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 He was still considering the options when he heard a voice。
 〃I want my mommy。〃
 Kyle looked around but couldn't see where the voice was ing from。
 〃Chrissy? Where are you; honey?〃
 〃I'm here。 I hurt。〃
 Kyle could hear the voice; but the wing was blocking his view。 Desperately; he searched vainly for an option。 Then Shirley's head appeared。
 She pulled herself up over the ledge; flopped onto her stomach and then rolled to her back; smiling。
 〃I saw you dancing with that thing; Officer Kyle。 And while on duty too。 You two made such a lovely couple;〃 she drawled sarcastically。
 Kyle felt foolish but spoke authoritatively。 〃The little girl's here somewhere; I heard her voice。 See if you can find her。〃
 Shirley nodded and crawled to look under the massive wings; then poked her head up and looked at Kyle mischievously。 〃Hey; Kyle; give me a hand; will you?〃
 When she picked up the wing; the pteranodon began twisting sideways。
 At the sound; Shirley abruptly turned around and crawled to the cliff wall; reaching for the broken wing。
 Kyle tightened his grip。 When Shirley lifted the bird's injured wing; Kyle could feel the bird's whole body shudder。 Now Shirley lay on her stomach looking down into a crack between the ledge and the cliff wall。
 〃Hello; Chrissy;〃 she said。 〃Your mommy sent us to get you。〃
 〃I hurt。〃
 〃Where; Chrissy? Where do you hurt?〃
 〃Here。 And here。〃
 In the dim light; Shirley could see the child's gestures。
 〃I'll be right back; Chrissy;〃 Shirley said soothingly。 〃She's in pretty good shape;〃 she announced。 She rolled to face Kyle。 〃Some cuts and abrasions。 Her shoulder looks the worst; but her arm's hurt too。〃 Looking at Kyle and the pteranodon; she frowned。
 〃Since you've got your hands full; I guess I'll take care of her。〃
 〃Shirley; get my gun and shoot it。 Then I can help。〃
 Shirley thought it over for a second; and then shook her head。
 〃I don't know how to use it。 Besides; you've got it under control。 Why kill it?〃
 Shirley grinned。 Then she rolled over; reached down into the hole and began checking Chrissy's injuries while Kyle watched helplessly。 After a few minutes she slowly pulled the child out of the crack; pausing to reassure Chrissy when she began to cry。
 Chrissy started to sit up; but Shirley restrained the child; talking soothingly as she splinted the right arm; put it in a sling; and tied it across Chrissy's chest。 Next she bandaged a wound on Chrissy's head; then cut away at her shirt; exposing the injured shoulder。 It was caked in dried blood and Shirley shook her head。 She was still looking at the injury when a shadow passed over the ledge。
 Kyle looked up to see another pteranodon。 The newer looked like a 727 orbiting above them。
 〃We've got pany; Shirley。〃
 Shirley didn't pause。 Instead she quickly bandaged the shoulder and then got Chrissy to the edge and propped her up。
 〃Kyle; we don't need a backboard; so I'm going to take her down myself。〃 Then Shirley looked up at the circling pteranodon。 〃Maybe you could hold one in each hand。〃
 A shot rang out; followed by a ricochet。 The captive pteranodon began twisting and turning and Kyle tightened his grip until it settled down。 Waving her hands; Shirley stood up slowly; leaning out over the ledge to shout。 〃No firing! We're ing down! We've got the little girl。〃
 Kyle knew the last sentence would mean new hope to a mother down in the clearing。 Shirley pulled Chrissy to her chest and began crisscrossing kermantle to secure her。 Kyle watched helplessly; his frustration growing with each second。 Another shadow passed over them。 Kyle looked up to see the pteranodon closer than before。 The shadow passed twice more; growing bigger each time。 〃It's ing;〃 Kyle warned。
 Shirley ignored him and finished strapping the little girl firmly to her chest; the injured arm safely tucked between her own and Chrissy's body。
 〃Gotta go now。 Hang in there; I'll be back。〃
