff in the PX cheap;〃 she added。
 〃Nice seeing you; Carrollee; but I've got to get down to the gate。〃
 〃I'll walk along。〃
 Emmett left reluctantly; with the unpredictable Dr。 ChenSlater at his side。 He didn't want her near when he met Dr。 Wang; but didn't know how to get rid of her。
 〃It might be better if I met her alone; Carrollee。〃
 〃Want to do your kissing up in private; eh?〃
 〃I'm just doing her a favor。 It's just that if she sees us together she might think we're dating or something。〃
 Carrollee laughed softly and then said; 〃Are you suggesting I'm not fit to be your girl?〃
 Emmett was pretty sure she was kidding; but admitted to himself he was mildly attracted to her。 Carrollee was four inches over five feet and had a round face topped with a mass of short brown curls。 Her figure was unremarkable; except for the way she covered it。
 〃I'm not saying anything about you;〃 he said defensively。 〃I just know Dr。 Wang doesn't think faculty should have personal relationships。〃 
 〃You mean sex。〃
 〃Relationships。 It creates plications…〃
 Emmett never got to finish the conversation 
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