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  《莫多克》的作者Ralph Helfer(拉尔夫·赫尔菲)创作理念和技巧(creative ideal and technique)极富个性,他曾是好莱坞知名的动物行为学家,他在书中对人与动物之间的情感作了深入的刻画。人们拿起这本书一定会感到奇怪,一头大象和一个人之间是怎么进行情感交流的呢?是什么维系着他们七十年的情感直到生命的终结呢?而我想的是,我们能不能准确地翻译和表述人与大象之间的“语言”。在进行翻译之前,我读原著,一连读了好几遍,终于找到了这个故事的灵魂——也就是莫多克和布拉姆之间与生俱来的深厚情感,它是连接这两个灵魂的纽带。书中有这样一段描写: 
  The two babies loved to feed each other。 Standing on a log, Bram would hold the jug of milk as Modoc slurped away。 Modoc’s job was much easier; she could hold the baby bottle by wrapping her trunk around it and lowering to Bram。 Sometimes she would hold it out of reach and take a quick suck on it herself, until he started to cry or yelled for his mother。 Then Modoc would hurriedly push it into Bram’s mouth, in fear of being found out。 Occasionally, in her taste, she would stick it in his ear or nose, which caused a bit of upset。 
  The first thing Bram did upon his return was run to Mo, giving her hugs and kisses。 Early on, Modoc developed a special way of showing Bram her affection。 She would put her trunk over Bram’s shoulder, snaking it around his waist, hold him tight, all the while making rumbling noises。 It looked quite protective。 
  What you have to be able to do with your Modoc is what man has been seeking for a long time。 To municate with nature through the animals。 Treasure it。 The sounds of nature are its music, its lyrics, and it es from all living things。 The subtle violin whispers of the wind in the pine forest, the howling bassoon of the violent monsoon, the clarinet of the birds, the drums of the earthquakes and volcanoes, the cymbals of the lightning and thunder, the harp of the oceans, together they play God’s song——early morning dripping of water from a night storm, the songbirds in the meadow during the sunny afternoon, the owl, the roar of a lion, the evening breezes blowing through the trees。 It is a true song。 Not a story。 Not a fable with a point made at its end。 But a song that sings within and without all living things。 
  It was a lovely day。 Summer was stealing some extra time while fall slept。 White puffs of clouds hung in the sky with seemingly no interest in moving on。 The rains had turned the countryside into a sea of green covering the hilltops。 The slopes, spotted with groves of sycamore and spruce trees, caught the runoff and were a deeper green, with splashes of purple sage, the essence of the lush valley。 The rainwater slowed and settled into the rich loam, and from it grew the emerald grass that carpeted God’s house, grass where the regal stage grazed。 In the middle of the palace’s private forest flowed the beautiful Agra, a mystical river of dark blue water。 It writhed through the forest like a giant serpent, angling through the trees, changing in width, in girth, never ending, sometimes multi…channeled, and splitting into many tributaries。 
  这是可以让人沉醉的宁静的美,可以让人忘却一切的仙境般的美,也仿佛是一种可以让人超越尘世的神秘的美。翻译这样的段落,需要的不仅是词汇,更重要的是对美的感受力和超越文字的想象力(a piercing imagination), 只有当我的头脑中形成一幅幅图画的时候,当我的心浸在泪水中的时候,我的语言才能在笔下像小溪一样流淌出来:风暴中的印度洋上,一艘船在飘摇,即将倾覆;神秘的印度森林里,月光衬出了神象阿托尔的剪影…… 
  Modoc’s eyesight had gotten worse。 She couldn’t leave the elephant barn without Bram being there to help。 
  Well, Mosie, how ya doing today, huh? Bram asked。 
  She constantly kept her trunk busy, like a man with a cane, touching all things, whether standing still, walking,meeting people, she had to touch them; it was the only way she could talk to them。 
  When Bram took her out, she moved carefully, touching as she walked, but still anything in her way was fair game。 Bram, seeing the problem, decided to solve it。 
  He put the tip of her trunk into his back belt loop。 “Now you just hang to that and I’ll be your seeing…eye person。” 
  Mo listened, swaying her head to and fro, not missing a word。 Bram said, all things need to change form to live。 When we die we change into ashes, gases, things like that。 Then they carry on until they 
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