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 Tears welled up in Petra's eyes。 It was only a couple of sentences but Petra knew the rest of what he could never say。 She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him; and then pretended to be mad at him。
 〃Oh great。 Someone dies and you immediately hold a garage sale。 What am I supposed to do for clothes?〃
 〃I like you the way you are。〃
 〃1 don't like being the only one naked。〃
 〃I can fix that;〃 Colter offered。
 〃Don't bother。 Neither of us is in any shape for that。〃
 Petra turned and opened several cabinets until she found one of Colter's sweatshirts and pulled it over her head。 Though it hung down covering her bottom; she still felt exposed and she never wanted to feel that way again。 Colter's pants were way too big; but she put on a pair of his boxer shorts。 The flap gaped open when she tried sitting in them; so she found a safety pin and pinned it closed。 It would have to do until she could get to a town。
 Then Petra opened a can of peaches and mashed them up; pushing spoonfuls into the baby dinosaur's mouth。 It chewed reflexively。 When Petra was sure it had swallowed enough; she poured in some of the juice from the can。 Most ran down its neck and pooled in the collar。 Colter watched the feeding with amusement。
 〃Moose and Sarah aren't this sloppy;〃 Colter said。
 〃It's just a widdle thing;〃 Petra said in baby talk。
 〃Just what are you gonna call the little orphan?〃
 Petra set the can of peaches to the side and put the little dinosaur on the floor。 The baby got to its feet and wobbled a few steps。 Then it stopped and licked at the peach juice on its chin。
 〃Well; what if we call her Peaches?〃
 〃Her until we know better。 We should get a bottle somewhere for this poor thing。〃
 He rolled his eyes; nodded; and moved to the driver's seat and started the engine。 Petra sat down in the passenger seat gingerly; holding the sleeping baby dinosaur in her lap。 Now that she was rested; she was beginning to feel every bruise; cut; and aching muscle。 Colter; she knew; was feeling his pain as well。
 They were about to leave when they heard the sound of padding feet。 Petra flinched when Moose scrambled up the dash and stretched out in the window。 Sarah waddled forward and looked perturbed that Petra had taken her place; so instead she curled up on the floor between the seats。 Petra and Colter looked at each other and smiled。
 〃Well; honey;〃 Colter said。 〃It's been quite a vacation。〃
 〃Yes; dear;〃 Petra replied。 〃But the kids are exhausted。 Let's go home。〃
 Then they drove away from the clearing and back up the road。
 In the age of no time; what came before will e again; and what is yet to e; will e before。 I do not understand it myself; hut I know it will be heralded by a great fire。
 …Zorastrus; Prophet of Babylon
 Forest; former site of Portland; Oregon
 They walked with a new confidence。 Someone watching would say it was the rifles that gave them confidence; a store…bought; machine…made and polished confidence。 But this was homemade confidence。 Everything and nothing in their experience had prepared them for what they had gone through over the last few days; but what they found inside had been enough; even more than enough。
 They'd had a happy victory celebration after Ripman left with Ellen。 Exchanging insults; they argued over who should get credit for bungling the sabotage on the motorcycle; since that had saved them from One Eye and now was saving John's Mom。 But as they moved toward the rendezvous point; Cubby fell silent。
 Cubby and John could hear the helicopter e back; circling; its thumping sounds reverberating down the valley。 But the rendezvous point was in a different direction; so the noise grew fainter as they moved away。 An occasional lizard skittered across a log or glided from tree to tree above them。 Once a crashing and thumping in the distance sent them running for cover; but the sounds finally moved off。
 Finally they reached the dry riverbed Ripman had described。 It disappeared around a bend to the southwest and then into the forest。 The boys surveyed silently from the bank; scouting the forest on either side for animal signs。 Then Cubby tugged on John's arm and pointed。
 A movement caught John's eye。 In the shadow on the far bank were several animals; four…legged with long tails; and long necks; resembling brontosauri; but only a fraction of the size。 Occasionally a head would appear towering over the bank; look around; and then dip back down。 The animals appeared to be grazing。 Cubby and John finally stepped out of the shadow onto the bank; fully exposing themselves。 A minute later a head came up; spotting them and grunting。 Then three more heads popped up。 The dinosaurs and the people stared at one another; then one by one the dinosaurs went back to eating。
 Ripman was nowhere to be seen; so Cubby and John found a pile of rocks to settle on。 They had no food; but large puddles in the riverbed would provide enough water for now。 At least; if Ripman came back。
 After a long wait the engine of the motorcycle announced Ripman's return。 First the heads of the dinosaurs all popped up again; and they moved up the riverbed out of sight。 Finally; John saw Ripman riding around the bed of the riverbed。 Cubby and John cheered; then Cubby put his fingers in his mouth and blew several shrill whistles。
 Ripman pulled up in front of them revving the engine loudly。 His face was still swollen; he was cut and bruised and covered with dirt; yet he was also proud; even arrogant; and Cubby and John loved it。 He finally let the engine die and untied a grocery bag from the back of the bike。
 〃How's my mom; Ripman?〃
 〃She's fine。 There's a bunch of houses over that way;〃 he said; pointing。 〃The forest goes right up to their front doors。 Some of the houses have been smashed up pretty good。 It looks like some of the dinosaurs came to visit。 The people who live there have blocked the streets with cars。 There's cops there too; keeping people out; and keeping the dinosaurs in。 The police took your mom to the hospital。〃
 Ripman opened the pack and tossed cans of Coke Classic to Cubby and John; John drank a third of his in three gulps。 When the carbonation burned his throat and nose he belched; but Cubby soon belched a belch that put John's to shame。 Ripman kept digging; passing out another can of Coke to each; and then threw his friends a package of Twinkies and a Three Musketeers bar。 They tore into the junk food till finally their ravenous gobbling turned to slow savoring。
 〃Where'd you get the goodies; Ripman?〃 Cubby asked。
 〃Hey; there's civilization out there。 After I got John's mom to the cops; they wouldn't let me e back。 They were going to round up some volunteers…mount a rescue mission。 Jeez; you'd think it was some big deal。 So I had to find a way around。 I ran into a 7…Eleven down the road。 It was semiopen; so I picked up some supplies。〃
 〃You pay for these?〃 Cubby asked suspiciously。
 〃They gave me a bag; didn't they?〃
 〃You stole the bag too; didn't you?〃 John suggested。
 〃Hey; you don't want the stuff; give it back。〃 Ripman said it good…naturedly。
 John and Cubby knew he craved to be thought bad; and they were willing to support him。 The sugar quickly replenished their strength and they joked and kidded for a few more minutes。 Then Cubby began praying in whispers。 When done he turned to the others。
 〃I'm not leaving。 I'm going into Portland。 My family is in there somewhere 。 。 。 my church。〃
 John; uncertain how to respond; sat silent; watching a two…foot lizard slither down the bank and into a puddle。 Ripman finally spoke; but gently; looking at Cubby with his good eye。
 〃Cubby; Portland's not right。 I watched it。 It seems to e and go 。 。 。 sometimes it's there; sometimes it isn't; and it's going away。 Even if we headed to it; we'd probably go right through it。 I think it's just some sort of mirage。〃
 〃Maybe; Ripman; but I've got to know。 I've got to know!〃
 〃It's not the second ing; Cubby。〃
 〃I know; but God's hand is in this。〃
 That 〃maybe;〃 John realized; was the only concession to the possibility of God's existence Ripman had ever made。 Ripma
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