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ing clothes。 Kyle decided they were either rangers or state police。 Two other men wore ties。 Kyle was introduced around to handshakes and 〃glad you're heres〃 from everyone in the shed; ments that made Kyle apprehensive。 The two men in ties turned out to be FBI agents; and Jenkins; who had wet armpits; turned out to be in charge。
 〃Glad you made it; Officer Kyle。 We've been waiting for you。 I understand you've had some experience at this。〃
 〃I'll do whatever I can。〃 Kyle tried to say it like he meant it。
 〃Good。 I understand you finished top of your class in marksmanship too。〃
 Jenkins was referring to Kyle's training in special weapons and tactics。 It had been another opportunity to spend a couple of weeks with his buddies; drink beer; and end up with a little extra in his paycheck。
 Kyle laughed; and then said; 〃Oh not me; sir。 I wasn't at the top of my class。〃
 〃Oh; where did you finish?〃 Jenkins seemed concerned。 〃Second;〃 Kyle said reluctantly。
 Jenkins looked relieved; and his partner broke into a smile。 〃That should be good enough;〃 he said。 〃You're much too modest; Officer Kyle。〃
 Kyle grinned weakly; nodded; and promised himself never to take another special training course again。
 〃Now listen up everyone;〃 Jenkins said。 〃Now that Officer Kyle has arrived we can get started。 We are going to assign a few of you to positions inside the cave。 There are only two entrances to the cave where the hostages are being held。 Most of you will be assigned to positions around the main entrance。 Fortunately; the egress is actually quite narrow and you will have a clear line of fire。 Unfortunately; if you do fire you can't miss the target or the ricochet could kill a hostage。〃
 〃Won't a hollow point load minimize ricochet?〃 one of the state policemen asked。
 〃Minimize; yes; eliminate; no。 There will be no firing unless 1 give the word;〃
 〃Excuse me; Agent Jenkins;〃 Kyle interrupted。 He didn't like the direction of the meeting。 〃I seem to remember from my training that the best way to handle hostage situations is to negotiate。 The best weapon in these situations is time。 Wear the criminal down; maybe send in some tainted food。 I'd say; for the hostages sakes; we should give this another day or so before we attempt a rescue。〃
 Jenkins stared at him quizzically。
 〃Thanks for your advice; but this situation is a little different for a couple of reasons。 First; we are getting no demands。 Every time we attempt to negotiate he refuses to talk。 He doesn't seem to want anything and has no political agenda that we can discern。 Second; the man holding the hostages seems to have a deadline in mind。 He keeps saying things like 'it will be over soon' and 'I'll let them go when it's over。' It's a vague deadline; apparently meaningful only to him; but he appears to be getting more agitated。 If he does go off the deep end 。 。 。 well; I'm not waiting for that to happen。〃
 He was staring at Kyle when he paused; so Kyle nodded firmly with a serious look。 As expected; Agent Jenkins took that as agreement。
 〃Officer Kyle;〃 he continued; 〃we've got a special job for you。〃
 Kyle felt like saying 〃Yippee。〃
 〃These rangers here〃…once again Jenkins nodded toward the other climbers〃tell me there is another entrance to that cave。 They say that getting there is not an easy climb。 That's why we waited for someone with your experience。 They'll show you the way。 We'll give you four hours to get into position。 Then we cut the lights and you position yourself in the cave。 Then we'll distract him and you can take him from behind。〃
 As it turned out four hours was barely enough。 The other climbers; Jay; Kimberly; and Shirley; were rangers。 All were athletic and had the weathered appearance of people who spent more time outdoors than in。 None looked older than mid…twenties。 Both Shirley and Kimberly were somewhere between plain and pretty。 They were both brunettes; with short hair; but Shirley seemed more animated; and her face had a few laugh lines。 As the leader; Shirley directed Kyle to leave his kermantle and other gear in his car。 This was strictly a free climb。
 They set off through the trees following a little…used hiking trail。 It climbed gradually; but steadily。 Kyle soon found himself breathing hard but tried to disguise it。 After about a mile they branched off onto a barely discernible path。 Another half mile through the trees; up a rocky slope; and there they faced a door in the side of the hill; a big wooden door painted institutional green; with a hasp and large lock。 Shirley unlocked the door and led the way in。 Kyle hesitated。 Standing there on the side of a mountain; about to enter the door to the underworld; felt magical; unreal; and unsettling。
 The trip inside the cave was anything but magical。 Shirley and the others were small enough and lithe enough for spelunking; but Kyle was built more for digging tunnels; not crawling through them。 Twice he got stuck。 Shirley had to pull on one end and rangers Kimberly and Jay pushed on the other。 After three hours of crawling on his belly; squeezing through rock…strewn passages; and being pushed and pulled by his guides; Kyle was tired; sore; and had a new appreciation for toothpaste。
 They finally reached a chamber large enough to stand in。 Shirley; who didn't seem to be winded; put her finger to her lips and pointed up at the ceiling; where Kyle spotted a dark hole。 When Kyle shone his helmet light toward it; Shirley slapped her hand over it and jerked him to one side。
 〃Careful; he might see it;〃 she whispered。 〃You'll have to go first from here。 We'll follow you。〃
 〃But I don't know the way。 Why don't you lead?〃
 〃You have to go first。 You've got the gun。 Once we're in the chimney we can't pass each other。 If you get stuck; you'll have to get yourself unstuck。〃
 Kyle thought about offering Shirley his pistol。 He thought about it seriously。
 〃All right;〃 he said finally; 〃is it just straight up?〃
 〃You need to shinny up the chimney about thirty feet。 There you'll find a horizontal tube to follow for another hundred feet。 Be quiet; because you'll be above the cave with the hostages。 Don't worry about falling through the opening。 The light from the cave below should outline it。〃
 〃When I drop into the cave which way is the cover?〃
 〃Right is closer;〃 Shirley said。 Then she looked him up and down。 〃But I think we've got too much man and too little rock。 You'll have to scrunch down pretty small。 If you have time; go left instead。 There's some pretty good stalagmites to hide behind if you can make it。〃
 Shirley smiled at him again and then pointed up to the hole in the roof of the cave。 It was smooth on the inside; and he had to stand on his tiptoes to feel a rock ledge。 He was too stretched out to get any lift out of his legs; so he pulled himself up with his arms and then jammed his elbows over the ledge to hold himself。 As he started kicking his legs; he realized he must look silly to Shirley。 Then he felt hands on his rear shoving him up into the cave until he had his legs wedged into the opening。 Then one of the hands came back and patted his bottom。 He hoped the hand had been Shirley's or Kimberly's and not Jay's。
 He put his back against the wall and his knees against the edge and began to inch his way up; first pushing his back up and then his knees。 The little light from the helmets of the rangers faded as each entered the chimney。 It was perfectly dark; Kyle thought; if you can use the word perfect to describe a condition where your most valuable sense is useless。 The chimney widened and Kyle had to use more leg strength。 He wanted to slow his ascent; but every time he did he was bumped by the energetic climber below him。
 He nearly fell out of the chimney when he reached the horizontal tube。 He inched up with his legs; and when he brought his back up he flopped inside。 Kyle managed to roll over and began inching his way along the tube。 His eyes; perfectly dark adapted; could see light up ahead。 As he approached the opening to the cave below he slowed his pace。 He could feel the climber behind bumping into his feet; and he reached the opening with fifteen minutes to spare。
 Someone tugged on his pant leg and then whispered into his shoes。 It was
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