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madame bovary

小说类别:文学名著 上传者:飘雪的季节 作者:未知
小说大小:649K 更新时间:2023-08-08 完结状态:全本
小说热度:10 推荐量:3 收藏量:0


Madame BovaryBy Gustave FlaubertTranslated from the French by Eleanor Marx-AvelingTo Marie-Antoine-Jules SenardMember of the Paris Bar, Ex-President of the National Assembly,and Former Minister of the InteriorDear and Illustrious Friend,Permit me to inscribe your name at the head of this book, andabove its dedication; for it is to you, before all, that I oweits publication. Reading over your magnificent defence, my workhas acquired for myself, as it were, an unexpected authority.Accept, then, here, the homage of my gratitude, which, how greatsoever it is, will never attain the height of your eloquence andyour devotion.Gustave FlaubertParis, 12 April 1857MADAME BOVARYPart IChapter OneWe were in class when the head-master came in, followed by a "newfellow," not wearing the school uniform, and a school servantcarrying a large desk. Those who had been asleep woke up, and...
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