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ved forward。 Terry found it difficult to stay focused on the city。 His eyes seemed to fix on the hills shining beyond the city。 Then the buildings began to fade。 Terry blinked to bring the image back; but it continued to fade until it was gone。 Bill slowed the helicopter; hovering again; staring at the forest where the city had been。
 〃Hallucination?〃 Bill asked。
 〃Two people sharing a hallucination is extremely rare。 Maybe a mirage。〃
 〃We're low on fuel。 A couple more passes; then we need to head back。〃
 Bill turned back to resume his spiral search pattern and Terry returned to his watch; surprised at how easily he could put the vanishing city out of his mind。 It was; he realized; just one facet of a mystery that had consumed his son; and perhaps his wife。
 It happened mid morning when everyone was about their daily tasks。 Suddenly burning planks began to fall from the sky。 The fiery planks were of similar width; but varied in length; and all were aflame。 The planks were quickly extinguished。 The villagers turned to the priest; fearing witchcraft and seeking explanation; but he had none to offer。
 …Francois Delaine; Province of Tournaine; France; August 15;1670
 Forest; former site of Portland; Oregon
  Ellen; you look like shit。 You gotta take better care of yourself。〃
 Kishton was holding Ellen's hands behind her back and Carl was looking her over like she was a piece of meat。 Which she felt like now…bloodied from a hundred tiny wounds; with dirt covering her arms and legs and tattered blouse and pants。 But as his eyes smoldered; Ellen knew the dirt didn't matter to Carl。
 Ripman stirred and sat up; drawing Carl's attention。 He had been lying on the ground unconscious; but the bow was still slung over his shoulder。 Carl jerked it off angrily。
 〃So you're the sonofabitch that shot me。 You fucked up our bikes too; didn't you?〃
 Ellen saw that Ripman's eyes showed no surprise at the mention of the bikes。 Had he slipped into their camp while Angie and she slept?
 〃He killed Bobby;〃 Miller added; and then kicked Ripman in the side; knocking him over again。 〃You shot him in the back。 That ain't the way it's done。〃
 Ripman pushed himself into a sitting position again and looked up at Miller。 The right side of his face was swelling。
 〃Sorry。 What's the right way to kill a rapist?〃
 〃Sonofabitch!〃 Miller shouted; and kicked Ripman again。
 Carl pushed Miller back and took center stage。
 〃Rapist? Hell; they were asking for it!〃 Carl shouted in Ripman's face。 〃They sure as hell weren't no virgins。 Did you see the size of Angle's tits?〃 Carl said。 〃And the way she was wigglin' around? She wanted it; and we have it。 A match made in heaven。 By the way;〃 Carl asked; lowering his rifle so it pointed at Ripman's head; 〃where is Big Tits?〃
 Ripman gave Ellen a look she couldn't interpret and then jumped up and shouted in the direction they had e。
 〃Run; Angie; hide! Run!〃
 A blow from Carl's fist sent him back to the ground。
 〃I'll get her; Carl;〃 Miller volunteered。 〃Sounds like fun to me;〃
 Miller headed off recklessly; climbing over and under trees。 Ellen looked in the direction of Ripman's shout; trying to spot the dinosaur; but an isolated patch of standing trees was blocking the view。 How far had they e while she was semiconscious? Was the dinosaur gone? Was it following like before?