 Kyle was about to answer when the second pteranodon swooped low over the edge; knocking Shirley backward onto a loose pile of rocks。 Shirley gasped with pain。 The fall set off spasms of pain in Chrissy; who began sobbing wildly。 Desperate; Kyle got to his feet and began dragging the pteranodon toward the edge。 If he couldn't shoot it; and if he couldn't let go of it; he was going to throw it over the ledge。 Sensing the danger; the pteranodon renewed its struggle。 For Kyle; this wasn't a dance; it was a tug of war。 The pteranodon used its good wing to push back and beat at Kyle; but it was losing the fight; and Kyle pulled it closer to the ledge。 As he struggled; Shirley slid over the side and disappeared。 Kyle took another step and stumbled over a rock; falling to his knees but holding on to the bird。 He was ready to stand when a rush of wind behind him announced the other pteranodon。 Then he felt a jab of pain。
 The second one had stabbed him in the butt with its beak。 Kyle flinched and screamed; letting go of the first to protect himself from the attacker。 When he released its bill the dinosaur tumbled backward; finally winning the tug of war。 Kyle turned in time to dodge another jab; stumbling backward and falling onto his wounded behind。 Both birds now screamed simultaneously; deafeningly; but he picked up a rock and hit the pteranodon who had stabbed him。 Spreading its mammoth wings; it launched itself off the edge; only to float back up and hover; looking down。 Kyle remembered his pistol and fired; punching an insignificant hole in the webbing。 The sound drove the pteranodon off; and it floated out of sight。
 Kyle turned to race the injured pteranodon; his pistol still in his hand。 But when he swung around; the pteranodon was thrusting at him with its beak。 As Kyle brought his arms up to deflect the jab; the dinosaur's mouth opened revealing rows of needlelike teeth; and then closed them over his gun arm just above the wrist。 Then the dinosaur jerked its head back。 When it did Kyle pulled his arm out; the rows of teeth shredding three inches of skin。 Overwhelmed by pain; Kyle dropped his gun…just as the pteranodon jabbed into Kyle's sternum; knocking the wind out of him。 The beak stabbed once more; jamming between two ribs。 Kyle grabbed the beak and pushed it back。 His bottom; chest; and wrist were throbbing; and he was in a fight for his life。 The adrenalin poured into his system。 Then he stood and dragged the pteranodon toward the edge again。
 Twisting savagely; Kyle pulled the beak close to his chest; flexing his arms; and threw the dinosaur away from him。 Only the good wing held it to the ledge; its body suspended in air。 Kyle walked to the edge; ready to break the wing with his boot and send it over; but he paused。 It was truly helpless now and no threat to him; except that it was hanging over his rope。 He was considering a different way down when he heard Chrissy scream。
 Kyle raised his boot and broke the wing with a quick stomp。 Shrieking; the dinosaur dropped over the edge; fluttering and twisting in the air until it hit the rocks; then it lay silent and motionless。
 Kyle leaned out looking for Shirley and Chrissy but couldn't see them。 The ledge must still be obscuring his view; he hoped fervently。 But now the other pteranodon floated by below him; circled; and headed back toward the cliff。 He heard another scream when it disappeared; but then it floated below him again。 Kyle looked back for his gun。 When he started away from the edge to find it; another scream spun him in his tracks。
 Picking up the rope; he wrapped it around his good wrist and arm; and when the pteranodon appeared below him a second later; he jumped; pushing out with his legs; to avoid the rocks。 Kyle yelled; 〃Falling;〃 and prayed Jay was awake on the belay。 Kyle fell toward the pteranodon; angling head down; his rope trailing out behind him like a bungee cord…but kermantie rope has very little give。 His stomach elevatored as he dropped and the cliff flashed by。 The pteranodon was rushing up toward him; but laterally away from him。 He hoped it was far enough。
 As he fell below the ledge; he could see Shirley and Chrissy dangling on the other side; being lowered down by Kimberly on the ground。 The pteranodon continued to rush towa
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