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小说类别:科幻未来 上传者:团团 作者:未知
小说大小:321K 更新时间:2020-03-16 完结状态:全本
小说热度:8 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


Robotech: Invid InvasionBook 10 of the Robotech seriesCopyright 1987 by Jack McKinneyarranged by dayuan [ robotech zone ]PROLOGUESomewhere a queen was weeping...her children scattered; her regent a prisoner of the blood lust, at war with nature and enslaved to vengeance.But dare we presume to read her thoughts even now, to walk a path not taken-one denied to us by gates and towers our senses cannot perceive and perhaps never will?Still, it must have seemed like the answer to a prayer: A planet newly rich in the flower that was life itself, a profusion of such incredible nutrient wealth that her Sensor Nebulae had found it clear across the galaxy. A blue and white world as distant from her Optera as she was from the peaceful form her consciousness once inhabited.And yet Optera was lost to her, to half her children. Left in the care of one who had betrayed his kind, who had bee what he fo
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