 Carl grabbed a fistful of Ellen's blouse; pulling her close。 She could feel his hot breath and could smell liquor。
 〃Let's you and me go someplace more fortable。〃 He shoved Ellen ahead of him。 〃Kishton; bring Robin Hood; and watch him close。 You can kill him if you want to。〃
 Kishton looked scathingly at Ripman; but there was no murder in his eyes。 Talking of killing someone was easy。 Actually killing was hard。 Only Carl was sociopath enough to do it in cold blood。 Pulling Ripman to his feet; Kishton shoved him in the direction of Carl and Ellen。
 They were nearly out of the fallen trees when they heard three quick shots; followed by a roar。 As they all turned and looked back; a loud thumping and crunching sound nearly frightened them off the log they were standing on。 Then Miller appeared around the corner of the tree stand; his rifle in one hand; climbing one fallen log; and then jumping from tree to tree。 Another roar trumpeted and a dinosaur came around the tree stand; the one that killed Angie。 It had trouble negotiating the fallen trees and picked its way slowly。 Miller tripped over a trunk and disappeared; then popped back up; steadied his rifle across the trunk; and fired another three quick shots。 When the dinosaur bellowed in pain; Carl and Kishton brought their guns to their shoulders and fired; missing it。
 Miller raced to another fallen tree looking for a way over; then began climbing limbs recklessly。 The dinosaur swiped at him; but too late; and Miller jumped down between trunks。 Before Miller reappeared the animal stepped up on one trunk; and then another; and another。 Then; poised precariously on two logs; it looked down。 As the tail slammed down; acting as a stabilizer; the dinosaur bent its head between its feet; using the forelegs to swipe。 Two quick shots came from beneath the trunk。
 〃Reload; Miller; reload!〃 Kishton shouted。
 Miller's first scream was shorter than Angle's; but he got two more out before the digging claws silenced him。
 〃Move it!〃 Carl yelled; shoving Ellen again。 〃And you; you sonofabitch!〃 Carl screamed; kicking Ripman in the groin and knocking him to the ground。 〃You did that on purpose。 You knew that thing was there!〃 Ripman groaned; then whimpered as Carl kicked him in the back。
 〃He wanted to be with Angie; didn't he?〃 Ellen said; hoping to distract Carl。 〃Now they'll always be together。〃
 Carl whipped around at the sound of her voice; his face red with fury; the lust in his eyes replaced by murder。 Ellen's mind raced as she searched for a way out。
 〃I think it's ing this way;〃 she lied。
 Carl's head snapped back to the dinosaur; which still had its head poked under a log。
 〃You'll pay for this! You'll both pay;〃 Carl hissed。
 Carl shoved Ellen and once again they were climbing toward rhe forest。 Everyone except Ripman kept looking back。 Occasionally the animal glanced in their direction; but it was preoccupied with eating。
 Again Ellen was facing what her psychologist husband would call an avoidance…avoidance conflict。 If she tried to escape she would probably be killed by Carl or Kishton; and if she did escape; this dinosaur; or some other…; would probably eat her just like Angie。 But if she didn't escape she would end up being gang raped first and then killed。 Then there was Ripman。 He could have left her and Angie to the dinosaur。 Instead he tried to help them。 Now it looked like Carl and Kishton would beat him to death。 If she escaped; she resolved; it would be with Ripman。
 The standing forest was only a few logs away when a bullet slammed into a fallen tree next to Ellen; followed by the report of a pistol。 Confused; Carl and Kishton looked in all directions。 Two more bullets whined over their heads; and all four people ducked behind the nearest log。 Then a voice rang out of the forest; a deep menacing voice; a voice that was vaguely familiar to Ellen。
 〃Let the woman and boy go!〃
 〃Who are you?〃 Carl shouted back。 The voice repeated its demand。 Carl gave Kishton a quizzical look; but Kishton merely shrugged。 Carl then turned; his rifle on Ripman。 
 〃Who's out there; kid?〃
 The right side of Ripman's face was swollen and purplish。 He could scarcely move his lips; but he whispered; 〃Someone with a gun。〃
 Carl slapped Ripman across his discolored cheek。 As Ripman grimaced with pain he gasped and moaned。 Satisfied momentarily; Carl turned to Ellen; who flippantly offered; 〃Someone with a gun and an attitude?〃
 Carl slapped her down; then jerked her up by her hair。
 〃They ain't gonna get you。 You're mine。〃
 Two more shots echoed out of the forest; and the bullets whined overhead。 From the log; Carl fired three quick shots in response。
 〃e and get them; if you want them!〃 he shouted。 〃We got plenty of ammunition; and we ain't movin'。〃
 〃Look behind 
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